General Trading Chat


Well-Known Member
It is good if a member posts a method or a teqnique for buy/sell but many times members post that they have bought here and sold there.....and made so much money....I am inviting members views on the following :

1) When a person claims that he has bought and sold at a level, does he need to give evidence unless he posts in real time ? . Or shall we stop all I bought here and sold there type of posts ??

2) When the post is a method then the trader may not have taken all the trades on that method so he need not post trades evidence.

3) When a member posts model trades on a fully disclosed method, he may or maynot have taken all trades as per those model trades. But that post must carry a heading of Model trades not actual trades.This will help people understand what are model trades as per that method but a member posting wont get a chance to boast . We find that most of the tipsters use this route for attracting clients who think that the person has taken all the trades so he wants tips from him.

4) If we make such rules, then members posting levels etc without evidence will have to stop ...are members ready to accept the same ??

Let us get feedback from members so that we can make some rules regarding the same. Feedback should be in the form of guiding principle and not fight and personal accusations by anyone.


My feed back to your questions !!!

1) When a person claims that he has bought and sold at a level, does he need to give evidence unless he posts in real time ? . Or shall we stop all I bought here and sold there type of posts ??

Ans) yes !!!need to give evidence or just stop the posts

2) When the post is a method then the trader may not have taken all the trades on that method so he need not post trades evidence.

Ans)Yes need not post evidence !!

3) When a member posts model trades on a fully disclosed method, he may or maynot have taken all trades as per those model trades. But that post must carry a heading of Model trades not actual trades.This will help people understand what are model trades as per that method but a member posting wont get a chance to boast . We find that most of the tipsters use this route for attracting clients who think that the person has taken all the trades so he wants tips from him.

Ans) Agreed

4) If we make such rules, then members posting levels etc without evidence will have to stop ...are members ready to accept the same ??

Ans) yes!! iam ready to accept !!!
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Well-Known Member
IMO one can get the info about strategy when looking chart snd trdes which markeked on chart ...if one is really learning trading...for me I post my charts with only markings which helps me myself for keeping my trades journel....if any one follow my charts as a rel learner he can get what I trade...we not trade for others clapping/thankings etc :)..IMO every trader makes mistakes...also its not necessery respond every members openions and other requests in public views
Vjay Bro !!!

You are good contributor to the forum..and your charts helps to learn !!...
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Well-Known Member
Admin cannot take any action if somebody says he wont post it is entirely up the person to post or not. Also a person is free to disclose or not disclose his system. But when he makes a forecast of precise levels he has to give why and how of his forecasts. But people are interested in " see how my level is reached...." type of posts...

Dada !!!

There post/s of levels are useless to the forum(This is my personal opinion) !!!
My request is to change the rules to put a clause to disclose the chart or method,if majority members are willing !!!
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Well-Known Member
Views on your questions: 1. No 2. yes 3. yes poster must tell Model trades or actual trades 4. No

Maybe I am talking too much, hope you don't mind ("choti mooh...").

Being too strict and asking for "evidence" may stop many good traders from posting as it's a hassle for them while scamsters will spend time to fool public. Scamsters will get any kind of evidence (genuine or fake) that is required by TJ rules.

A clearly commercial person posting "bought here and sold there" can be dealt with by warning/ban etc.
A non-commercial person posting "bought here and sold there" can be ignored by those not interested in such posts. Maybe they don't want to disclose their system or posting for ego reasons. Trying to be too strict will be counter productive and same rules will prevent posts by many good people. Egotistic persons will go to any extent to manipulate the system. Impossible to stop them all.

I could be wrong but in my view the real question/agenda should be: How to retain and attract talented posters?
You started a thread with title "Happy Independence..." with this topic. It did not get the attention it deserves because of title maybe. Please restart the topic (with new thread title "How to retain and attract talented posters?") and lets see what comes out of it.

Many good people are either hounded out or provoked to fighting and banned and they don't come back whereas bad people even if banned simply come back with new id and new methods of creating disturbance. Some good people seeing all this negative environment do not come forward to post their methods. Slowly loosing all the good people. Is TJ bleeding talent ???

