Indian Trading League / SAMCO


Well-Known Member
it is very easy to create many accounts with 25K
For eg
Create 64 Accounts
it requires 16Lakh Capital
buy CE in 32 account and BUY PE in 32 accounts all are OTM
at of contract you will have 32 Winners
similarly Buy CE in 16 Accounts and buy PE in 16 acconuts
2nd month you will have 8 winners

3rd month 4 winners
4th month 2 winners
5th month 1 Mega winner

this winner would be sure contender for one Crore

if market stayed flat or small range then( in all 5 months ) the maximum loss is 16L

so the risk is 16L Reward is one crore

Can any one take it as serious :rofl:


Well-Known Member
Very nice the third plan
Have 3 categories
Buy all CEs in 1 category
Buy all PEs in 1
Sell both CE and PEs in 3 for flat market.
and follow saravananks rule of dividing the winner accounts. 64 accounts of 64 relatives :p:)

Master rule no chance to loose money even in flat markets :rofl: one of your relatives will be contender for 1 crore
it is very easy to create many accounts with 25K
For eg
Create 64 Accounts
it requires 16Lakh Capital
buy CE in 32 account and BUY PE in 32 accounts all are OTM
at of contract you will have 32 Winners
similarly Buy CE in 16 Accounts and buy PE in 16 acconuts
2nd month you will have 8 winners

3rd month 4 winners
4th month 2 winners
5th month 1 Mega winner

this winner would be sure contender for one Crore

if market stayed flat or small range then( in all 5 months ) the maximum loss is 16L

so the risk is 16L Reward is one crore

Can any one take it as serious :rofl:
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Well-Known Member
I cant take it seriously but I loved the way you thought about it. :lol: :lol:

I am sure you are doing well to make good money. An keep posting such wonderful thoughts

it is very easy to create many accounts with 25K
For eg
Create 64 Accounts
it requires 16Lakh Capital
buy CE in 32 account and BUY PE in 32 accounts all are OTM
at of contract you will have 32 Winners
similarly Buy CE in 16 Accounts and buy PE in 16 acconuts
2nd month you will have 8 winners

3rd month 4 winners
4th month 2 winners
5th month 1 Mega winner

this winner would be sure contender for one Crore

if market stayed flat or small range then( in all 5 months ) the maximum loss is 16L

so the risk is 16L Reward is one crore

Can any one take it as serious :rofl:
The person who was leading in the Annual ranking with 539% now down to only 113% in just two days.. Whats going on.. !!
Maybe some member of theirs should ask for them to list their trades. F&O is surely volatile.

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