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Easier to Trade - Commodities or Indexes or Stocks

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Any teamviewer will work. Infact you can download for free from their website

Yes, I bought AmiBroker a year back and happy with my investment.

Hi AMit, i have been able to create database from yahoo (1 day EOD lag) in AMiBroker...right now able to see backfill charts....if possible plz share afl 20d, 55d breakout, nr7id, nr4id.......code wr7od, msh-msl

plz tell what is the difference between 'scan' and 'explore' in Amibroker....?...

In which directory afl needs to be put..?...


Well-Known Member
Hi AMit, i have been able to create database from yahoo (1 day EOD lag) in AMiBroker...right now able to see backfill charts....if possible plz share afl 20d, 55d breakout, nr7id, nr4id.......code wr7od, msh-msl

plz tell what is the difference between 'scan' and 'explore' in Amibroker....?...

In which directory afl needs to be put..?...
You need to put AFL in Formula/custom directory.

Different between Scan & Explore is

this starts the signal scan mode - AmiBroker will search through defined range of symbols and quotations for buy/sell signals defined by your trading rules.If one of the buy/sell conditions is fulfilled, AmiBroker will display a line describing when and on which symbol the signal has occurred. Next AmiBroker proceeds to the end of the range so multiple signals on single symbol may be generated.

this starts an exploration mode when AmiBroker scans through database to find symbols that match user-defined filter. The user can define output columns that show any kind of information required.

I'll post AFL syntax in next post


Well-Known Member
Hi AMit, i have been able to create database from yahoo (1 day EOD lag) in AMiBroker...right now able to see backfill charts....if possible plz share afl 20d, 55d breakout, nr7id, nr4id.......code wr7od, msh-msl
There are many AFLs on web for NR4/7 and other things. One I've (I've not coded) is pasted below.


/*********** NR7 System for Chart and Exploration ***********************/

R = H - L;
NR7 = False;
NR4 = False;
m7 = m4 = idm7 = idm4 = idm = 0;

for(i = 7; i < BarCount; i++)
if( R[i] < R[i - 1] AND R[i] < R[i -2] AND R[i] < R[i - 3] AND R[i] < R[i - 4] AND R[i] < R[i - 5] AND R[i] < R[i - 6]) 
NR7[i] = True;
m7[i] = 1;

for(i = 4; i < BarCount; i++)
if((R[i] < R[i - 1] AND R[i] < R[i -2] AND R[i] < R[i - 3] ) AND NOT NR7[i])
NR4[i] = True;
m4[i] = 1;
IDNR7 = Inside() * NR7;
IDNR4 = Inside() * NR4;
ID = Inside();
idm7 = IIf(IDNR7, 1, 0);
idm4 = IIf(IDNR4, 1, 0);
idm = IIf(id, 1, 0);

for(i = 1; i < BarCount; i++)
if(IDNR7[i] == IDNR7[i - 1]) idm7[i] = idm7[i] + idm7[i - 1];
if(IDNR4[i] == IDNR4[i - 1]) idm4[i] = idm4[i] + idm4[i - 1];
if(NR7[i] == NR7[i - 1]) m7[i] = m7[i] + m7[i - 1];
if(NR4[i] == NR4[i - 1]) m4[i] = m4[i] + m4[i - 1];
if(ID[i] == ID[i - 1]) idm[i] = idm[i] + idm[i - 1];

MarkerIDNR7 = MarkerIDNR4 = shapeStar ;

Marker7 = shapeDigit7;
NR7Color = colorBrightGreen;

Marker4 = shapeDigit4;
NR4Color = colorLightOrange;

MarkerID = shapeHollowCircle;
IDColor = colorYellow;

IDNR7Color = colorBrightGreen;
IDNR4Color = colorLightOrange;

