Heikin Ashi Candles Colour Change


Well-Known Member
Re: ForeX IsT TimingS

hihi...a debt collector has to adhere to strict guidelines called FDCPA in the states which is short for Fair Debt Collection Practices Act...you can' t just mess up with an average joe or else u risk your collector license & other penalties.

its not india where goons come at your place to pick you or your stuff for recovey. in the states pretty much every tom, dick & harry can sue you for pretty much everything !!

well, out of touch since two yrs, so don' t bother to remember anymore which season would start with DST & blah..blah...hihi

all it requires it is to be assertive & smart to extract money from firangis...they are more intellectual than an average guy here & knows ways to get around it & make you loose temper, so gotta stay sharp & cool !!

well, your "trading with bars" has been pretty impressive, there was something i wanted to ask you...not the strategy...hihihi....will pm you !

rock n roll

Replied to your pm.
And even though of all the laws, I dont think there are laws against being bulky for debt collection, is it ? :p
I wud not concur to your statement that the average joe in the west is more intellectual than ppl here. I think they tend to have an advantage, that of suing for each and everything. So, it is that the debt collector here might rough up the person which wud impossible to pull of in the west.


Well-Known Member
Re: ForeX IsT TimingS

Hey buddy... I am not trading these days due to some matters going on in my head and they are stuck like hell. Trading require a calm mind and sharp eyes and I am lacking both these days with less sleep and over stressing myself :)

Moreover the guy whoz account I was using is moving back to India so I am yet to talk to the other guy and probably will go for a MT4 account and that too in UK as you know CFTC is after small traders and their big margin accounts :)

Will start soon and yeah I too have so many things to discuss with you but never got a chance to ping ya... Take care
CFTC decreasing the leverage. Frankly, I dont think that is much of an issue. Why does a person require too much of leverage as in tunes of 100:1 or 500:1 to make decent money. There is an issue as to what decent money might mean to ppl. Is it to make 400% monthly or to make 7-8% monthly (compounded to 100% yearly).
IMHO , a 25:1 to 50:1 is a fair valuation, 10:1 is just tad low.


Well-Known Member
1000 MT4 Indicators

mods :- to the best of my knowledge, none of the indicator is copyrighted and all are absolutly free to distribute.

i have no intention of making anybody confused or too excited by providing the attached zipped file of 1000 MT4 indicators.

if you have a profitable system already, pls ignore downloading of the file as i would not suggest breaking your current consistency with adding some other colourful indicators. nothing works all the time.

it is solely for learning & experimenting of various tools & do not play with these on any live ac.

come along & we shall exchange views on any particular indicators out of the whole lot, which could work more than average on a DEMO a/c CONSISTENTLY.

i am trying them out tonight for the first time though some look familiar.

happy learning :)

pls download here

Re: 1000 MT4 Indicators

mods :- to the best of my knowledge, none of the indicator is copyrighted and all are absolutly free to distribute.

i have no intention of making anybody confused or too excited by providing the attached zipped file of 1000 MT4 indicators.

if you have a profitable system already, pls ignore downloading of the file as i would not suggest breaking your current consistency with adding some other colourful indicators. nothing works all the time.

it is solely for learning & experimenting of various tools & do not play with these on any live ac.

come along & we shall exchange views on any particular indicators out of the whole lot, which could work more than average on a DEMO a/c CONSISTENTLY.

i am trying them out tonight for the first time though some look familiar.

happy learning :)

pls download here

Unfortunately none of the indicators can not predict the direction of market movement, even for 5 minutes.:annoyed:


Whn U Trd Wot U C On Chart. No One can stop U To E
Re: ForeX TechnicaL AnalysiS StrategieS

hai friends

sorry for being late in reply. but u know der se aaaye duraaast aaye..!!!


and yes I would like to say to all ppl I was been collecting web resoursce for technical trading,trading in forex, trading stocks, options. Since from lat 3 yrs. I never ever thought that the collection that I m having is almost 300+ GB... A lods of book, video tutorials, softwares, utilities, spreadsheets, indicators for amibro, metastock, metatrader. Well I honestly says tht I could collected these and I would just heartly be thankfull to the traderji.com for founding a building blocks of my knowledge. Well it takes enormous amount of time to collect this.. I would like to be helpful to everyone by means of shareing knowledge. But Yes.. I would like to add as far as knowledge is concern I can say I am 0.05-0.09% of total... All i can tell you is I m not master.. but yes I do have fire in my belle if I want something... I will get it by working hard.. though what may happen to me...!!

Again here in traderji.com it holds my heart... becoz I begun from this forum. well I m not saying tht I have done toooooooooooooooo much of research... but where ever I m right now... I would like to appriciate this site.. though I have never talked personally with forum seniors like saint, karthikmaran, amitbe( my name is amit too). dev, cv, and alots of other memeber but I really hold alot of respect for tham.

Any one who like to share knowledge Just give me a msg. My it's U... messnger id is same as this forum. on gtalk my id is same instead of "_" just make "." remaining charecters are same.. all populer sites I have same id.

Rishibhai... expecting your msg 1st...:p :D let's shareeeeeeeeeeeeeee...


Well-Known Member
Suggest a Fair Broker

hi guys

pls suggest me a good broker as i have just waisted my 3 months on practicing on demo from those companies whom i am not gonna choose

i look for following criteria

* ECN broker
* low spreads
* fair play (lets me take my profits home without trading against me)
* fast withdrawls
* open account with $ 500
* 4 digit broker ( i simply hate 5 digit ones..pls dont ask why)

many thanks guys, waiting for your replies


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