M6 - Man, Mind, Money, Markets, Method & Madness

Interactive Brokers to offer direct routing to 'Flash Boys' dark pool IEX


Interactive Brokers announced Thursday that it will offer retail trading customers the first direct connection to the new trading platform IEX.

IEX bills itself as a platform designed to resist the techniques of high-frequency traders, building in extra cable lengths to slow down some transactions and limiting the number of complex order types.
Trading/Investing Phases

So why should market go down according to what you post at the last high on such a chart?

and at accumulation it surely will go up according to what you post? :confused:

If so, then the market would be in a range the whole live.

If I missed the point, I am more then sorry, other wise the ball is really on your side to stop with such, not deep in knowledge charts which are miss leading posts.

Take care and good trading / Somatung :)


Well-Known Member
So why should market go down according to what you post at the last high on such a chart?

and at accumulation it surely will go up according to what you post? :confused:

If so, then the market would be in a range the whole live.

If I missed the point, I am more then sorry, other wise the ball is really on your side to stop with such, not deep in knowledge charts which are miss leading posts.

Take care and good trading / Somatung :)

How can you say this post is misleading????
Does the market not move in such cycles???
Is the market not range bound 70% of the times ???
Is there a time frame mentioned anywhere on the chart to make it rigid???
Are all price charts not generalized to some extent???It is not necessary that all markets/scrips should follow the same structure, there can be variations.
Hope you provide answers to this.:confused:
Dear Amitrandive

Hope you are fine. What I meant or probably did miss interpret is the following (see the posted chart). In your chart some how it looks like a double top and it assumes market will fall because of the explanations made on it. This made me confusing and so I made the above post, as this not always would be the case. Of course many times such double and triple tops hold like we see very clearly in the daily chart from the Dow Future. Here the circle posted in your chart does its work as shown. So do not worry as I appreciate your posting here very, very much.

Enjoy the day and good trading / Somatung :)


Well-Known Member
Dear Amitrandive

Hope you are fine. What I meant or probably did miss interpret is the following (see the posted chart). In your chart some how it looks like a double top and it assumes market will fall because of the explanations made on it. This made me confusing and so I made the above post, as this not always would be the case. Of course many times such double and triple tops hold like we see very clearly in the daily chart from the Dow Future. Here the circle posted in your chart does its work as shown. So do not worry as I appreciate your posting here very, very much.

Enjoy the day and good trading / Somatung :)

Thanks for explanation and chart.I always believe that arguments should be healthy,constructive and fruitful for all involved.

Appreciate your comments.:clapping:


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Seven Things They Don't Teach You In Business School


1. Self-Compassion.

Be kind to yourself, especially when you feel bad. Learning how to fail without hating yourself in the process is probably the best business skill anyone could ever learn, in addition to being one of the most important life skills. This is linked to happiness, a feeling of worthiness, success, and even will power. Self-compassion helps you bounce back faster from the setbacks and seek out new opportunities without letting fear get in your way.

Start by talking to yourself the way you would talk to a good friend. There is no one else whose voice you’ll hear more than your own.

2. Visioning Your Future Self.

One of the best ways to make your vision a reality is to get clear on it and then see yourself in it as if you already are that future self. Most Olympic and professional athletes incorporate this technique in their training and yet corporate athletes are completely under-utilizing this tool. If you want a promotion, see yourself already in that position. If you want to start a company, see yourself as that future entrepreneur. You will draw in people and opportunities that lead you towards your ideal life by visualizing it and feeling the feelings in your body as if you already have that life.

3. Appreciation & Gratitude.

The more you appreciate what you already have, the more you will get. Simple as that. If you want to grow your sales territory, appreciate the territory you already have, even if you were assigned the smallest, crappiest region at your company. Once you start to appreciate it, you will suddenly see a new opportunity within your little region that you hadn’t noticed when you were taking it for granted, or someone will give you a larger territory, or nothing will change right away but you will feel happier about your job in the meanwhile. Sounds like a win/win to me.

4. Trust and Patience.

We are taught to be impatient, to get results FAST. But when you act from a place of impatience, fear, scarcity, or trying to be overly “strategic,” you often swim upstream and are ineffective. Hiring employees is one example of this. When we rush to fill a need, we often create a bigger problem by hiring someone who underperforms and needs to be replaced at a future date. Start by being aware of when you might benefit from slowing down, trusting your gut and being patient with the process.

5. Practice Mindfulness. Being is more important than doing.

Being busy has somehow become a sign of prestige. We have it completely backwards. Being still and quiet can give us ideas for our business that have a much greater impact than when we run around like a chicken with it’s head cut off, firing off emails left and right and constantly multi-tasking without thinking about the big picture. When we act out without being mindful, it can lead to disastrous consequences in business. We literally become more stupid. One study showed that when we are reactive, we lose 10-15 IQ points. Simply by stating “I’m feeling anxious,” we regain 10-15 IQ points.

By being aware of our inner state, we can name it and act from a place of greater truth and possibility. This leads to better choices and higher performance.

6. Follow your heart and intuition. Not your mind, ego or wallet.

I give this advice to all my clients, and it has really worked. Many of us get caught up in trying to prove our worth to others (did I mention I went to Stanford?), and that rarely leads to us feeling good in the long run. We may get a short boost when someone validates our ego’s needs but it’s not sustainable. The real path to success and fulfillment is in following your heart’s desire. Next time you are making a decision, notice whether your heart and intuition are driving the bus or your ego, mind and wallet and see if you can follow the former.

