Intraday trading--Ambushing the Flow

Saint sir one small question. How do u scan so many stocks. Also as each stock is having different personality how do u deal with it. Like the wiggle etc,
Old school,SS...... not like you young guys armed with modern technology .....:)

I just go through the daily charts of all stocks in the futures at night and form a strong watchlist and a so-so watch.....then I get into 2 till stops are breakeven or exited....then add one more if a setup is good......Easy,but very old fashioned.....something that the younger generation might not be too thrilled with.... :)

There was a time I used to be in a huge number at one time....but losing life was never part of the deal.One wants to make maximum gains with minimum time at the markets if thinking juggling so many was not worth the pain.

Different personalities wise..I agree.....there is a universe within the whole lot of the futures that I go after.......the rest is all routine....Time comes when the same thing happens again and again,SS.....and things get boring....Okay,I am going off on a tangent...:D Sorry abt that....:)


Well-Known Member
Old school,SS...... not like you young guys armed with modern technology .....:)

I just go through the daily charts of all stocks in the futures at night and form a strong watchlist and a so-so watch.....then I get into 2 till stops are breakeven or exited....then add one more if a setup is good......Easy,but very old fashioned.....something that the younger generation might not be too thrilled with.... :)

There was a time I used to be in a huge number at one time....but losing life was never part of the deal.One wants to make maximum gains with minimum time at the markets if thinking juggling so many was not worth the pain.

Different personalities wise..I agree.....there is a universe within the whole lot of the futures that I go after.......the rest is all routine....Time comes when the same thing happens again and again,SS.....and things get boring....Okay,I am going off on a tangent...:D Sorry abt that....:)

LOL ... nice..

I am pretty sure that the bank account gets interesting on a very different magnitude before "things get boring" :)


Well-Known Member
Dear Saint Ji : I was silently following this new threads for last 2 days. In fact mesmerized of your presence here didn't know how to react :D. Your "Teach a Man to Fish", was the reason how I got introduced to TJ. Created id just to be albe to download that and after I read it completly... I was like.. why didn't I came across TJ before. And now all of us have you.. trading with us. So definitely will add up to our skill and confidence Thank you for coming back to TJ :thumb:

Looking at some of the posts from other members.. I think it would be really great if you can post some detailed around steps that you actually take every day (or should I say night :) ) for the next day trade. This is something that I also struggled with in the past and finally gave up.

Your response below said that you scan all the futures stock. Now there are about 100+ stocks, how can one scan all of them ? On what parameters ? What should our eyes be looking for ? Would be really great if you can throw some light around these things in your post sometime.

sorry for this long post... wanted to say Hello and Welcome back. It's great to have you here with us ! :)

Saint sir one small question. How do u scan so many stocks. Also as each stock is having different personality how do u deal with it. Like the wiggle etc,
Old school,SS...... not like you young guys armed with modern technology .....:)

I just go through the daily charts of all stocks in the futures at night and form a strong watchlist and a so-so watch.....then I get into 2 till stops are breakeven or exited....then add one more if a setup is good......Easy,but very old fashioned.....something that the younger generation might not be too thrilled with.... :)

There was a time I used to be in a huge number at one time....but losing life was never part of the deal.One wants to make maximum gains with minimum time at the markets if thinking juggling so many was not worth the pain.

Different personalities wise..I agree.....there is a universe within the whole lot of the futures that I go after.......the rest is all routine....Time comes when the same thing happens again and again,SS.....and things get boring....Okay,I am going off on a tangent...:D Sorry abt that....:)
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