i have funded 500$ , what amount should i aim for everyday?

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Personally, I think it is the nature of all new traders. In 2004 I wanted all the answers that would point me to instant riches. These times of threads remind me of those days, and then in reading them, the ops can all be helped through the experience that led to the successful traders' success.

I also believe we are making progress, as we are about to indelve into some solid TA approaches to the market.

Vicky, I tend to be more blunt than is for my own good at time, so I always need to watch how I am wording things. I like this forum a lot, but there are threads I don't like. They might also make me sick if I view them. I don't like being sick, so I don't view them. In essence, don't let something make you sick. If you don't like it, then just move on. There are lots of good threads that all of us will find to our liking.

BTW, Saiftauheed, give me 24 hours to respond to your recent post. I got buried with e-mails, so it is that personal problem that needs taken care of first.
I think I got corporal tunnel from all this typing--lol.
yes ok :) first you are a pro and that's why i tend to ask so many thing it would be great and appreciated if you would clear my doubts :)


Well-Known Member
I enjoy talking about these things because it reinforces my knowledge and actually helps me. This is why I encourage questions and comments. I may have traded for 7 years, but the learning never quits, but the experience is also there. Therefore, we will both become benefactors.

BTW, I have a proprietary S&R indicator. I mentioned that because the ideas spun from a trader who never became a winner (Best of my knowledge.). What I'm saying is that through the interchange of ideas and open mindedness, there is no telling what someone might say or offer that makes something click. As we cover different indicators and their usage, I will give you facts, but it will be ultimately up to you to exchange those facts into ideas that you can use in your trading repertoire.
As for me, you might say something, or offer an indicator to take a look at that will make something click with me, and then I benefit. I'll tell you, I will always be thankful for the conversation I had with the trader that never won but made an idea click for the formation of my S&R's. They are my pride and joy.

yes ok :) first you are a pro and that's why i tend to ask so many thing it would be great and appreciated if you would clear my doubts :)


Well-Known Member
@4xpipcounter and @saiftauhhed

There was recently along these lines:
So have a look.

@4xpipcounter - I dont see the reason why you had to word like this "Vicky, I tend to be more blunt than is for my own good at time, so I always need to watch how I am wording things"
Still if u need to be blunt then do so instead of encouraging people to open redudant threads instead of learning for themselves. If you want to make people dependant on you thats good. I still remember the forum was founded along the lines of ..."Teach a man to fish..."

@Savant Sir, you know me well. I tend to ruffle few feathers but I always been on the money. Still as policy has been if I am speaking something which is untrue , please delete these posts.


Well-Known Member
Vicky, my feathers aren't being ruffled and neither is the new guy's.
I was telling you about how blunt I tend to be.
There is nothing redundant about this thread. He is a new guy who needs information. It is none of your business if he wants to start his own thread or get his needed information from another. What do you have against a new guy getting the help that he wants and deserves the necessary information he needs whether he gets it here or another thread?
You might be trying to ruffle some feathers, but if the others feel like I do, we are all having a good laugh, because you are getting your nose where it does not belong.
(For the other readers' benefit, that is about as impolite as I get, but give me a break. I will go to bat any day for a new guy that wants to learn.)

Saiftauhhed, keep posting my friend. We will keep this thread going as long as is needed.

Savant, you're the moderator. If I am out of line sticking up for the new guy, tell me to take a hike and you won't hurt my feelings in the least.

@4xpipcounter and @saiftauhhed

There was recently along these lines:
So have a look.

@4xpipcounter - I dont see the reason why you had to word like this "Vicky, I tend to be more blunt than is for my own good at time, so I always need to watch how I am wording things"
Still if u need to be blunt then do so instead of encouraging people to open redudant threads instead of learning for themselves. If you want to make people dependant on you thats good. I still remember the forum was founded along the lines of ..."Teach a man to fish..."

@Savant Sir, you know me well. I tend to ruffle few feathers but I always been on the money. Still as policy has been if I am speaking something which is untrue , please delete these posts.
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Well-Known Member
Vicky, my feathers aren't being ruffled and neither is the new guy's.
I was telling you about how blunt I tend to be.
There is nothing redundant about this thread. He is a new guy who needs information. It is none of your business if he wants to start his own thread or get his needed information from another. What do you have against a new guy getting the help that he wants and deserves the necessary information he needs whether he gets it here or another thread?
You might be trying to ruffle some feathers, but if the others feel like I do, we are all having a good laugh, because you are getting your nose where it does not belong.
(For the other readers' benefit, that is about as impolite as I get, but give me a break. I will go to bat any day for a new guy that wants to learn.)

