Incisive Nifty Trend Analysis

FII's always make money. As such they are sitting on 10% return on there investment (only on rupee conversion).

When they have started buying Rupee was trading at appr.56.70, if they will sell now they will get double advantage i.e

No.1 - Rupee conversion they will get straight 10% return (no of dollars will be more)
No.2 - Profit on there investment.

If we follow Rupee movement closely, we can catch the trend.

This is my view.
It is not as easy to say as it appears.
Over a longer period Rupee keeps depreciating by about 6% per annum. This used to be the figure used to compare ECB borrowings Vs Local borrowings as for as interest rates are concerned.
So normally, FIIs have to make an average of atleast 6% per annum in India to breakeven in dollar terms.
When Rupee appreciates (!) the value of their investments go up, and the FIIs would be doubly rewarded as they have accounted for a exchange risk of -6% per annum! This turns the Indian Market dearer for further investments!
When Rupee depreciates their investments lose money, and the Indian Market becomes cheaper!
This is purely from the point of view of foreign exchange risk.


Well-Known Member

Well truth singes, and hence instead of replying to my post, you stoop to personal attacks (sick of trading the markets, mental balance, composure, stupid post, short memory, I seem to be like, wasting time on the forum etc. Once done with the rant, you then move on to ask if if you clapped for yourself and ask what if you did. ? Please make up your mind. Anyway, it does not matter.

Regards to your self assumed caliber of English and otherwise (apparent in the low grade personal and below the belt attack) and to explain the meaning of the word spiral, guess you have failed to comprehend what I meant. Never mind that, as well as your other bizarre suggestion of trying to Google my name etc.

I am glad that you caught the spiral move, enjoyed the short position and made money. Wish much more of that for you.

U seem to be rather sick of trading markets or u mental balance might have lost composure when yesterdays flash move occured.

Y the HELL do u think i clapped for myself(ok even if i did, then??) ?? I was enjoying the short position i was in , did u get that?

I simply didnt wanted to reply ur stupid posting, but had to bcoz u seems to be like ......

And for ur short memory let me remind u one thing : Dont u find that interesting that "the spiral move term used by me which u r saying wat hell is that" , u were one of the 2 guys thanking that post :rofl:

And if want to come to logic i have much better explanations , which u may not like but in any case if u want them i will.

And by the way if no one can predict the mkt, y do u waste ur time visiting forums. Take a coin, toss it , if head take one position and if tail comes take other. SIMPLE, wats the need of all these threads?

And yeah if u dont know the meaning of words dont say "wat the hell is that". For u Spiral is a curve that winds around a fixed center point at a continuously increasing or decreasing distance from the point. Ref:

So next time if i dont know wat the word "Reggie" is all abt, i hope u dont expect someone to call it : WHAT THE HELL IS THIS REGGIE ALL ABOUT. Getting the point. So increase ur common sense and try to be a better GOOGLE searcher

By the way i m free to clap on myself :clapping: :clapping: (i hope i dont need ur permission for that or do i?)


Well-Known Member
Well said. I second that!!

Prada, Personally, I feel you should not have answered the above quote! As all knows, Silence is golden!!

Market always has its own way, just to prove that however good you try and be profitable, at the end of the day, Market is the master.

History has shown us that stones get thrown at the ones who dare to stand above the crowd! So just continue your good work! Answer the queries, provide your analysis and move on. :thumb:

Yours silent spectator!!! :cheers:

Stock trendy

Well-Known Member
Hope many in this thread are convinced that the market to go down from here on there is no room for up side well some chart display and heated arguments woooo its too much of head hack to understand what finally the biggies are about say yes many in the forum accept market to correct and hoping and prying ho God at least bring in some 100 point correction that is up to 5650 to rescue and bring in some honer
Jokes apart i am with Prada sir I am short hoping at least 5650 next week :clap::rofl:

Stock trendy

Well-Known Member
Market was trying going up touch its all time high of 1565.15 again! Currently it is just 110 points down for S&P 500. A strong 2 days rally can help to push the market to set a new all time high before US presidential election.

No matter what, Fed has already created the credit bubble by keeping the interest rate low for over 3 years. And this credit bubble will burst; this is going to be a very surprise and another disaster to the economy. The american workforce dropped to the lowest level in 31 years. Market is getting ready to crash! But the only question is whether it will happen immediately before or immediately after the US presidential election.

US will hold presidential elections on Nov 06, 2012

With respect to US long term treasury prices, TLT closed today at 124.23 which is a significant recovery compared to the last week close of 121.55. However TLT reached its all time high point of 132.21 on July 25, 2012. In the short time, TLT may make a significant upward move. So if you are trading on US treasuries in the short term, it is a good time to take long position on US treasuries.
This is a copy paste message from a website on US market.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Mansi, glad you found my reply interesting, unlike the first one of yours which I found was in poor taste.

Regards to your second, I need to congratulate you for your (one among many) noteworthy skills in inferring my trading ability (out of thin air). Thats amazing. Would you, BTW be in any way related to Detective Karamchand.? ;) I believe you could be the prime candidate on the next spaceship to Mars to investigate the big scientific mystery if there is life beyond earth.

I defer to you O high priestess of trading. We poor folks are lost amongst the 90%, and so we bow down to your superior intellect and trading skills that places you in the top 10% of traders. Er, wait, should that be top 1%? More power to you!

Ah, you give me the opportunity to reply to that spiral thingy. Thank you. The reason I liked the post, was because I found the description hilarious. It gave me something to smile at. :)

While at it, do continue with other antics and post etc directing scorn at others (will make you as usual to feel superior than the rest of us poor 99% traders) and it will keep you amused as well, while you nonchalantly make money with those amazing trading skills.

Mam you can have the last word on this discussion, while I have the last laugh. You can keep them coming, so that I have something to read and lighten up from time to time while you spite us poor folks with contempt who are caught at the wrong end of those pesky spiral moves

Cheers, and happy trading. Have a good day ahead.

Haha interesting reply(My reply was LOW GRADE personal attack, and ur reply was very soothing Trading discussion?) :thumb: . People tend to forget about what they say , no problem at all.
By the way congratulations for ur HIGH GRADE and HIGH PROFILE English, but i m sorry i cant wish u good luck for ur LOW GRADE TRADING , else what will be the difference between u and GOOD TRADERS :)

And who told u I m short now(U r absolutely Void at making guesses)?? Oops u r ultra long term trader :)

Actually i forget to tell u that i m not good at comprehensions, so can u plz tell me wat i shud have comprehended from ur "SPIRAL" meaning. Anywaz dont take much trouble bcoz in any case i dont expect any sensible reply from u.


Well-Known Member
Hahahaha :rofl: I thought the topic was about Incisive Nifty Trend Analysis!

And some people seem to raise irrelevant arguments here ?!

Lets have the INCISIVE Nifty Trend analysis and cut out all other crap :thumb:

P.S. Mansi, I hope you do not make a living by trading ? :p


Well-Known Member
This fall of NIFTY was unexpected.....wrongful work. It was an attempt to destabilize the market by one specific group....They have forced to spread panic in the market.

This is reason NSE has taken punitive action and disabled terminal.

an accident is not welcome all the time.

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