Not possible to share the exact thought process until I give exact trades, levels etc and now I think it is not right to post all those as it is against the rules.
I can give the basic idea without going into levels, profits made etc.....As the market was in downtrend. I bought a 7900 puts....later because of my illness it was not possible for me to sit infront of the computer and monitor the trade as I was running high fever and the risk was if Gov Rajan cuts the rates by larger than expected, then the market would have taken a upswing and I would have lost on puts I sold 7600 puts just to recover some it was a debit spread using puts...
As the markets went down, I booked profits on some 7900 puts and converted the spread trade into ratio spread..( took some additional protection of deep out of money puts at small premiums just to protect in case of crash scenario )and when the market was not going down, squared off the entire position giving profits....
As it is an old trade now, the above details will be sufficient to get the idea.No great strategy or system or anything...just trade management.