MarkerDist = L * 0.995;
IDNRDist = H * 1.03;

if(Status("action") == actionIndicator)
_N(Title = StrFormat("{{NAME}}, {{DATE}} ({{INTERVAL}}): {{VALUES}}") + ", Range=" + Prec(R + 0.00001, 2) + "," 
+ WriteIf(IDNR7, EncodeColor(colorBrightGreen) + WriteIf(idm7 > 1, StrLeft(NumToStr(idm7), 4), "") + " IDNR7 ", "")
+ WriteIf(IDNR4, EncodeColor(colorLightOrange) + WriteIf(idm4 > 1, StrLeft(NumToStr(idm4), 4), "") + " IDNR4 ", "") 
+ WriteIf(NR7 AND NOT ID, EncodeColor(colorBrightGreen) + WriteIf(m7 > 1, StrLeft(NumToStr(m7), 4), "") + " NR7 ", "")
+ WriteIf(NR4 AND NOT ID, EncodeColor(colorLightOrange) + WriteIf(m4 > 1, StrLeft(NumToStr(m4), 4), "") + " NR4 ", "")
+ WriteIf(ID AND NOT NR7 AND NOT NR4, EncodeColor(colorTurquoise) + WriteIf(idm > 1, StrLeft(NumToStr(idm), 4), "") + " Inside Day ", ""));

PlotOHLC(O, H, L, C, "Close", colorLightGrey, styleBar);
PlotShapes(IIf(IDNR7, MarkerIDNR7, shapeNone), IDNR7Color, 0, IDNRDist);
PlotShapes(IIf(IDNR4 AND NOT IDNR7, MarkerIDNR4, shapeNone), IDNR4Color, 0, IDNRDist);
PlotShapes(IIf(NR7 AND NOT ID, Marker7, shapeNone), NR7Color, 0, MarkerDist);
PlotShapes(IIf(NR4 AND NOT NR7 AND NOT ID, Marker4, shapeNone), NR4Color, 0, MarkerDist);
PlotShapes(IIf(ID AND NOT NR7 AND NOT NR4, MarkerID, shapeNone), IDColor, 0, IDNRDist);

if(Status("action") == actionExplore)
Filter = (m7 > 0) OR (m4 > 0) OR (idm > 0);

SetOption("NoDefaultColumns", True);

AddColumn(DateTime(), "DATE", formatDateTime, colorDefault, colorDefault, 96);
AddTextColumn(Name(), "SYMBOL", 77, colorDefault, colorDefault, 120);
AddColumn(R, "Range", 6.2, colorDefault, colorDefault, 84);
AddColumn(IIf(idm, 48 + idm, 32), "INSIDE", formatChar, colorYellow, IIf(idm, colorLightBlue, colorDefault));
AddColumn(IIf(m4, 48 + m4, 32), "NR4", formatChar, colorYellow, IIf(m4, colorBlue, colorDefault));
AddColumn(IIf(m7, 48 + m7, 32), "NR7", formatChar, colorYellow, IIf(m7, colorGreen, colorDefault));

/************************** END OF AFL CODE *****************************/



Well-Known Member
Hi AMit, i have been able to create database from yahoo (1 day EOD lag) in AMiBroker...right now able to see backfill charts....if possible plz share afl 20d, 55d breakout, nr7id, nr4id.......code wr7od, msh-msl
20Day & 55Day break-out scanner

//Find out 22Day & 55Day break-out stocks

H55 = Close > Ref(HHV(H,55),-1);
L55 = Close < Ref(LLV(L,55),-1);
H20 = Close > Ref(HHV(H,55),-1);
L20 = Close < Ref(LLV(L,55),-1);

Filter = H55 OR L55 OR H20 OR L20;
AddColumn( Close, "Close  " );
AddColumn( Volume, "Volume      " );
AddTextColumn(WriteIf(H55,"55Day High", WriteIf(L55, "55Day Low", "")),"55  Day Breakout");
AddTextColumn(WriteIf(H20,"20Day High", WriteIf(L20, "20Day Low", "")),"20 Day Breakout");
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