Incisive Nifty Trend Analysis


Active Member
We are not here to argue who is right and who is wrong. In my holy opinion market needs to correct and I see 5650 as the immediate target(5550 as the final target) from these extended levels. Let the market prove itself.
Well sir the market proved your holy opinion right and how! Congratulations. Now whatever disclaimer you put in your analysis it would not matter. People will ignore the logic but hang onto your predictions as if they being the devine truth. You sir are now have all the makings of market prophet. I just hope not someone like Joseph Granville. :)


Well-Known Member
@Anilal, neither am I a prophet nor am I a priest. It is quite simple and logical to expect a correction after an extended rally. The point was when? I trust my charts and technically you need to be sound in estimating when this was going to happen. I am happy , it did prove me right. I had stuck on just a day before that 5807 was a critical level wherein one can expect a turn around. Have a sound sleep if you are holding onto short positions.

'people will ignore logic'? Does your logic mean that nifty will move non stop from 4770 to 6300 without any pause? This sounds childish! All my posts in this thread has had some logic behind it at that point of time. There is absolutely no question of non logical stuff in this thread. One is free to ignore this thread if her/she does not find sense in this thread.

Well sir the market proved your holy opinion right and how! Congratulations. Now whatever disclaimer you put in your analysis it would not matter. People will ignore the logic but hang onto your predictions as if they being the devine truth. You sir are now have all the makings of market prophet. I just hope not someone like Joseph Granville. :)
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Well-Known Member
@ Daylyn, Yes Elliot waves does contribute substantially to my analysis. But I do alot of inter/intra market( currencies, commodities, global indices.....) co-relative studies before I come to conclusions. It is pain staking, but I enjoy what I do.

Form ur profile pic as well as ur comments I deduce that u are an Elliotian, if yes what is ur current wave count

Do share


Well-Known Member
@Anilal, neither am I a prophet nor am I a priest. It is quite simple and logical to expect a correction after an extended rally. The point was when? I trust my charts and technically you need to be sound in estimating when this was going to happen. I am happy , it did prove me right. I had stuck on just a day before that 5807 was a critical level wherein one can expect a turn around. Have a sound sleep if you are holding onto short positions.

'people will ignore logic'? Does your logic mean that nifty will move non stop from 4770 to 6300 without any pause? This sounds childish! All my posts in this thread has had some logic behind it at that point of time. There is absolutely no question of non logical stuff in this thread. One is free to ignore this thread if her/she does not find sense in this thread.
Your views are bearish right from 5200 market moved 600 points from there that is 10% have any Technical sense then.. add to that please check your earlier comments on Dax and S&P 500.. all jumped 10% from your assessment of moving down..there is something wrong with your analyses.. Please check your earlier posting
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Well-Known Member

This is with reference to your post copied below.

Atleast Prada HAD the conviction in his opinion to give specific bearish target while all were bullish. Also he did say that he was going to add shorts to his position as well.

I guess that's better than you taking credit and clapping for yourself sighting a vauge correction comming 'sooner rather than later' sighting the 'spiral move'???? (What the hell is that?) If you knew of the 'spiral move' did you go short to take advantage of it???

Prada is not a God, nor is anybody here. We all will be right or wrong many times over. We can surely give out our opinions one way or the other, that's what the forum is about. Let's do so with humility and due respect for others. It is not necessary of us to be small enough and gloat if somebody is not right.

Originally Posted by MansiVarma
Correction will come, rather sooner than later and it will be a big as well as surprising and unexpected for many and this is bcoz of the spiral upmove that Nifty (indeed world mkts) is in rite now. Such Big moves are often executed to weed out people with less capital, so that when actual downmove occurs they shud not be able to catch it.

So finally the moment seems to have arrived

Well said sevenstar , no doubt u picked exactly and perfectly the right point. :thumb: . Bcoz there is no point in celebrating a move when u r wrong by such a distance.


Active Member
@Anilal, neither am I a prophet nor am I a priest. It is quite simple and logical to expect a correction after an extended rally. The point was when? I trust my charts and technically you need to be sound in estimating when this was going to happen. I am happy , it did prove me right. I had stuck on just a day before that 5807 was a critical level wherein one can expect a turn around. Have a sound sleep if you are holding onto short positions.

'people will ignore logic'? Does your logic mean that nifty will move non stop from 4770 to 6300 without any pause? This sounds childish! All my posts in this thread has had some logic behind it at that point of time. There is absolutely no question of non logical stuff in this thread. One is free to ignore this thread if her/she does not find sense in this thread.
I shall not enter into any fruitless debate to prove whether you were logical or not. None of my business sir. Besides to me in your previous post the words ' my holy conviciton' do not leave any room for logic anyway, logically speaking. :) Please read my post again and try to find a point that implied that you were illogical or I was being childish by emphasizing that market moves in a straight line from point a to b without pauses or dips on the way. All my post implied was that people in general find it more easy to ignore the logic behind an argument than believing it on face value when the arguement is being hammered so incessantly. Because believing does not take any mental effort. For example Mr Seven Star in his last post shows that he went thorugh the mental effort and put the things in black and white for all of us to see and draw inference. And I am sure his arguement will be taken as sort of vindictiveness by the shallow among us. Another thing is I do not see any relevence in the statement that one is free to ignore this thread if it does not make sense. As I understand this is a public forum hence the idea is that everyone is free to respond to or ignore any thread or post at one's discretion. If by finding sense means one must agree with the thread owner all the time then I am afraid I will have to just forget my log in password! :)


Well-Known Member
Let me clarify this for the last time. The time frame I was using just until recently was a large one which until today gives me a bearish picture about the market. Even with such a time frame I was able to pick potential tops correctly. Now I have shifted to a smaller time frame so that I could analyse the market with respect to current scenario which is what everyone needs. With respect to logic, every post of mine was based on some logic at that point of time. I was extremely bearish as I had posted in one my posts and that policy paralysis was the main reason for the same. Just a few measures were announced by the government and you saw what happened there after. This might change for the worse at any given point and the need of the hour is to be alert in picking the same.
At the end of the day, none of us can be 100 percent perfect either with our analysis or with our system. Each one of us here have the freedom to express his/her own view and there is no compulsion in being correct each time.

Your views are bearish right from 5200 market moved 600 points from there that is 10% have any Technical sense then.. add to that please check your earlier comments on Dax and S&P 500.. all jumped 10% from your assessment of moving down..there is something wrong with your analyses.. Please check your earlier posting

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