my options picks intraday/delivery

option fan

Well-Known Member
RELINFRA 1066 .. real fun above 1074
RPOWER zoomed 183 !!
RELCAP cmp 840 can be traded with s/l
GTOFFSHORE cmp 400-high 405 !
ABAN 870
HCC 67.35- minor gain so far
INDIAN bank.. define a s/l and enter..
PTC hold with s/l......... all s/l strict.. many of those given quick trade profits as told..
RELINFRA fut close 1059.65 s/l 1034

RELCAPITAL fut close 835.65 s/l 824

RPOWER fut close..173.55 s/l 171.65

looks good to me for intraday fut long trades ( some small quick profits possible) when in profit.. trail ! tgt = more or less profit :)

PTC fut close 142.4 s/l 140 tgt 147+

worth to keep an eye.. GTOFFSHORE / INDIANB / HCC / ABAN

Are you trading in ODIN?

If yes, just check it...

I remember I put order (by default product type was "MARGIN"). But now I see only "CARRY FORWARD". I don't got any choice to pick MARGIN. Do you think it could be the reason why we get blocked 30k+ for one lot nifty?
yeah nac,
using RKG ODIN...there is only carry forward there now....actually I download FNO margin doc from there website time to the yesterdays doc NIFTY margin is 10.15% = 31984 and mininifty @ 10.15% = 12793....for intraday positions some broker charge only span margin which @ 7.14 % is 22484 & 8993 respectively....that would have been better....
for me...

if nifty fut sustained below 6270 more than 15 mins.. i will exit 6400 CEs @ whatever loss occurs
6500 CE sl hit..actually it just kissed the sl and moved upwards but bad trades are bad anyways....this week is again killing me like september 2nd week...then I lost 40k in 2 days expecting nifty to cross 6222..this week expecting nifty to cross 6300 three days lost time to ponder about option trading versus futures trading...:annoyed:
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Well-Known Member
I swear really irritating cannot hit target cannot hit SL. Arre kuch toh karo!
Such an amazing track record you have here and I choose the one trade you make losses it. :annoyed: :mad::argue::
What is the trade u took? Nifty or Suzon ?

Unitech is tempting ... try to get a 90CA @ 2.95-3 ... should rock in the next 2/3 days ....


Well-Known Member
hi alroy, you suggested stock futures..but look at the guy..who lost whooping 48K in one trade in TITAN.yesterday...and completely wiped out account...these big profit/big loss instruments are only for fat pockets..minimum 5Lakh i think....I got carried away in the bull run in september carrying 20 lots Nifty option calls at a time but when nifty started its gyrations lost 60 K in 10 days......still trying to recover....NFut is less risky than options but margin is the problem there with 30K blocked for 1 lot......:(
I selected once a couple of stock futures which had strong volumes and got profits. However it is not as rewarding with the volumes fall. Hence we need to see at what volumes we played a particular strategy. Things change a lot so need to take care one does not fall in love with some script.
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