General Trading Chat

For working for poor and common man one does not have to be a poor and common man himselfexactly-else he will always be part of prob not of solution,he needs sensitivity to the problems of common people. For helping common man you have to be in position of strength....very few people like Baba Amteits depends on one's perception whether he is part of the prob or solution will decide have worked for common man with he himself being most common man .

If one is sensitive to common man's problems he can use his position and power for constructive work which will help common man of our country...people like Narayan Murty,Bill and Melinda Gates are in the position of strength and so they can use their resources for uplifting the poor and common to work for this common men first you have to be part of a few - simple
i remember a film "a Wednesday", till the time hero was part of herd he suffered the moment he became part of a few he made them suffered.
same is trading till the time u r part of herd u will loose


Well-Known Member
For working for poor and common man one does not have to be a poor and common man himself,he needs sensitivity to the problems of common people. For helping common man you have to be in position of strength....very few people like Baba Amte have worked for common man with he himself being most common man .

If one is sensitive to common man's problems he can use his position and power for constructive work which will help common man of our country...people like Narayan Murty,Bill and Melinda Gates are in the position of strength and so they can use their resources for uplifting the poor and common persons.

That is why Gandhiji is the Man of the millennium and not anyone else :clapping:


Well-Known Member
Look like discussion going on about dream land where poor will have own house on 6% interest bank loan.
Instead of house (they will some how manage in their small asbestos house) agar free hospital facility & proper doctor () hota (then great).


Well-Known Member
Proof of the pudding is in....eating...

Any drastic measure, when undertaken, have to be termed 'success' or 'failure' after we allow a reasonable period of time pass by...

When surgical strike was undertaken in POK, I wrote in this forum... that if it helps in deterring possible future terrorist activities in our country, it would be called 'successful' and 'effective'... this can't be just measured in terms of how many camps had been destroyed or how many got killed.... though it is too early to comment, initial indication is that strike has done little to deter the Pak-sponsored extremists.. and number of strikes as well as border exchanges have only increased....

Similarly, the effectiveness of this currency 'strike' have to be measured after at least six months .. as of now it seems only the poor and middle class have been hit..but again we need to pass a judgement after some time and taking into cognizance two main factors ... 1. How much black money have been caught... & more importantly..2. How does it prevent circulation of black money in the future....

p.s : yesterday went to see a reputed doctor in my city.. he refused to take payment by card, though his chamber had the machine... he took cash, without receipt.. I have already tweeted this issue to PMo, FinMin and ITO....


Well-Known Member
Rally means Parliament will function :)
What is the use of all the money and the property.Greed has no boundaries.

One should aspire for good life,few necessities like a good house to live,bank balance for financial independe and we should do our duties in life with full commitment. But once one achieves all that then your assets and bank balance is just a figure in your balance sheet and bank passbooks.The happiness is much beyond that...happiness does not come from money and wealth alone though we need money for a good life.

Nice rally after Sequential buy set up completion....for the timebeing atleast the market is ignoring or have factored all the known bad news like Fed Rate,Loksabha not functioning,Aakrosh Diwas rallies....

PM is likely to come to the Parliament today and participate in the debate and also answer the various points raised.Hope with that the Parliament will function and business of passing various bills is taken up.



Well-Known Member
Proof of the pudding is in....eating...

Any drastic measure, when undertaken, have to be termed 'success' or 'failure' after we allow a reasonable period of time pass by...

When surgical strike was undertaken in POK, I wrote in this forum... that if it helps in deterring possible future terrorist activities in our country, it would be called 'successful' and 'effective'... this can't be just measured in terms of how many camps had been destroyed or how many got killed.... though it is too early to comment, initial indication is that strike has done little to deter the Pak-sponsored extremists.. and number of strikes as well as border exchanges have only increased....

Similarly, the effectiveness of this currency 'strike' have to be measured after at least six months .. as of now it seems only the poor and middle class have been hit..but again we need to pass a judgement after some time and taking into cognizance two main factors ... 1. How much black money have been caught... & more importantly..2. How does it prevent circulation of black money in the future....

p.s : yesterday went to see a reputed doctor in my city.. he refused to take payment by card, though his chamber had the machine... he took cash, without receipt.. I have already tweeted this issue to PMo, FinMin and ITO....
You should have said I cannot pay in cash and walked out. unless he informed you before starting the treatment that he accepts cash only.

Shame him on twitter and boycott him.

Same thing happened to me in a Hotel couple of years ago me and my father were present. We had a family function we booked entire floor.
We had a relatively large bill 40k I gave my credit card he is like no sir can't take it I was like what?? .. the machine is right their, sir the machine is not working line is dead ..
My father is like ok lets go get cash. I said no I pay by credit card only. Come and contact me when the machine is working.
Immediately machine started working and transaction done.

This is what Modiji fighting for.

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