Re: What Timeframes do you use
i have been hit on different timeframes on a regular basis now thinking it might be the broker trading against me..huh !!!
If broker is hunting your stops then change your broker not your Trading Time Frame. Do you mind revealing who is your broker?
In all fairness I have seen many unnecessarily complaining about their broker hunting their stops, delayed fill, unnecessary slippage etc but in reality IMO these are more psychological issues of a trader and they just start blaming their broker for their losses. Better start getting over it.
See, I am not saying you are one of them but please compare your charts with other broker charts or simply compare it with (I have to say they provide quality charts). If you see some spikes in your chart then you may have valid point.
Even never heard bucketshop operators (Spreadbetting Co.'s) chasing their clients stop more than 10 pips. Well this is another huge discussional topic ''why'' and ''why not''.
If I have to recommend one single broker who let to trade any smaller size, then it would be Oanda (MarketMaker) and I have traded with them for over 3 years and I never had any stophunting issues so far and I trade 5 minutes TF's. But watch out for slippage at major news releases I am usually out at that time.
If you trade big and want to take your trading to next level, I mean if you want to trade in direct market pool rather than the broker's market then IB, ducascopy IMO are pretty decent ECN brokers.
All the best.