M6 - Man, Mind, Money, Markets, Method & Madness

I hope the subject is related to "Dabba Trading"

Normally, Script option selling and buying / Nifty option selling facility is not available.

Since, it is un official, as long as if we get our rate and volume, contract is executed.

Only risk, if all his clients (Dabba "unofficial broker") starts making profit, he will shutdown the shop...

Normally in 1992, no specific period for Delivery and Settlement in Exchange.

After sometime, Delivery period (settlement) has been fixed Wednesday to Tuesday..

Now, it is Daily cycle..

So, people use to trade volume those days with less money, still prefer this Dabba Trading...

Ok, I see. An other disadvantage for traders in your country. Sad to see it and sorry to see it for all those who not can do any thing about it. Now I even more appreciate to be in a situation to have access to such information, as for me this was just some thing normal. But after your post.....Take care :)


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The Secret World of Gold


Hidden Secrets of Money, a series presented by Mike Maloney as he travels the world to uncover the Hidden Secrets of Money. Hidden Secrets of Money is a free video series about money hosted by Mike Maloney, bestselling author of Guide To Investing In Gold & Silver. Mike's goal is to give everyone a solid foundation in the principles of money and wealth. This documentary style video is for everyone interested in learning about how money works, whether you are just starting your career or if you are planning for retirement and living on social security income. The mission for the series: To enlighten the world that maximum prosperity can only be achieved through individual freedom, free markets, and sound money.

Hidden Secrets Of Money is brought to you by GoldSilver dot com, one of the world's largest and most trusted precious metals dealers. Founded by Mike Maloney in 2005, GoldSilver dot com is an industry leader in providing gold and silver bullion in secure storage, retirement accounts, or delivered to your door.

Source : http://hiddensecretsofmoney.com/

Note : The Hidden secrets of Money may have a vested interest in promoting buying, storing Silver and Gold, so readers and viewers have to make their own judgement about claims made, and also take into account contra-claims or facts that may not been presented in the article/doccumentary.


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Stop Looking for “the Story” Why Markets Are Falling - Barry Ritholtz

(A totally different take on what I usually believe in. But exposing our mind to opinion that is different from ours, and trying to understand an alternative view, can only help find flaws in our own logic and beliefs, or having exposed ourselves to contra opinion, make it more robust. So surely, worth reading)


Whenever we see any sort of disruption in markets an explanation usually follows. The headlines will explain that “Markets are going up/down because of this good/bad thing.” News anchors will solemnly intone why the volatility is significant and what it means for one thing or another. None of these casual explanations can withstand close examination. They are often things that have existed for months or years, and so can’t account for what happened yesterday.

Stocks are fully valued, and have been for a while, so why is it that valuations suddenly matter after not mattering at all? The market for initial public offerings is too hot? Wait, the Federal Reserve is going to end quantitative easing, something it has been warning us about for two years? Now it suddenly matters? Of course, all of these narratives serve a singular purpose: They give the appearance of meaning and rationality to actions that are meaningless and irrational. The daily action in the markets is a form of noisy, random, Brownian motion. If you are looking for a clear reason as to why stocks did what they did, then you are in the wrong line of business.

Given that truth, it was with great pleasure this morning I read a headline in the Wall Street Journal that accidentally reflected this reality: “Biotech Stocks’ Rout Perplexes Analysts.” There are several things that make this such a wonderfully inadvertent truth-telling exercise. The headline implies that other times when stocks get shellacked, the analysts know and understand the reasons why. Never mind that they cannot forecast where these stocks will go, and all of their explanations are a post-hoc rationalization. But this time they are perplexed. I find that delightful.

Here is the simple reality most of us try desperately to ignore: Most of the time, we have no idea what is going on. Our understanding of objective reality is at best tenuous. At its worst, our beliefs reflect a completely erroneous viewpoint, one that is as comforting as it is misleading. Indeed, the comfort often comes from hiding the truth from ourselves. Consider this explanation of the artificial construct most of us live in: People create a happy little bubble of delusion. We engage in all sorts of cognitive foibles. Our selective perception allows us to only see that which agrees with our preconceived notions. Our selective retention only holds onto the stuff that confirms our views, disregarding the rest. In our minds’ eye, we are younger, better-looking, slimmer, and have more hair than an objective observer would see. The universe we construct bears only a passing resemblance to the objective world.

Sometimes, Toto pulls back the curtain and we see the wizard is nothing more than an old man with a few parlor tricks. For a brief moment, we understand how little we really understand. The grim reality of human cognition is that however little we know, we understand even less. Hence, the accidental revelation in the headline is more noteworthy for how extraordinary it is.

Markets move up and down for no apparent reason. We have spilled plenty of ink and generated billions of pixels explaining why people want and need reasons to explain these movements. The human love of narrative is a dangerous cognitive failing that constantly leads investors astray. You can fabricate a story that makes you feel good. Or, you can face reality. Too many investors opt for comfort over truth. You can see it in their performance.


