General Trading Chat

Post #51050 at 12.28pm (image deleted now) ……. of SBIN 5min TF …..
there a buy signal in that image at 11.30am ……. happy feeling ….. to see myself right live in TJ :p (but that’s not my intension)

oops forgot I have never been wrong with my analysis in TJ :D
nice. good..
SPX at an all time high

what about DJI
can say for sure
but my system showing an high of 20140 (minimum)
DJI is currently at 20128
wow !!!!!!!!!!

DJI at all time high
high so far 20198
not very behind to my 20218, as per my system, divulged 3 days ago.
SGX Nifty (Feb 9) 8,825.50 +24.50

Lagta hai

Today bulls will have feast
will have barbecue

errrr... sorry

not barbecue but bearbecue :D :lol:
That time Govt bear the subsidy..Now no subsidy..
Think now price of petrol/diesel in @150 USD in Rs,, when USD INR @70 or even 80.. without any subsidy...3 times from now..Rs 200+ petrol, 170+ diesel per liter,..
it will puncture everything..Tyre to economy..:lol:
you are ballooning the price (conversion) issue out of proportion, without knowing (or knowing but) the calculations.


Well-Known Member
positonal long level held both today (8732.5) and yesterday (8727.55)


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