TraderDude went out of this forum started his own site and spent a lot of his personal time helping others with methods/charts etc. A very helpful person was lost by us.
Pratap's thread...., well you know it.
Many others come to mind ...
I wonder why Niranjanam (and several other PA/DP traders) did not start his thread on DP trading here. He freely shared his method, posts charts with his trades and explanations, answers all queries. Maybe he has his own reasons, but...How to retain and attract people like these is the real question. A thriving community with many people like these is what we need. A little bit of crap/attention seekers will always be there, we can ignore/tolerate it.

QUOTE=gsam;709324]Very often this happens in this forum. Someone tries to share their knowledge and others who think they know everything interrupt the flow and talk crap till the person leaves the forum with their knowledge intact. The loss is for people like me. I request you to please stay away if there is nothing here for you to learn!! Just remember, no one is obligated to teach you or me anything. A fellow trader can share what they want and not share what they dont want to.[/QUOTE]

QUOTE=TraderDude;709388]I can understand queries ,disagreements and debates , but when someone attacks you in public forum , and you have to defend your self every time. This for me is very time consuming and throws me off track and disrupts my mood. I simply do not have the time or the energy to deal with this every time.[/QUOTE]

It is good if a member posts a method or a teqnique for buy/sell but many times members post that they have bought here and sold there.....and made so much money....I am inviting members views on the following :

1) When a person claims that he has bought and sold at a level, does he need to give evidence unless he posts in real time ? . Or shall we stop all I bought here and sold there type of posts ??

2) When the post is a method then the trader may not have taken all the trades on that method so he need not post trades evidence.

3) When a member posts model trades on a fully disclosed method, he may or maynot have taken all trades as per those model trades. But that post must carry a heading of Model trades not actual trades.This will help people understand what are model trades as per that method but a member posting wont get a chance to boast . We find that most of the tipsters use this route for attracting clients who think that the person has taken all the trades so he wants tips from him.

4) If we make such rules, then members posting levels etc without evidence will have to stop ...are members ready to accept the same ??

Let us get feedback from members so that we can make some rules regarding the same. Feedback should be in the form of guiding principle and not fight and personal accusations by anyone.



Well-Known Member
Does this mean I or any member cant share his opinion on a stock or index over here. Nor can he expect views from anyone else.

SEBI regulation is a welcome step. It will help curb this problem of tips givers to some extent but it lacks teeth. The critaria for getting Advisors' certificate are very easy to fulfill. It has no provision of monitoring the performance of the tips given by these advisors.

It will check the mushrooming population of tips givers and also crowding of forums and social media sites by these tips givers.

A step in right direction though lot more is needed in this. But a good beginning.Our forum has to think about coming out with strict rules and implementing it firmly.



Well-Known Member
It is good if a member posts a method or a teqnique for buy/sell but many times members post that they have bought here and sold there.....and made so much money....I am inviting members views on the following :

1) When a person claims that he has bought and sold at a level, does he need to give evidence unless he posts in real time ? . Or shall we stop all I bought here and sold there type of posts ??

2) When the post is a method then the trader may not have taken all the trades on that method so he need not post trades evidence.

3) When a member posts model trades on a fully disclosed method, he may or maynot have taken all trades as per those model trades. But that post must carry a heading of Model trades not actual trades.This will help people understand what are model trades as per that method but a member posting wont get a chance to boast . We find that most of the tipsters use this route for attracting clients who think that the person has taken all the trades so he wants tips from him.

4) If we make such rules, then members posting levels etc without evidence will have to stop ...are members ready to accept the same ??

Let us get feedback from members so that we can make some rules regarding the same. Feedback should be in the form of guiding principle and not fight and personal accusations by anyone.

Hi ST Da
Tough I am a junior member.seniors know better..but My opinion is
1)Yes he needs to give evidences.without evidence we should not allow any person to forecast or give levels.
2) if he post the chart or method.he doesnt need to post any evidence
3)he can post as model trades ..if he mention, actual trade, then he should mention evidence...but we are ok with model trades
4) Ya ready to accept that..

