Incisive Nifty Trend Analysis


Well-Known Member
Weekly update:

Nifty- In one of my posts early last week I had indicated that if there was a throw over above the upper channel then we need to get ready for a correction to test the mid channel. We should be seeing a test of 5650 soon. However, looking at the way market has rallied, 5550 remains a potential target for this correction. Flash crash that happened yesterday does give us a hint that FIIs are pulling out their money at higher levels. With one incident we cannot be too judgmental but we need to be cautious. From 5550-5600 we might have another attempt to pull back to make fresh highs where I expect this run to end. To me , market(domestic and global) is nicely setting itself up for an excellent bull trap in the months ahead. 'Smart money', like to play the market either way and that's why they are called smart money. To be ahead of their thinking is where the challenge lies. Interesting times ahead!

Mr. Prada..Posting 2 years Daily chart .. I don't see any immediate threat to this rally (keep aside the flash crash on Friday.) spot Nifty to get good support around 5630 Levels. Volume picked up during Sep./Oct. Possibility of consolidation between 5650 to 5850 before next break out at 5930..This dip could be a bear trap.....but Will not hold any long if Spot nifty close below 5630.
Mr. Prada Get ready for a cheerful happy Diwali with the Bulls.
I Think Nifty will be trading around 6000 at Diwali Muhurat.
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Active Member
Hi Reggie, i did a little bit of searching on Google for "spiral upmove" of nifty ...

And guess what ? The ONLY HIT that Google came up with was

Spiral upmove of Nifty

Similar Searches for "Spiral upmoves" for other World markets returned zilch ! :annoyed:

So err .... Entertainment ? yep .... :D Some education too ....

Would like to request you to NOT challenge such sheer brilliance for the sake of :clapping: for rest of the readers .... :D

Thanks. ;)
:! What an enlightening post.

Your existence depends on GOOGLE :rofl: . Absolutely no fault of yours. Funny people like you exist here in this world. I doubt if the names of your family members doesnt exist in google search you would deny their existence



Active Member
Can we put an end to this pointless discussion? If there is anything to discuss about let it be on the markets. This is becoming a little too much.
Sure prada, i really respect your analysis and wont disobey you at any cost on this thread. I think your intervention was necessary here.

Request to Moderators: The Owner/Starter of a thread should be given more control on posters on his thread. This will certainly keep spammers at bay.
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Hi Reggie, i did a little bit of searching on Google for "spiral upmove" of nifty ...

And guess what ? The ONLY HIT that Google came up with was

Spiral upmove of Nifty

Similar Searches for "Spiral upmoves" for other World markets returned zilch ! :annoyed:

So err .... Entertainment ? yep .... :D Some education too ....

Would like to request you to NOT challenge such sheer brilliance for the sake of :clapping: for rest of the readers .... :D

Thanks. ;)
Try searching for spiral move technical analysis


Well-Known Member
USD/INR- cmp(spot)- 52.4

Dips should be bought into by positional traders. Strength of INR has come to an end and I see this pair moving in only one direction from here on with the exception of odd dips. I see 54 as the potential target before a shallow correction sets in.

I was wrong in picking the bottom too early in this pair earlier. Today I am quite certain the bottom is in place and the target of 54 remains. It will be a swift move. This coincides with the reversal seen in the equity market.
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Well-Known Member
USD/INR- cmp(spot)- 52.4

Dips should be bought into by positional traders. Strength of INR has come to an end and I see this pair moving in only one direction from here on with the exception of odd dips. I see 54 as the potential target before a decent correction sets in.
Decent correction: As per your comments, Rupee will start falling till 54. You said decent correction! My understanding is the correction has already been accounted, and rupee will start back to the previous low of 57. So what exactly is this decent correction!! Towards 51 or towards 57!! Kindly enlighten!

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