If U can.....answer this


Well-Known Member

Transform one word into another by changing a single letter in each step, so that each link in the chain is a valid word. For example, to change MORE into LESS with 3 links:

MORE, lore, lose, loss, LESS

in same way........Turn FOUR into FIVE with 5 links.
Turn TEARS into SMILE with 5 links.

If U can.....answer this


Well-Known Member
Question: naughty word

The woman walks into a Swedish movie and sees the word "Slut" on the screen. She becomes upset, not because she found the word offensive, but because that means she missed the entire movie, since "Slut" is the Swedish version of "The End" or "Fin".
What a damper!!! :(


Well-Known Member
Too far fetched .. esp bcoz we speak and understand an entirely different language and grammar.

If this Q was asked in Sweden then maybe it would have been interesting maybe :-?
in the question i clearly mentioned that you may ask any question that i can give answer in the form of Y/N,

rkkarnani asked was that movie theater of not, i answered yes.

so, that time if you ask any question about movie or language you could get the clue.....right....


Well-Known Member

Only problem is the word STALS which is actually STALL .. so .....


Well-Known Member

Transform one word into another by changing a single letter in each step, so that each link in the chain is a valid word. For example, to change more into less with 3 links:

More, lore, lose, loss, less

in same way........turn four into five with 5 links.
Turn tears into smile with 5 links.

If u can.....answer this

FOUR - tour - torr - tore - tire - fire - FIVE

TEARS - sears - stars - stare - stale - stile - SMILE

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