Saiftauhhed, keep posting my friend. We will keep this thread going as long as is needed.

Savant, you're the moderator. If I am out of line sticking up for the new guy, tell me to take a hike and you won't hurt my feelings in the least.
So, as per you we should all open our individual threads and fill this forum with redundant threads. If that's the opinion, I cant say much.
I have been on this forum for a long time (unlike others who get kicked out of other forums and jump to here to show their superiority) and like it when it is clean , easy for everyone to read. So excuse me if I, as a concerned forum member, try to keep it clean of redundant questions.

BTW, speaking of jokes. You do have one of the best I have seen:


Trifecta is a trading word made by you. Really? And here I thought it was an English word to denote three grand events. Way to stamp you authority on trading as well as English.

Anyways, time for a break from this forum.


Well-Known Member
First, there is nothing redundant about the op's thread. This is his thread, and he is getting a very good response. It is accomplishing what he wants. Eventually he is going to learn everything he needs to know about trading and he will be one of the great ones here at your friendly Traderji (Friendly...that is if your name does not start with a "V"--lol. I'm just joking. We still like you.)

I don't think it matters how long you have been in this forum. You've been here since March 22, 2009. Big deal! You've made 427 posts, and this is my 1200th. You are no better than me or no more privileged just because you started on '09 and I started in '10, and I am no better than you just because I've posted 773 more posts than you. If you were a moderator, I'd have serious thoughts about sticking around. You would probably go deleting all the threads that you feel are redundant instead of just letting everyone have fun.

You won't need to excuse yourself. The guy is brand new here, so there are no redundant questions. Well, okay, You should be apologizing to the op for raking him, but then by now, he knows where you are coming from.

Next, I am just tickled you are getting some good from my forecasts. You have done your homework and I'm glad you have done your due diligence.
Oh, BTW, what does my lingo have to do with the op trying to find his way in the forex world?
Authority on the English language. Thanks for the compliment, but I only have a high school education
Now, let's go over the three grand events. Think with me, but in forex terms. Would you not agree that if the monthly, weekly, and daily are all grandly OB, would that not be 3 grand events that would signal to go short?
Thanks for the plug!!!

Btw, Vicky, don't take a break from the forum. Just be one of the boys (Oh pardon me--one of us.).

Seriously, if you feel this thread is redundant, then stay out. Personally, I think you are outvoted. It is not your way or the highway. I mentioned before, but there are some threads I don't like. Why hold it against the forum just because there is a thread you don't like? Are we really suppose to march to Vicky's marching orders?

So, as per you we should all open our individual threads and fill this forum with redundant threads. If that's the opinion, I cant say much.
I have been on this forum for a long time (unlike others who get kicked out of other forums and jump to here to show their superiority) and like it when it is clean , easy for everyone to read. So excuse me if I, as a concerned forum member, try to keep it clean of redundant questions.

BTW, speaking of jokes. You do have one of the best I have seen:


Trifecta is a trading word made by you. Really? And here I thought it was an English word to denote three grand events. Way to stamp you authority on trading as well as English.

Anyways, time for a break from this forum.
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Vicky, my feathers aren't being ruffled and neither is the new guy's.
I was telling you about how blunt I tend to be.
There is nothing redundant about this thread. He is a new guy who needs information. It is none of your business if he wants to start his own thread or get his needed information from another. What do you have against a new guy getting the help that he wants and deserves the necessary information he needs whether he gets it here or another thread?
You might be trying to ruffle some feathers, but if the others feel like I do, we are all having a good laugh, because you are getting your nose where it does not belong.
(For the other readers' benefit, that is about as impolite as I get, but give me a break. I will go to bat any day for a new guy that wants to learn.)

Saiftauhhed, keep posting my friend. We will keep this thread going as long as is needed.