7. Our thoughts create our reality.

You write the story of your life, no one else. Believe it or not, the placebo affect can essentially be magnified and applied to all aspects of life. Here’s a deep truth I’ve learned: You become what you think about. Positive thoughts lead to positive results. Negative thoughts lead to negative outcomes. If you’re upset about an underperforming employee and you focus on it obsessively, you’ll start to see flaws everywhere you turn. If you instead focus on what is going right and take action to correct the underperforming employee, you’ll start to see more positive results.

I believe these principles should be taught at every school. The good news is you don’t need to go to a top school to learn and apply these tools. Anyone can do it, and it’s free. You can start small. Commit to appreciating three things about your contribution at work right now and notice how you feel afterwards. What have you got to lose?


Well-Known Member
What Professional Athletes Can Teach You About Trading

Your long-term trading goal is probably to become a professional trader, or at least to make enough money from trading to pay your bills each month.
There are clearly some similarities between the minority of athletes and traders who make it to the pros. What are these similarities and what can YOU personally learn from them to improve the course your trading ‘ship’ is on right now?

Professional athletes are not afraid of failure

As a trader, failure is going to be a regular part of your weekly routine, and how you deal with it is what ultimately determines whether or not you become a professional. As an athlete, it’s exactly the same, but don’t take my word for it, read this quote from Michael Jordan:

“I’ve missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I’ve been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.” – Michael Jordan (#1 NBA Basketball Player of All Time)

Professional athletes, like professional traders, know that losing sometimes is not the end of the world but it is part of their profession, and so they are more concerned with doing the best they can, controlling themselves and winning long-term.

A professional trader deals with failure in the market by always being cognizant of the FACT that they can potentially lose on any one trade they take. They accept this as a universal fact of trading and they work out a logical money and risk management plan to deal with this fact, but they do not become emotional or act ‘surprised’ at a losing trade, because they have already accepted that losing trades are a part of the process.

Long-term success requires avoiding short-term temptations

Perhaps the most obvious thing that a professional athlete can you teach about professional trading is that you need to be focused on the bigger picture.

Professional athletes have made it to the pros because they were simply more committed to their long-term goal than all the other athletes who didn’t make it, physical attributes obviously helped them as well, but in any professional sport you can find a story of a man or woman who was considered “too short” or not strong enough, fast enough, etc. yet they continued to excel in the face of these obstacles and made it to the pros. This goes to show that commitment to the longer-term goal can truly get you anything in life IF you actually follow-through with that commitment by being disciplined and having a plan (and sticking to it).

Just like athletes, traders get distracted from doing what they need to do to achieve their longer-term goal. An athlete in college might get distracted by partying late at night, doing drugs etc., while the soon-to-be professional athlete is getting a full night’s rest and waking up early to get a head start on practice…this shows a greater desire to succeed and a stronger commitment to maintaining the discipline that long-term athletic success requires.

Similarly, a trader will get distracted by trying to make a lot of money as soon as possible, which causes them to risk too much and trade too much, which inevitably causes them to blow out their trading account and never become a professional. Professional traders become pros by doing what the approximate 90% of traders who do not become pros are not doing, which primarily means being committed to persistent discipline, just like the professional athlete. Persistent discipline is the ‘magic ingredient’ that leads to long-term success in both athletics and trading, there are no short-cuts in either profession.

Common enemies

The worst enemy of a professional athlete is thinking too much when the game or match is on the line. A common enemy that plagues both traders and athletes is thinking too much and over-analyzing.It’s also why a trader can run-up a demo account like a total pro and then blow out his or her live account a couple of months later.

Both professional athletes and professional traders know that experience trumps everything, and that is why professional athletes out-practice their peers who didn’t make it to the ‘big show’, they put in the extra time and energy actually doing what they love, not just thinking about it.

Similarly, professional traders simply love trading, from the losing to the winning, the charts and the self-discipline required, they love the process and they know that after they learn an effective trading method like price action, they need to gain experience and stop thinking so much. You can drown your trading success if you try to think and learn too much about the market, at the end of the day you just need to get your feet wet and start gaining real-world trading experience, after you’ve learned a solid method like price action of course.

The most frustrating aspect of being a trader and probably for athletes as well, is that you can indeed be your own worst enemy if you let yourself. The way to avoid this is by keeping your mind clear and calm by not over-analyzing everything or trying to take in too many trading variables.

Being “in the zone” for a pro athlete or a pro trader is the end result of proper preparation but also of not trying to “force” the issue. Letting go of apprehension and fear, and trusting your gut while blocking out all other distractions (like news data, economic reports, other trading methods, market analysts, etc.), is how you create the right trading mindset to get into the zone with your trading.

The most important thing to learn from professional athletes

Finally, perhaps the most important thing that you can learn from professional athletes which you can apply to trading, is that a professional athlete had to truly be a ‘specialist’ to make it to the pros. To really excel at anything in life, whether it’s sports or trading, you’ve got to be dedicated to becoming a master of your craft and you’ve got to enjoy the journey, perhaps even more so than the destination. A professional athlete has truly mastered their chosen sport because they were focused on doing one thing as good as they possibly could, they were not trying to become pro in five different sports at once and they weren’t allowing all the distractions around them to affect their progress.

As a trader, if you really want to excel and become a professional, you’ve got to do the same thing. That is to say, you’ve got to truly become a master of one trading strategy and not let all the outside distractions affect you or influence your trading. Once you learn and master an effective trading strategy like the price action trading method I teach in my trading course and members’ community, the only thing standing between you and professional trading is the mindset, discipline and dedication shared by both professional athletes and professional traders.


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