Well-Known Member
The Secret World of Gold


Hidden Secrets of Money, a series presented by Mike Maloney as he travels the world to uncover the Hidden Secrets of Money. Hidden Secrets of Money is a free video series about money hosted by Mike Maloney, bestselling author of Guide To Investing In Gold & Silver. Mike's goal is to give everyone a solid foundation in the principles of money and wealth. This documentary style video is for everyone interested in learning about how money works, whether you are just starting your career or if you are planning for retirement and living on social security income. The mission for the series: To enlighten the world that maximum prosperity can only be achieved through individual freedom, free markets, and sound money.

Hidden Secrets Of Money is brought to you by GoldSilver dot com, one of the world's largest and most trusted precious metals dealers. Founded by Mike Maloney in 2005, GoldSilver dot com is an industry leader in providing gold and silver bullion in secure storage, retirement accounts, or delivered to your door.

Source : http://hiddensecretsofmoney.com/

Note : The Hidden secrets of Money may have a vested interest in promoting buying, storing Silver and Gold, so readers and viewers have to make their own judgement about claims made, and also take into account contra-claims or facts that may not been presented in the article/doccumentary.

Thanks...DSM ...iam doing this thing without kowledge of this subject......ur the real Man... i really appreciate this...thanks Buddy.



Well-Known Member
Bitcoin Mining Boom Sputters as Prospectors Face Losses - Olga Kharif



The bitcoin mining rush is sputtering.
Speculators, known as miners, use powerful computers to solve complex software problems and verify transactions to unlock new bitcoins. They’re finding that the enterprise isn’t as profitable as it once was. Drawn by the virtual currency’s jump in value last year, digital prospectors have turned the mining industry into an arms race as they buy expensive computing equipment and gobble up electricity. While that worked well as long as bitcoin’s value kept rising, smaller players are now being crowded out by bigger competition, high utility bills and declining prices.

“If you mine at the moment, you have to be very lucky to get anything,” said Mehmet Vatansever, who bought $16,000 worth of mining computers in February to chase after new bitcoins. “It’s a very difficult business.” Bitcoins, which jumped to more than $1,200 last year from $12, were trading at about $420 apiece yesterday, according to the CoinDesk Bitcoin Price Index, an average of prices across major global exchanges. China’s tighter controls on alternative currencies, the implosion of the Mt.Gox exchange and a U.S. Internal Revenue Service ruling that bitcoins should be taxed as a property have all weighed on the virtual currency.

While he has been able to create new bitcoins, Vatansever soon discovered that his equipment was on track to earn less than his monthly utility bill of $480. After selling his computers on EBay Inc. in April, Vatansever estimates that he lost a total of about $6,000 on his mining adventure. In the past week, miners made $14.9 million in revenue, compared with a weekly average of $25.2 million in December, according to Blockchain.info, a bitcoin-data aggregator. The figures represent the number of bitcoins mined plus transaction fees, multiplied by the dollar-based market price.

EBay now features more than 1,600 listings for mining computers, many of them used. “The mining market has evolved from being mostly isolated ventures to more organized entrepreneurial ventures that are still racing to get an edge with increasingly fast equipment and lower electricity costs,” Gil Luria, an analyst at Wedbush Securities Inc., said in an interview. “At this point, the opportunity for individual miners is very small.”

While individuals give up prospecting, at least two other larger mining companies, KnCMiner and Cloud Hashing, are still generating profits. By scaling up operations, they’ve been able to save costs on cooling and power, making their computers more efficient and cost-effective. KnCMiner also sells mining computers to other miners. KnCMiner, based in Stockholm, operates about 7,000 machines. While the mining company’s electric bill in March came to $450,000, the computers mined 21,000 bitcoins, according to co-founder Sam Cole. Cloud Hashing, which lets people buy computing capacity in its data center and share in profits, mines about $230,000 to $260,000 worth of bitcoins a day, according to Chief Executive Officer Emmanuel Abiodun.

Mining-equipment suppliers are feeling the cool-down firsthand. CoinTerra Inc., a manufacturer of the powerful computers used to crunch numbers for new bitcoins, has seen new sales shrink by 30 percent in the past three weeks from the preceding period, according to CEO Ravi Iyengar. Mining-equipment suppliers are also detecting early signs of a shift to new virtual currencies. Approximately 250 KnCMiner customers switched their orders from $10,000 computers to similarly priced alternative-currency mining machines in the past three weeks, according to Cole. Because they are newer, designed differently and currently mined by fewer people, currencies such as Litecoin can be more profitable, according to CoinWarz, which tracks mining activity.

“The new rush right now is Litecoin,” Colin Lusk, a network engineer in Portland, Oregon, said in an interview. While he once mined only bitcoins, Lusk now uses five of his eight machines to produce Litecoins and other virtual currencies. Created in 2011, Litecoin is similar in design to bitcoin yet requires less computing power. A $3,500 computer can produce $25 worth of Litecoins a day for $3 in electricity, while producing $20 worth of bitcoins would cost $17, Lusk said.

