Indian Trading League / SAMCO


Well-Known Member
If you are playing to improve your trading, then you continue doing what you are doing.

If you are playing just to win the big prize then wait until the last quarter and till then do some tit-bit trades to fulfil the competition criteria. Check how much is the leader making after 9-10 months.

Then bet 25K on expiry day on call or put when/if the prices are close to Rs.1 for some nearby strike. And then pray hard for a last hour move above Rs.10 or whatever. If you hit the jackpot, shut shop and go home.

If the leader initially was making < 700-800%, chances are good that he will be beaten by someone doing a random expiry day all/nothing trade.
stock market preffered anytime .. Here atleast you have sword in your hand .
In casino sword is always in owners hand .
winning chance in stock is greater :)

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