my options picks intraday/delivery

I dont think nifty is going to cross the recent high of 6320 spot.

i am seeing divergence in RSI, in Nifty daily chart.

Anyone having similar views???
You maybe generally right. The buzz is that nifty will time and again come within kissing distance of all time highs and then retreat to 6100 levels, before the next big move.

option fan

Well-Known Member
NIFTY 6400 CE bought @ 51 closed arround 42..

Suzlon 60 CA bought @ 1.45 closed @ 1.45..


SUZLON had a green day...

nifty didnt moved down intraday support 6297 neither sustained above 6328 ..

a premium eating day for my options..... :(

by chance If we had a gap up tomorrow.. it will be a short covering rally !

Else support reistance game will be full ON ... unless nifty reaches un-charted teritory :D


Well-Known Member
eh...err... any tuition classes for the same? I'll be the first one to enroll :(
Raunak is planning something. Only he can guide now.
We can sometimes dissect trades after market hours but the key is dealing with disparate information during market hours. I still need to improve in this area. A setup I use for a few stocks works badly with others.
The more screen time we spend with some scripts more we can read it,I can read barely 2-4 scripts. The thing in Futures is that the volumes behavior matters a lot.
A large part of good entry consists of accurate chart reading and patience while in the trade. One should properly define the stop loss,re entry and max losses per trade. While testing one needs to see whether there are more chances of successful entries compared to losses and more importantly when it fails. I guess I ignored the latter. Also re entries after it hit the stop loss can be rewarding when the EOD charts support it. Too many moves I missed out because of not defining this. A well defined system needs a lot of work.
Actually a successful trader should start with the index like nifty for futures.
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option fan

Well-Known Member
a follow -up msge ! just reposting the trade/the chart... which i posted on 1st NOV in this thread. my trade is succeful.. I booked almost 80% today !! happy !!
ABAN NOV fut HIGH 874.5-close 864... hope it will hit remaining expectations also !
LTP ABAN 800 CA = 75-70
LTP ABAN 820 CA = 57... ( this is what I traded... booked 80%)

OK, ANAYASH I am not master either in TA or in any option strategy etc..

posting ABAN fut continuous chart as i found its interesting & ....
this is the method i use to trade options plz correct me whereever i am wrong.

Now see this chart... only price/volume chart

sry its a continuous chart of ABAN fut a volatile instument to trade...
if your trade is correct you will earn handsome in short time else your s/l is gone with the wind.
I am OPTION_FAN but realy dont know the details / technics (delta...etc) abt options.

what I can see here..
It can go arround 1050-1100 by dec 3rd or 4 th week (latest) if suggested s/l( in precise terms-the s/l which I seen on chart) held. and it may go back to 880-900-920 in this month itself. as it is upper limit of the horizontal channel shown 750-920 range. todays candle strenghthened my view for me as its a long legged hammer type, almost retested channel support. volume is decreasing in current fall so downside in this wave may end within the channel. and it may retest upside of the channel and if we are lucky :D:rofl: will have breakout !!

now abt my trade.. I will go with 800-820 call NOV cmp(LTP) 31 & 26 respectively ( this will cost me less than the s/l if I traded fut, which i derived from my half-knowledged-TA skills another reason I never carry fut for next day.. SAD JAN 2008) and easily/probably they will be get me 50%-200% profit. I never w8 for profit fot long time. i always try to take back my capital at fastest possible pace... and so never trade in single lot of option. remaing qty stands for me for positional/probable tgt and its premium free !!

so tgt for options never matters for me....
its just a guess/assumption.(shhhh... dont laugh)!

(pl. note. ABAN has very less liquidity in options.......for my 2-3 lots its OK !!)
I Trade naked calls or puts..... no hedging no strategy.. as i dont understand it well :(

same way i trade/ i try to find another trades in options...!

option fan

Well-Known Member
Hi option_fan can you give a list of the options you track...
ps. Is the above price volume called fan lines.
when i enter into 2-3 trades i stop searching for other trades,,

Nifty,tatasteel,suzlon,reliance,rcom,dlf,unitech,sbi,bpcl,sail,rolta,bajajhind,renuka,sesagoa,hindalco,jpassociat,idbi,idea,bhel,lt,essaroil,neyvellilig,hdil,tatamotors,icicibank,Infosys,PNB,rpower,relinfra are the stocks i usualy look for the trade..(in options)

no those are undeleted trend/support/resistance line from time to time... and one of those was just a check .. if its a wolfewave.. what can be the tgt... the tgt in dec i expect with the same wolfewave theory.... which i dunno much
Today seemed like the index was putting the squeeze on Nifty options players. I would like to know how many made any money on intraday Nifty options today, how many booked losses and how many are carrying forward their positions. I bet most of us who bought any nifty options are carrying them forward.