my options picks intraday/delivery

today was a day to buy puts but as i have 6500ce 20 lots have to bear loss..then played with puts very small profit compared to earlier loss...but nifty kept bouncing so trailing sl hit 3 times , otherwise earlier loss may offset by this profit..but i kept buying puts...

moral of the story ... preoccupied mind dont win.:(..if i had no burden of calls in the morning then i definitely had bought puts...6200pe doubled 100% intraday..:annoyed:...
6200pe doubled 100% intraday..:annoyed:...
You think you're smart? make way for me, buddy. I was holding 6200PE @52, then today morning I decided to cut my losses and sold it at 37 :mad: :mad: :mad:

Any other horror stories to swap ?


Well-Known Member
Hi all

What do you think : Isn't it time to think once about a clear trading plan instead always jumping in ; hopping ; discussing what direction the market maybe goes ; taking some loss ; next day jumping in again on hope and this now for over 261 post ?

Don't you think, it is may time to change the way you work ?

Who did really trade this trades with real money ? and if so, how doe's she/his account lock today ?

Hi all

What do you think : Isn't it time to think once about a clear trading plan instead always jumping in ; hopping ; discussing what direction the market maybe goes ; taking some loss ; next day jumping in again on hope and this now for over 261 post ?

Don't you think, it is may time to change the way you work ?

Who did really trade this trades with real money ? and if so, how doe's she/his account lock today ?

honestly Dan .... i lost close to 1 lakh in options trading in 6 months...but now what ..?? :(