General Trading Chat


Well-Known Member
Have I understood wrongly. Forget predictions. By posting a graph and say some EMAs and showing some setups. The moment we say a long or short set up. Arent we expressing an opinion or point of view "any person who makes public appearance or makes a recommendation or offers an opinion concerning securities or public offers through public media has to disclose his name, registration status and details of financial interest in the subject company and he shall comply with the provisions of Regulations 16 and 17.”" So only an analyst can give trade setups. So does this mean to write any methods in traderji you need to be an analyst because only an analyst can give view points on securities?

I'm 100% agreeing with you !!! only purpose of TJ is learning ...if they does'nt want to share ...then there is no need to post levels..because these are useless...for people...
if no body wants to share and they can write there predictions !!! then what is the exact purpose of TJ !!!:confused:
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Well-Known Member
Even with a reason an opinion is still a opinion. I dont understand it clearly...

No Lemondew Bhai
person can post a chart on a security, explains a method & specifies also whether its expected to go/down ..with a its not ONLY OPINION, he is teaching something revealing his reason for trade..
everybody can express opinions but with a reason


Well-Known Member
Have I understood wrongly. Forget predictions. By posting a graph and say some EMAs and showing some setups. The moment we say a long or short set up. Arent we expressing an opinion or point of view "any person who makes public appearance or makes a recommendation or offers an opinion concerning securities or public offers through public media has to disclose his name, registration status and details of financial interest in the subject company and he shall comply with the provisions of Regulations 16 and 17.”" So only an analyst can give trade setups. So does this mean to write any methods in traderji you need to be an analyst because only an analyst can give view points on securities?
I'm pointing towards niftytaurus post..not telling any thing about SEBI rules !!

Opinion with reasons helps to learn !!!..ST da discussed several setups..some may work and others may not !! ,but it helps to learn.

More over lets say NIFTY will reach 8725 ...(no chart/method)..what is the use of this single line post !!!:confused:

I think you got my point clear !!!
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Well-Known Member
Thats true I am more worried about sebi rules. Are they telling "I am going to dictate who can give opinions on securities an indexes" Does this mean people who post here have to get a licence. I guess no one other than a person who wants to work as a tipster will get that licence

I'm pointing towards niftytaurus post..not telling any thing about SEBI rules !!

Opinion with reasons helps to learn !!!..ST da discussed several setups..some may work and other may not !! ,but it helps to learn.

More over lets say NIFTY will reach 8725 ...(no chart/method)..what is the use of this single line post !!!:confused:

I think you got my point clear !!!


Well-Known Member
But these Gut instinct or Just a feeling type of advisors wont be able to post in public forum unless they have SEBI registration and comply with all reporting and inspection provisions.

Text of SEBI Regulation :

My understanding of this SEBI pdf is that it does not apply to most people, posters in forums. I am just a lay person (not a lawyer, advisor etc) so I could be wrong, just an opinion of mine.

As per pdf only below types of people cannot post/comment/advise without registration etc.

These new rules apply to:
(g) "fund manager" includes fund managers of a mutual fund or alternative
investment fund or venture capital fund or portfolio manager;
(h) "independent research analyst" means a person whose only business activity is research analysis or preparation and/or publication of research report;
(j) "investment adviser" means any person registered under Securities and
Exchange Board of India (Investment Advisers) Regulations, 2013;
(k) “limited liability partnership” means a partnership formed and registered
under The Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2008(6 of 2009);
(l) “merchant banking or investment banking or brokerage services” includes,-
(p) "proxy adviser” means any person who provide advice, through any means, to institutional investor or shareholder of a company, in relation to exercise of their rights in the company including recommendations on public offer or voting recommendation on agenda items;
(t) "relative" means a person as defined in sub section (77) of section 2 of the
Companies Act, 2013 and who is financially dependent on independent
research analyst or individual research analyst employed by research entity;
(u) “research analyst” means a person who is primarily responsible for,-
i. preparation or publication of the content of the research report; or
ii. providing research report; or
iii. making 'buy/sell/hold' recommendation; or
iv. giving price target; or
v. offering an opinion concerning public offer,
with respect to securities that are listed or to be listed in a stock exchange,
whether or not any such person has the job title of 'research analyst' and
includes any other entities engaged in issuance of research report or
research analysis.
Explanation.-The term also includes any associated person who reports
directly or indirectly to such a research analyst in connection with activities
provided above;
(v) "research entity" means an intermediary registered with Board who is also
engaged in merchant banking or investment banking or brokerage services
or underwriting services and issue research report or research analysis in its
own name through the individuals employed by it as research analyst and
includes any other intermediary engaged in issuance of research report or
research analysis;
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Well-Known Member
Thats true I am more worried about sebi rules. Are they telling "I am going to dictate who can give opinions on securities an indexes" Does this mean people who post here have to get a licence. I guess no one other than a person who wants to work as a tipster will get that licence
Yes !! They should dictate what are the standards to tipservice companies / is right step for the safety of the traders community !!!

Say a Doctors education is Governed by ALL INDIA MEDICAL COUNCIL norms !!!
This will have a major impact on trading forums. Even commenting on a stock could be interpreted as a directional reccomendation.
The broker threads, educational stuff and 100% copy paster threads will continue.
Trading diaries and daytrading comments are over.
It is good if a member posts a method or a teqnique for buy/sell but many times members post that they have bought here and sold there.....and made so much money....I am inviting members views on the following :

1) When a person claims that he has bought and sold at a level, does he need to give evidence unless he posts in real time ? . Or shall we stop all I bought here and sold there type of posts ??

Yes, he needs to (should) post evidence, even he posts in real time, (posting in real time doesnt indicate that he has actually taken the trade) unless he posts that he is not taking the trade (may be due to any reason) Or Admin should stop all sorts of gimmicks indicating it, like good day, very good day, earned a lot, truck load of money, ledger in green etc etc.

2) When the post is a method then the trader may not have taken all the trades on that method so he need not post trades evidence.

When the post is a method (ie in the course of explaining a method) then he need not (should specify it), but if he enters a trade on that method and wish to show that trade in the log after market, then he should post evidence.

3) When a member posts model trades on a fully disclosed method, he may or maynot have taken all trades as per those model trades. But that post must carry a heading of Model trades not actual trades.This will help people understand what are model trades as per that method but a member posting wont get a chance to boast . We find that most of the tipsters use this route for attracting clients who think that the person has taken all the trades so he wants tips from him.

When he posts model trades on any system then he need not, but he should specifically mention that there are model trades and not real trades, so that he cant claim these trades to be real trades at a later stage.

4) If we make such rules, then members posting levels etc without evidence will have to stop ...are members ready to accept the same ??

Here we are mixing level posting (that may not be allowed in any forum, blog etc by any unqualified person, in the future scenario of the SEBI rule) and trades taken.

(In case allowed, let us say) For example, suppose I post some levels for a scrip or some scrips, it is not necessary or possible for me (many reasons may be there, for not entering the trade), that I will take all the trades for the levels posted and so how can I post evidence for that.

Just my suggestion, If you (I mean admin) want to stop level posting then admin should make rule that No posting of any type of levels, is allowed in any thread, including trade diary threads etc without any valid reasoning or valid explanation, by any means, directly or indirectly

Let us get feedback from members so that we can make some rules regarding the same. Feedback should be in the form of guiding principle and not fight and personal accusations by anyone.

My answers and suggestions are in blue above. I am neither pointing to anyone above, nor dictating any terms, so one should not take it personal

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