Incisive Nifty Trend Analysis

One more thing max call build up seen till today morning is on 5600 call so it can be assumed that for the time the upside is limited there at least for this expiry
With 6 more days to go, it's better not to rely on the OI as it takes hardly 15 min to change. The main thing that caps the market is the 5630 - 5650 resistance zone. If that is taken out on a closing, then OI can't hold it for more than few hours.
One more thing max call build up seen till today morning is on 5600 call so it can be assumed that for the time the upside is limited there at least for this expiry
That would be logical sir. 2 big Gap ups took care of fat PEs and recent short-term investors but it seems around 5600 the bigger fools who had bought at the top in january-feburary have had enough of waiting and now flooding the market with pentup supply which will drive the prices down till it gets absorbed enough to initiate fresh demand. May be uptill 5450. Going below that mark would be disasterous. Only way to get rid of the supply is to open the market with gaps. Gap down will force the supply to come in swifty and gap up will plug it with hope of better returns in the future. But I think the a gap down opening say around 5540 seems more probable tomorrow as it will take care of CEs which by now have become quite rolly-polly and are begging to be written by the big guns. :)
Trading index makes less sense from now on Low beta stocks and ..specific stocks.. to out perform the Index fut. trading NF..become extremely difficult specially intra day
Easier said than done, brother. Difficult to identify the scrips which will move in a certain direction in the next hour or two. Today, TCS sniffed out a lot of SL by touching 1345, when everyone expected it to go down.

Similarly, check an interesting scene below. JSW Steel, low of the day is 675. But it doesn't show that in the intraday chart nor in the tick list.

I wonder if we can communicate with SEBI about these "freak" trades.


Well-Known Member
"Tom, Dick and Harry"..low beta stocks or beaten down stocks like idfc..hdl..suzlan..jpass.Ifci..some sector specific like Sugar.. Fertilizer so on could give solid appreciation than tcs sbi or ril..Nifty may reach 6000 + but huge appreciation can be expected % wise from these kind of stocks that can out perform index.. i had picked some known stocks but there are so many unknown to me could give huge profits..
this is always the way market behaves in all rallies


Well-Known Member
Seven Star, Mamta Banarjee has announced withrdawal of support to the UPA, brining in the prospects of a mid-term election. In effects it means, no more reforms.

So on Thu. be prepared for a gap down, and a negative opening.

How things will work out will be reflected on Singapore Nifty tomorrow.

However a preview of it is already reflected on NYSE. ICICI ADR have been trading 2% lower. Infosys though is muted in reaction and is down 0.40% presently (half day of trading)

Hopefully, we can expect a smaller gap down and a correction of about 1-2% in view of the near expiry.

With the negative political events at the centre, the whole rally is now in doubt.

"Tom, Dick and Harry"..low beta stocks or beaten down stocks like idfc..hdl..suzlan..jpass.Ifci..some sector specific like Sugar.. Fertilizer so on could give solid appreciation than tcs sbi or ril..Nifty may reach 6000 + but huge appreciation can be expected % wise from these kind of stocks that can out perform index.. i had picked some known stocks but there are so many unknown to me could give huge profits..
this is always the way market behaves in all rallies


Well-Known Member
This Gvt will survive by hook or crook there are Many other smaller Patrice to take advantage of the situation and to support the Gvt. on the bargain for some key ministerial post.. or for something else all these guys are suckers of this country Known to all of us ..mmm yet we are all just mute specters.. in the name of democracy
Oppositions are not ready for election yet..


Well-Known Member
The Govt. may well survive, but am afraid we have to draw a trendline to find where there is downward support. In my view Thu. will be gap down open and a negative close (Hope I am wrong on this)

If the political issue is not resolved, momentum will reverse. The saving grace could be that large players who have invested 60 thousand crores this year and may not want to do anything drastic in a hurry. Also the fact that expiry is near.

As of writing ICICI ADR is -2.70% and Infosys ADR is -1.10% on NYSE. So it is important to watch Singapore Nifty close tomorrow to get a clue as to what is going to happen on Thu.

This Gvt will survive by hook or crook there are Many other smaller Patrice to take advantage of the situation and to support the Gvt. on the bargain for some key ministerial post.. or for something else all these guys are suckers of this country Known to all of us ..mmm yet we are all just mute specters.. in the name of democracy
Oppositions are not ready for election yet..


Well-Known Member

Re: Incisive Nifty Trend Analysis
Seven Star, Mamta Banarjee has announced withrdawal of support to the UPA, brining in the prospects of a mid-term election. In effects it means, no more reforms.

Good thing is that i never watch TV.. Thanks for the Info..

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