General Trading Chat


Well-Known Member
I along with 3 other friends bought. 1.25 acres of land with each of us contributing Rs 30,000 some 20 years ago.The idea was all of us being engineers ,if we have to start our own manufacturing unit,we will need land.

The prices in that area started appreciating and the nuisance of local goons started increasing,we had to shell out large amounts as Chanda for local festivals etc....then one day we came to know that one lady in the village had encroached on 1/2 an acre of our land .We approached the village leaders but later came to know that the lady was a keep of those leaders so nothing will happen.We wanted to sell the land and found a buyer but the buyer said you sort out the encroachment then only he will buy.You won't believe ,we had to make gift deed and gift 1/2 acre to the lady by subdivision,give a lunch to all villagers and then we could sell remaining 0.75 acres.We still made good profit on our investment but if that land we could keep,that would be worth a few crores today,but it is not our cup of tea.

That was my first and last investing adventure in land investment.


Real estate gives very sour experience to ordinary people :mad:

Thank God!!! :D Once method and discipline is fixed,Stock market is there to build wealth Jai ho Nifty !!!! :clapping:


Well-Known Member
Real estate gives very sour experience to ordinary people :mad:

Thank God!!! :D Once method and discipline is fixed,Stock market is there to build wealth Jai ho Nifty !!!! :clapping:
This is big -ve for land investment but gains there are really great... I know someone who invested 50 thousand in 2000 and sold it for 26 lakhs last year... awesome gains :)


Well-Known Member
for me, pi, ztrader, kite, all were down including their phones being busy in the morning now fine.
This is the most awesome future of zerodha :lol: !!! left this fellow long ago..


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Dr. Shah,

Sentiments is captured in the price. The outlook for the script is bearish, considering that two plants are banned from exports to US, and the import alert hits the nail on the coffin with the third.... Better to stay away from this script, as the fundamentals, technicals and news are all negative in my view.... (Stock will tank further)

Would not the inherent value of call be 100+ time and volatility. ( I am talking about Friday close)

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