If U can.....answer this


Well-Known Member
Question: naughty word
A woman walks into a darkened room to find a derogatory name for a woman in large letters on the wall, which upset her.

Why did it bother her so?

you can form a question.....that I'll give you answer in the format of 'yes' or 'no' only....if U need clue...


Well-Known Member
Question: naughty word
A woman walks into a darkened room to find a derogatory name for a woman in large letters on the wall, which upset her.

Why did it bother her so?

you can form a question.....that I'll give you answer in the format of 'yes' or 'no' only....if U need clue...
The woman walks into a Swedish movie and sees the word "Slut" on the screen. She becomes upset, not because she found the word offensive, but because that means she missed the entire movie, since "Slut" is the Swedish version of "The End" or "Fin".


Well-Known Member
Too far fetched .. esp bcoz we speak and understand an entirely different languange and grammar.

If this Q was asked in Sweden then maybe it would have been interesting maybe :-?

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