General Trading Chat


Well-Known Member

That's a super doper clever decision and will keep this forum much more clear in the future compare to the past, as action can be token against any tip providers which do not have an license they can prove to the admins here and will have to pay for the advertising here in the forum in the future. Super :clap::clapping::thumb:
Dan !!

SEBI taken very good decision !!!

People run for easy money,tipster..with striking of more then 80 % ..AFL for 90% accurate signals...this signal's and tips kill there ledger !!!

People Mostly think trading is a gambling !!!,and they does'nt want to work!!

The hard fact on trading which people are unable to understand is ... Trading is the hardest easy money you will ever make
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SEBI regulation is a welcome step. It will help curb this problem of tips givers to some extent but it lacks teeth. The critaria for getting Advisors' certificate are very easy to fulfill. It has no provision of monitoring the performance of the tips given by these advisors.

It will check the mushrooming population of tips givers and also crowding of forums and social media sites by these tips givers.

A step in right direction though lot more is needed in this. But a good beginning.Our forum has to think about coming out with strict rules and implementing it firmly.



Well-Known Member
SEBI regulation is a welcome step. It will help curb this problem of tips givers to some extent but it lacks teeth. The critaria for getting Advisors' certificate are very easy to fulfill. It has no provision of monitoring the performance of the tips given by these advisors.

It will check the mushrooming population of tips givers and also crowding of forums and social media sites by these tips givers.

A step in right direction though lot more is needed in this. But a good beginning.Our forum has to think about coming out with strict rules and implementing it firmly.

Dada !!!

This forum is for education and learning as per the first post of traderji !!!

Now it is in your hand to handle this mushroom population !!
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Dada !!!

This forum is for education and learning as per the first post of traderji !!!

Now it is in your hand to handle this mushroom population !!
It should not be left with only Admins and Moderator to curb this problem. We members also need to say that we do not want tips and levels but many come to the forum not for learning but for getting levels and tips. And if some action is taken on tipsters same "innocent small traders " will say that Admin is against earning by small traders by stopping posting of levels etc....

If majority of the members put their foot down and say no forecasts, no levels, no targets we want to learn the way to trade and make money on our own, and not depend on somebody's levels....then these activities can be curtailed.

But at admin level we are thinking seriously to put a stop to all such activities..

may b this is the only forum tipsters get welcomed with gaaliyan frm memebrs and taaliyan (
) frm mods :D
Can you please elaborate what do you mean by this statement? Taaliyan from Mods ??????? No loose statements...Taaliyan in Hindi means claps...



Well-Known Member
It should not be left with only Admins and Moderator to curb this problem. We members also need to say that we do not want tips and levels but many come to the forum not for learning but for getting levels and tips. And if some action is taken on tipsters same "innocent small traders " will say that Admin is against earning by small traders by stopping posting of levels etc....

If majority of the members put their foot down and say no forecasts, no levels, no targets we want to learn the way to trade and make money on our own, and not depend on somebody's levels....then these activities can be curtailed.

But at admin level we are thinking seriously to put a stop to all such activities..

Dada !!!

When ever a level is put !! or forecast is there !! members are asking to post the chart !!

There reply is "we stopped posting charts !!!" or " iam not willing tell my system"

in that case it is the admin action that is neccesary !!! but iam not finding that !!

watch few previous post in this thread ...on 28 th Nov'14
yeah, clap(slap)on face :D
You used the word means that Mods are welcoming tipsters with claps...Mods want to end this problem but we cannot act without valid evidence. From my last posts we just got 1 pm from a member saying so and so is misusing forum platform and he had his website address in a post which was more than 1 year that speaks about who is welcoming/tolerating tipsters...

Dada !!!

When ever a level is put !! or forecast is there !! members are asking to post the chart !!

There reply is "we stopped posting charts !!!" or " iam not willing tell my system"

in that case it is the admin action that is neccesary !!! but iam not finding that !!

watch few previous post in this thread ...on 28 th Nov'14
Admin cannot take any action if somebody says he wont post it is entirely up the person to post or not. Also a person is free to disclose or not disclose his system. But when he makes a forecast of precise levels he has to give why and how of his forecasts. But people are interested in " see how my level is reached...." type of posts...


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