Going With The 60min Flow!!!

Which Futures do u all trade with real Money?

  • MiniNifty

    Votes: 28 40.6%
  • Nifty

    Votes: 50 72.5%
  • Aban

    Votes: 16 23.2%
  • L&T

    Votes: 18 26.1%
  • Hdil

    Votes: 6 8.7%
  • JP asso

    Votes: 6 8.7%
  • RIL

    Votes: 5 7.2%
  • Relcap

    Votes: 11 15.9%
  • Suzlon

    Votes: 6 8.7%
  • Educomp

    Votes: 8 11.6%

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Re: Going with the 60min Flow!!

By the way...a sell was triggered as per his system on all time frames yesterday.
Yep as of 60min NF.....

Re: Going with the 60min Flow!!

Previous support for nifty was at 4914. it was broken today.
now the nifty is again trying to touch that figure. will this support be maintained today?
please express your views?
Re: Going with the 60min Flow!!

saint when you have time pls answer this question posted along with the chart ... also between tl and pivots which according to you is more important(personally i have been working all along with tl not pivots)
That depends Rajaram on the time frame that you are trading..........are you trading the 60min charts or the daily charts.

Daily charts:Short below 4923.

Hourly charts:Short below 5106.

So far,the hourly downtrend is still on.


ps:pivots always over Trendlines.....Trendlines have their uses though,an area to get out partially once cracked.But does not indicate a change in trend till pivots crack.
Re: Going with the 60min Flow!!

Previous support for nifty was at 4914. it was broken today.
now the nifty is again trying to touch that figure. will this support be maintained today?
please express your views?
Ah,Shirurkar,my views don't matter.......Follow the trend,Trade the Pivots till a previous pivot high is broken.A downtrend is a downtrend till it no more is one.Keep holding shorts till previous pivot highs are broken.

This support may hold......or it may not.The next support may hold.......or it may not.Best to give up the focus on supports and resistances if you are trading trends.........find a way to follow the trend instead.



Well-Known Member
Re: Going with the 60min Flow!!

So far we have focussed on keeping ourselves on the right side of the trend.........we have got in and out of daily charts using the Weekly as Perspective.We have traded the Weekly with the monthly as perspective....and many trade the intradays with the 60 as perspective.

The 60min chart is always the referral chart,intraday traders use them as perspective.Daily chart traders use them to fine tune an entry........And then there are some of us who enjoy trading the 60min chart.Very simple stuff,not easy,but simple...........If you have the mindset to need to catch tops and bottoms so that you can sleep better at nights,or boast to your golfing buddies,then this ain't for you,my friend......the 60min trader cares two hoots in finding tops and bottoms.If you are the type that looks at P/L and gets fidgety as profits rise and have this urgent need to book them all,then this thread ain't gonna help you as well.If you have a mind that is rational,logical,analytical.........probably this thread would be of yawn stuff.........This thread is for the simpleton who goes long in an uptrend in the 60 and goes short in a dntrend on the 60......no great reasoning,no scientific theories,nothing to boast to your neighbour about.

This thread is for that simple minded person who can trade the Now,and keep the "I" out of the trade.

The 60min Trend Trade::Very simple........we trade the 60min chart only.No perspective charts here.No looking at trends on higher time frames.We buy previous pivot highs on the 60,we hold,and we exit once previous pivot lows are broken,and we go short,We hold,and then cover and go long once previous pivot highs are taken out.It's an always-in-the-trade type of trade.............There is no analysis here,no thinking,just going with the flow up and down.......the only work done is position sizing,maybe adding to positions,one keeps one's mind away from opinionating about the larger time frames........One just doesn't care anymore.A larger time frame crash will involve you into it,a euphoric rise up will have you in it,the frustrating sideways will probably get you in and out a few times but would be reduced if stops are placed in the right zones.........

As said before,one therefore just goes with the Flow...........things are kept very simple.I go long because the previous 60min pivot high is taken out,I exit and go short because the previous pivot lows are taken out,and vice versa.

Trade Smaller and Longer is the way out here.........I have a stop at previous pivot lows and stop is Rs60 away......I do my Position Sizing,and Rs12k is the risk I am prepared to take,therefore I buy 200,or 4NF lots.However juicy and yummy that pattern may be,I am getting in with 4 lots because my Trading Plan says so.

Add's as always at newer pivot highs with stops raised to latest pivot lows.....think it's a bit boring to repeat all of this......

To reiterate once more:



ENTRY:When the latest pivot high is taken out,enter long.When the latest pivot low is taken out,enter short.

