my options picks intraday/delivery

option fan

Well-Known Member
With your experience in options what do you suggest in terms of stop loss.
Because one way of calculating risk reward is risk is % from stop loss and reward is % from entry. So if stop loss is 20%
So Risk/Reward= 20/10 =2:1 But it is supposed to be 1:2 or 1:3.
That's why nac is saying.
for the trades where we expect 10% are 100% intraday... and there s/l cannot be more than 10% and those are with minimum expectations 10% max can be anything

this i have entered with a tgt price... and absolutely from money earned through trading.. rather free of cost.. another thing trade was suggested without s/l with a strong belief of 6395+ so how much to invest was everones choice..

suzlon.. though I am holding I traded 8-9 time since i have bought it @ 2.20
and cost involved is reduced very much.. each trade is not possible to post bro..

I use to trade a lot of fut trades and i am just 2-4 rs player never w8 ! never carry fut.. that profit helps me to reduce option premium decay risk

option fan

Well-Known Member
Again hit SL. I think your strategy of picking at low levels will work only if there is a rebound. Otherwise it is suicidal esp with mkt falling vertically down. It is like catching a falling knife
still holding but u are rgt :)

even it will make me unhappy when i will see 6400 CE if closed above 22

option fan

Well-Known Member
PUNISHED 29 K!! as i didnt followed own views through out ! or got confused !

friends... I think/feel nifty will correct from here somewhere...

an 30-50-100 points upmove... "if came" will be a great chance to short.?

I am not thinking now if NIFTY will take out all time HIGH or not.. its not bothering me...

how many of you feel the same...??

If you think nifty will correct.. how far it will have a dip?? 5800 ?5600? 5400? or just a minor correction say 6100-6050?

and yes.. which heavy weight stocks will cause majorly if the fall occurs?

I think nifty will see 6127....(spot) below it i dont know ! as I am a very short term trader sochta bhi chota hun :) already bought some small qty 6300 puts on muhurat day. will add more if 6400 taken out !

SBIN / ONGC can fall ?

my views.... may be wrong..

awaiting your views before market opens on monday

thanks in advance