As we discussed earlier also, object of traderji is learning & sharing trading ..this forum is not for boasting, showing prediction abilities ,showing arrogance ets etc..
ONLY object should be learning & sharing trading knowledge..we dont want that somebody catch a fish for us...just teach us how to catch a fish..we will find not one, but many fishes, if you teach a method.
so WE should maintain main objective of Traderji.WE TRADERS are not intrested..where to buy or where to sell?!..we want to know WHY TO BUY /SELL? & HOW TO BUY/SELL? not to which buy/sell on which level.


Well-Known Member
The question When a person post a chart on a security, explains a method and specifies whether it is expected to up or down.He is giving an opinion a security.
As per the above posts Only research analyst can do that so doesnt that mean no charts, no opinion, no long-short discussions. All we can do is post jokes here....


Well-Known Member
Hi ST Da
Tough I am a junior member.seniors know better..but My opinion is
1)Yes he needs to give evidences.without evidence we should not allow any person to forecast or give levels.
2) if he post the chart or method.he doesnt need to post any evidence
3)he can post as model trades ..if he mention, actual trade, then he should mention evidence...but we are ok with model trades
4) Ya ready to accept that..

As we discussed earlier also, object of traderji is learning & sharing trading ..this forum is not for boasting, showing prediction abilities ,showing arrogance ets etc..
ONLY object should be learning & sharing trading knowledge..we dont want that somebody catch a fish for us...just teach us how to catch a fish..we will find not one, but many fishes, if you teach a method.
so WE should maintain main objective of Traderji.WE TRADERS are not intrested..where to buy or where to sell?!..we want to know WHY TO BUY /SELL? & HOW TO BUY/SELL? not to which buy/sell on which level.
I'm 100% agreeing with you !!! only purpose of TJ is learning ...if they does'nt want to share ...then there is no need to post levels..because these are useless...for people...
if no body wants to share and they can write there predictions !!! then what is the exact purpose of TJ !!!:confused:


Well-Known Member
Views on your questions: 1. No 2. yes 3. yes poster must tell Model trades or actual trades 4. No

Maybe I am talking too much, hope you don't mind ("choti mooh...").
Raghuveer I am agree with you completelly except 1 or 2 points.Hope you will not mind.I am just a learner as you.and can understand your concern.I would like to mention some points in a very friendly environment.
Being too strict and asking for "evidence" may stop many good traders from posting as it's a hassle for them while scamsters will spend time to fool public. Why its hassel for good traders? if they dont post chart or dont tell the reason of trade or tell the method or post a chart.or even write the reason of trade..what should anybody learn from those posts..somebody said I buy here & sold there..why Anbybody intrested in knowing where you buy or sell? that person should start a blog of his own, he will get many fan of those levels there , but WE are not intrested.
why should it be hassel for good traders...We dont need evidence if they post reason or chart or a method, they can write a single line also for the reason of trade, thats enough..what a hassel for them

Scamsters will get any kind of evidence (genuine or fake) that is required by TJ rules. how scamsters get false your real trades, if you dont want to reveal method.otherwise What the reason to beilive them..How can they show real trades without taking them..?

A clearly commercial person posting "bought here and sold there" can be dealt with by warning/ban etc. completelly agreed

A non-commercial person posting "bought here and sold there" can be ignored by those not interested in such posts. Maybe they don't want to disclose their system or posting for ego reasons. Trying to be too strict will be counter productive and same rules will prevent posts by many good people. Egotistic persons will go to any extent to manipulate the system. Impossible to stop them all. we can not be it creates conflicts & break the flow of good post..but why anybody intrested in such posts..some new traders want to earn money from those levels..but trust me, in long run , your own learning will only be beneficial for that..levels can not teach you anything..if somebody dont want to reveal their method, its ok..we dont want to know his method...but we either not intrested in his levels also..If somebody posting for ego reasons, so We are not here to massaging ego of those persons..for ego reason ,he can choose another path..I really dont understand, in this virtual world, what people will do that with appreciation /praise..go in real world & take appreciation..
Why it is counter productive for good traders...the first thing I want to see in a good trader is lacking of we learned that ego is the biggest enemy of traders..good traders doesnt beilive in ego..they all share & learn also..I have seen some very good threads by ST sir, Saint, raghav, anil ji,avny & many more etc..who share their ideas, methods, & we learn a lot with them..they dont give us any levels & when to buy or sell..they tell us WHY to BUY/SELL...HOW to buy /sell..& I dont think those good traders have any problems sharing their model trades..we are not expecting proof in model trades..than whats a hassel!