Savant, you're the moderator. If I am out of line sticking up for the new guy, tell me to take a hike and you won't hurt my feelings in the least.
very beautifully replied sir! :clap::clap::clap::clap::clapping::clapping::clapping::clapping::clapping:
First, there is nothing redundant about the op's thread. This is his thread, and he is getting a very good response. It is accomplishing what he wants. Eventually he is going to learn everything he needs to know about trading and he will be one of the great ones here at your friendly Traderji (Friendly...that is if your name does not start with a "V"--lol. I'm just joking. We still like you.)

I don't think it matters how long you have been in this forum. You've been here since March 22, 2009. Big deal! You've made 427 posts, and this is my 1200th. You are no better than me or no more privileged just because you started on '09 and I started in '10, and I am no better than you just because I've posted 773 more posts than you. If you were a moderator, I'd have serious thoughts about sticking around. You would probably go deleting all the threads that you feel are redundant instead of just letting everyone have fun.

You won't need to excuse yourself. The guy is brand new here, so there are no redundant questions. Well, okay, You should be apologizing to the op for raking him, but then by now, he knows where you are coming from.

Next, I am just tickled you are getting some good from my forecasts. You have done your homework and I'm glad you have done your due diligence.
Oh, BTW, what does my lingo have to do with the op trying to find his way in the forex world?
Authority on the English language. Thanks for the compliment, but I only have a high school education
Now, let's go over the three grand events. Think with me, but in forex terms. Would you not agree that if the monthly, weekly, and daily are all grandly OB, would that not be 3 grand events that would signal to go short?
Thanks for the plug!!!

Btw, Vicky, don't take a break from the forum. Just be one of the boys (Oh pardon me--one of us.).

Seriously, if you feel this thread is redundant, then stay out. Personally, I think you are outvoted. It is not your way or the highway. I mentioned before, but there are some threads I don't like. Why hold it against the forum just because there is a thread you don't like? Are we really suppose to march to Vicky's marching orders?
SHOT, Nailed it !!!!! :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :D:D :p


Well-Known Member
Fibonacci levels

First, there is plenty of information on the internet to study about Fibonacci levels in a general sense, so I'll avoid that, because I don't want to just repeat a bunch of mantra that you could read elsewhere. The one thing I do want to point out are these numbers: 1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55,89,144,233,377,610,987.

From that point I will just say, "etcedra", because they go on for infinity. Beginning at 21 and 34, if you divide the smaller number by the larger number that is next to it, you will get .618 rounded off to 3 decimals, and that will be the case for infinity. If you take any given number, starting at 21, then divide by the 2nd number up, you will get .382. When you add the 2 together, you get 1. When you start at 21 and divide by the 3rd number up, you will get .236. Subtract that from 1 and you get .764. Going back to .618 take the square root of that and you get .764, and that sequence also continues for infinity.

The derivation of the Fibos are simple. Start with 1 and 2, add them together and get 3, 3+2=5, 5+3=8, etc.

Getting to adding dividing the numbers that are side by side- 21 and 34, 34 and 55, 55 and 89, etc. When you add 1 to all those answers, you get 1.618; thus we now come up with the golden ratio. Believe it or not, I did not learn that on the internet, but in 6th grade, which was 44 years ago.

All those facts were made to understand why 1, .618, .500, .382 and 0, and as an extension, .764 and .236 are such relevant percentages in trading. What is mentioned in this paragraph is really all you need to know if you are going to trade with Fibs.

Coming next is some live trading action.


Well-Known Member
Quite,well said,by Paul.
Yeah,New Guys,do need ample support and guidance,after all,the first thing protecting their neck is information on forums like these.

Not being neutral,on the stances or Verbal arguments taking place here.
But I have got to say,Neither paul had to reply to Vicky,nor Vicky had to be egoistic,in his replies.

No FA trader is better then TA trader,neither is the TA trader better then FA.
Who cares what is TA or FA if the trader makes money.
Saying that a chartist sees patterns everywhere would as easily be insult,equal to insulting an FA trader,who is no better then news trader and/or relies on special kind of information.

Yes ,it is a forum,everyone has a liberty to ask or post any new thread.
But everyone also has liberty to answer or not ,in those posted threads.

From Which i recall,Most if not all of these kinds of threads ,don't get a single reply.
you are doing a good job,Paul,Keep it going,i wish you were here an year and half ago when i started.

Yeah,to the trifecta term,who cares if Paul invented any idiot would have seen,Paul meant,Confluence of three time frames,monthly weekly and daily.
Gotta Go Now.
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