Andrew Korb, another miner, said buying bitcoins outright is easier than participating in the mining arms race. While Korb and fellow investors have spent 900 bitcoins on mining equipment since last year, they have only generated 77 units of the virtual currency, he said. “People do the math,” said CoinTerra’s Iyengar. “If the price goes down significantly, people realize they may be better off buying bitcoins directly from an exchange rather than buying machines.”


Well-Known Member

Stop Looking for “the Story” Why Markets Are Falling - Barry Ritholtz

The headline implies that other times when stocks get shellacked, the analysts know and understand the reasons why. Never mind that they cannot forecast where these stocks will go, and all of their explanations are a post-hoc rationalization.

Here is the simple reality most of us try desperately to ignore: Most of the time, we have no idea what is going on. Our understanding of objective reality is at best tenuous. At its worst, our beliefs reflect a completely erroneous viewpoint, one that is as comforting as it is misleading. Indeed, the comfort often comes from hiding the truth from ourselves. Consider this explanation of the artificial construct most of us live in: People create a happy little bubble of delusion. We engage in all sorts of cognitive foibles. Our selective perception allows us to only see that which agrees with our preconceived notions. Our selective retention only holds onto the stuff that confirms our views, disregarding the rest. In our minds’ eye, we are younger, better-looking, slimmer, and have more hair than an objective observer would see. The universe we construct bears only a passing resemblance to the objective world.

Markets move up and down for no apparent reason. We have spilled plenty of ink and generated billions of pixels explaining why people want and need reasons to explain these movements. The human love of narrative is a dangerous cognitive failing that constantly leads investors astray. You can fabricate a story that makes you feel good. Or, you can face reality. Too many investors opt for comfort over truth. You can see it in their performance.

This is excellent analysis of Analysts :clap::clap::clap:


Well-Known Member
Record 53k demat accounts closed in Feb


The ongoing bull run is yet to attract retail investors to Dalal Street. Despite the sensex soaring to over 22,500 from below 18,000 and the nifty rising to 6,800 from 5,500 levels, a record number of demat accounts have been closed in February and March. The number of new demat accounts also lost steam during the period. Since demat accounts are almost seen as a necessity to trade on the bourses, a large number of closures and the slowing pace of new accounts indicate dwindling investor interest in the stock market.

The country’s two main depositories — Central Depository Services (CDSL) and National Securities Depository (NSDL) — have together seen over 52,500 demat accounts being closed in February alone. This is the highest number of closures in a single month since demat accounts were introduced in mid-90s. In addition, in March another 23,000 demat accounts were closed. “The number of demat accounts closed in February was a record in itself. The average monthly closure of demat accounts is between 5,000 and 10,000,” a CDSL official said.

According to the official, the number of new accounts being opened has also come down considerably in the last one year. “The average new account addition per month is around 60,000-70,000 compared to over one lakh per month during the 2008 bull run. In February, the net addition was only 7,000 taking into account that a huge number of accounts were closed,” the official added. The total number of demat accounts in the country is now 2.30 crore, up from 1.80 crore in 2008.

Kamal Parekh, chairman, Stewart Securities and former president of Calcutta Stock Exchange, said these numbers show that retail investors are still avoiding the stock market. “Only 50 lakh accounts have been added in six years… this should have been more than a crore,” Parekh said.
“In 2013-14, around seven lakh accounts have been added. The number could have been much higher if there was retail participation in a big way,” added one source. Parekh pointed out that as there is not much movement in midcap stocks, which is the favourite of retail investors; they are not venturing into the stock market.

Uddalok Bose, head-retail business, Abira Securities, agreed: “Yes, a rally in mid-cap is important for retail participation.” The Rajiv Gandhi Equity Scheme (RGES) aimed at encouraging retail participation in the market is not getting good response either, he said.

Hemal Kampani, director, VCK Capital, said hapless retail investors have no other option than to close down demat account as it is not possible for them to pay annual charges when they are not trading in stocks. “Portfolios of a large number of retail investors have been eroded. So a lot of them are closing demat accounts after selling remaining stocks at whatever price they can get in the current market,” he said.

Thanks to FII's and Algo trading , they both have scared the investors out of the markets.With scarcely any investors/traders left who will they now fool to earn money???


Well-Known Member
The Zurich Axioms...... continued

Major Axiom 3 :- On Hope
When the ship starts to sink, don't pray. Jump.

Learning to take losses is an essential speculative technique. MOST never learn it. Take losses at once and move on. Take small losses to protect yourself from the big ones.

Beware of the 3 obstacles to jumping ship:
- fear of regret ( that the loser will turn out to be a winner when you've bailed-out )
- Unwillingness to abandon part of an investment ( become willing to abandon )
- Difficulty of admitting you made a mistake.

Minor Axiom lV
Accept small losses cheerfully as a fact of life. Expect to experience several while awaiting a large gain.


Major Axiom 4 :- On Forecasts
Human behavior cannot be predicted. Distrust anyone who claims to know the future, however dimly.

Nobody has the foggiest notion of what will happen in the future. Nobody. Never lose sight of the possibility you have made a bad bet.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Amit for sharing... your post are encouraging, motivational, inspiring and informative. Thanks for posting.