I could be wrong but in my view the real question/agenda should be: How to retain and attract talented posters? I am complettly agree with u..I am completelly agree with you..I am completely agree with you..this point is important, thats why I agree with it 3 times
You started a thread with title "Happy Independence..." with this topic. It did not get the attention it deserves because of title maybe. Please restart the topic (with new thread title "How to retain and attract talented posters?") and lets see what comes out of it.
Many good people are either hounded out or provoked to fighting and banned and they don't come back whereas bad people even if banned simply come back with new id and new methods of creating disturbance. Some good people seeing all this negative environment do not come forward to post their methods. Slowly loosing all the good people. Is TJ bleeding talent ???
completelly agreed

TraderDude went out of this forum started his own site and spent a lot of his personal time helping others with methods/charts etc. A very helpful person was lost by us.
Pratap's thread...., well you know it.
Many others come to mind ...
completelly agreed
I wonder why Niranjanam (and several other PA/DP traders) did not start his thread on DP trading here. He freely shared his method, posts charts with his trades and explanations, answers all queries. Maybe he has his own reasons, but...How to retain and attract people like these is the real question. A thriving community with many people like these is what we need. AGREED
A little bit of crap/attention seekers will always be there, we can ignore/tolerate it.
No we should not tolerate If you observed, there are many good threads just 1-2 years back & so many teachers was there..but i was not in forum..those people were lucky & forum was in a golden time..threads run just by teaching & we could prepare of pdf of that thread as text book of trading ..but from when I joined last year, I have not seen MANY threads who regularly run to teach..there are very few, even they stopped..tell me at present time, how many teachrs are here & how many teach regularly or tell any thread which is going continuslly like it used to be some years back ( except some threads)

QUOTE=gsam;709324]Very often this happens in this forum. Someone tries to share their knowledge and others who think they know everything interrupt the flow and talk crap till the person leaves the forum with their knowledge intact. The loss is for people like me. I request you to please stay away if there is nothing here for you to learn!! Just remember, no one is obligated to teach you or me anything. A fellow trader can share what they want and not share what they dont want to.
QUOTE=TraderDude;709388]I can understand queries ,disagreements and debates , but when someone attacks you in public forum , and you have to defend your self every time. This for me is very time consuming and throws me off track and disrupts my mood. I simply do not have the time or the energy to deal with this every time.[/QUOTE][/QUOTE]

So Raghuveer Bhai, please take my all comment in right spirit..I am a learner like you only..but I am really not learning much from prsent environent of traderji..we all here for learnign here..& we learn somethng of our own, we can share here..I want just 2 things from this forum..If we cant get those 2 objects, why are we here? Even I am not intrested to trade on other's TIPS..I am telling you very frankly, I am not a profitable trader , rather say a LOOSER trader...& los a huge amount n trading..But STILL I dont want to earn a single penny from any tips, even if it comes by the most profitable & exprienced trader...For learning, I am even ready to learn from a newbie also..thats my view..others view can be different & I dont want to argue on this
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Well-Known Member
The question When a person post a chart on a security, explains a method and specifies whether it is expected to up or down.He is giving an opinion a security.
As per the above posts Only research analyst can do that so doesnt that mean no charts, no opinion, no long-short discussions. All we can do is post jokes here....
No Lemondew Bhai
person can post a chart on a security, explains a method & specifies also whether its expected to go/down ..with a its not ONLY OPINION, he is teaching something revealing his reason for trade..
everybody can express opinions but with a reason

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