General Trading Chat


Well-Known Member
Yes I have heard u say that before as well. Looks like its that phase where most stocks have clicked in last 6 months and seems like its going to be so for a while. The stock pickers are now wizards and are smiling. Stock experts seem to be becoming hot property.

Everybody is a market wizard in bull market.But when the tide turns, people investing in sub 20 stocks will lose their capital and the fund manager will run away. Every bull market breeds such great fund managers and his ignorant clients who won't know what these companies do and how they perform.



Well-Known Member
overall stock volumes i dont know, Read this, So atleast MF investments are improving.
As on 2014-15, there were approx 2.4 crore demat accounts in CDSL and NSDL combined. Now if we account for the multiple demat for same person ( or in the name of families ) unique account holders would be far less. So we have a long way to go as far as equity penetration is concerned.. the only silver lining, as you rightly said , is the MF segments,,but there also major chunk is for the debt markets ...


Well-Known Member
Xray bro,

Long time back you posted a post marking few points ..."So What if you Miss a Trade and many more ...."

Could not find it ,If you have saved somewhere please share it once again was nice booster for traders.
I think this is what you want !!!


I missed the trade…SO WHAT!

This trade did not work…SO WHAT!

I excited a profitable trade too early…SO WHAT!

I excited with a loss too quickly…SO WHAT!

My stock gapped against me…SO WHAT!

The stock recovered without me…SO WHAT!

A stock I was bullish on was downgraded by an Analyst…SO WHAT!

A stock I was bearish on was upgraded by an Analyst…SO WHAT!

The market is not trending…SO WHAT!

The market is consolidating…SO WHAT!

The market is breaking support…SO WHAT!

The market is busting out of resistance…SO WHAT!

The economy stinks but the market is going higher…SO WHAT!

SO now do you understand WHAT makes these words so powerful? They allow you to get on to the next trade or, shall we say, the next ONE GOOD TRADE!


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