EXIT:If initial stop is taken out.........If previous pivot lows in an uptrend are taken out,exit longs and go short.If previous pivot highs are taken out in a dntrend,exit shorts and go long.

When charts get vertical,steep-ish gradient,put stops at previous 2 bar low,exit long and go short if triggerred..........No steep gradient,no using this method,then it's pivots all the way.

ADD:Add to longs only if newer pivot highs are made in an uptrend.....Add to shorts only when newer pivot lows are made in a downtrend.

PROFIT TAKING:NONE......no profit taking as far as I am concerned.But do take profits off the table if you can't sleep nights and picking on your wife..........Profits therefore only for preservation of sanity.

POSITION SIZING:Very simplistic and rudimentary form,but it still has kept me out of harm's way..........already discussed in the "Teach a Man to...."thread.Entry is at point x........Stops are 60 points off.I take my capital,and risk only 0.5% of it ,say it's 12k.........divide 12k by 60 NF pts,you get 200 shares,or 4 nf lots.Therefore whatever happens,go long with 4 lots only.

One more add:Say we entered with 4 NF lots long,and added another 6 along the way,all the while raising stops,we hold all 10,we get pivots taken out or 2 bar rule in a vertical move violated,then calculate from that pivot high to entry point(for ease of calculations,presuming it's 60pts away,therefore you need to short 4 lots).........so we sell 14 lots,therefore exitting all 10 longs and entering 4 shorts......Apologies for multiple reiterations.

MINDSET:A mind that is simple........devoid of too many if's and but's and why's and why not's......a mind that refuses to get swayed by larger time frames,CNBC,other traders,gossip,rumours,etc............a mind that dares to stick to strategy and plan and in doing so stays in the present and is not swayed by a euphoric rise or a precipitous fall,thereby leaping over the Fear-Greed Barrier..........A mind that stays in the Now,removing the "I" from the trade........A mind that goes with the Flow......in this case the 60min Flow.

Shall add more later!

All the best!

Dear Saint ..as you say we trade 60 min on pivots up/down both ways ..... but if we have strong uptrend on daily on any scrip/index then should we short 60 min ?? in this way we want to capitalise on pullbacks in a uptrend but prbability is that scrip may resume its trend in 60 inline with daily

before this i was thinking long only short only and both long/short based on uptrend , downtrend , and chanel movement on daily ( may be i was wrong )

Like in nifty now a days trading both way gives good profit but before january crash only long only gave good profits

Hope you will clarify my confusion yes these are not ifs,buts but want to clarify my doubts

Asish da Again questions :D

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Re: Going with the 60min Flow!!

Dear Saint ..as you say we trade 60 min on pivots up/down both ways ..... but if we have strong uptrend on daily on any scrip/index then should we short 60 min ?? in this way we want to capitalise on pullbacks in a uptrend but prbability is that scrip may resume its trend in 60 inline with daily

before this i was thinking long only short only and both long/short based on uptrend , downtrend , and chanel movement on daily ( may be i was wrong )

Like in nifty now a days trading both way gives good profit but before january crash only long only gave good profits

Hope you will clarify my confusion yes these are not ifs,buts but want to clarify my doubts

Asish da Again questions :D

Have a look at the 60min charts again pre January,Samal..........every pullback/decline on the daily is a downtrend on the 60.No harm in having a perspective higher time frame and trade..........but in doing it this way,our minds are rooted in the present ......If the decline on the daily becomes a downtrend,no probs,we are already short.If the declines convert back into a resuming uptrend rally,no probs,that would mean a break of previous pivot highs on the 60 and we would be long.

Both methods have their plusses..........a minus in this one:The Human Mind and massive gap down/ups........So using this method,I tend to keep clear of NIFTY Futs,NF mainly for intradays.....max unidirectional 60min trade looking at larger time frames.

Important to be clear here:When I trade the daily,I am looking at the weekly as perspective.........When I trade the 5min,most of the time,I am looking at the 15 and 30 for perspective.........When trading the weekly,I am looking at the monthly for perspective........Then there are trades that I take off the 60min charts looking at a change in trend on the daily........and then there are these trades that I go both directions( I usually pick on ABAN,SESA and a few others).

All the best!

Re: Going with the 60min Flow!!

Currently short SESA from 4261,previous pivot high being 4087

Currently short ABAN from 4125,previous pivot high at 4160.



Well-Known Member
Re: Going with the 60min Flow!!

SAINT ....it looks like u are more inclined towards trading in stocks than NF ...is there any reason like range bound nature of nifty or something else ...just a query ...

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