todays list.
trying to derive a method for intraday trade.. this does not have targets. this method is not back tested or tested fully yet.
I expect those stocks in list may have a flat top/bottom candles today. or small tails/wicks abv /below open than major direction of trade. I use it with small trailing s/l.
if they cross open we get the direction of trade.
buy abv open s/l days low sell below open s/l days high.
this is just for study purpose, I welcome you all to observe if it works or not.
Ticker Date/Time close range High range Low rsi2 rsi2llv4
ACC 21-09-2015 1383.40 1408.00 1358.15 74.2577 32.8743
AJANTPHARM 21-09-2015 1447.40 1495.00 1408.50 52.2276 44.3320
AMBUJACEM 21-09-2015 209.90 212.45 203.10 58.9556 23.0337
ASHOKLEY 21-09-2015 88.15 89.95 86.40 71.2554 36.1974
ASIANPAINT 21-09-2015 829.70 849.90 818.10 42.0620 38.6233
BEL 21-09-2015 1102.05 1124.00 1068.70 12.9604 1.2823
CAIRN 21-09-2015 142.70 149.00 141.15 13.6461 13.6461
GLENMARK 21-09-2015 1022.85 1040.05 1001.00 73.0370 44.7581
HINDALCO 21-09-2015 78.10 79.00 74.20 72.1143 30.9552
HINDZINC 21-09-2015 135.70 138.05 131.70 66.2043 33.1086
IDEA 21-09-2015 145.85 149.25 143.60 34.5956 6.0144
JISLJALEQS 21-09-2015 60.65 61.45 58.00 82.1214 37.8363
M&MFIN 21-09-2015 237.85 242.95 231.80 69.8951 10.9945
NTPC 21-09-2015 126.75 130.00 124.50 57.6978 57.6978
OFSS 21-09-2015 3726.00 3842.00 3712.40 23.2152 12.7035
RCOM 21-09-2015 67.45 68.40 64.60 87.7640 47.1866
SAIL 21-09-2015 51.70 53.25 50.05 49.1794 25.4158
TATAMTRDVR 21-09-2015 237.10 251.70 232.95 28.4560 20.3799
TCS 21-09-2015 2551.05 2586.00 2533.20 62.2819 31.0301
UBL 21-09-2015 869.20 879.00 845.10 58.2394 29.4350
ULTRACEMCO 21-09-2015 2906.20 3018.95 2873.05 14.2837 14.2837
VEDL 21-09-2015 98.40 101.75 96.30 42.6251 33.1812
for example.. today I have shorted VEDL furt after 1st 5 min as it was trading below open and s/l is abv days high. and it hit my s/l
@ 99.30
similarly sold ACC fut @ 1389.. and now waiting with s/l..
9.39 AM again sold VEDL @ 98.95 and waiting with s/l