my options picks intraday/delivery


Well-Known Member
If at all this will be a valid HnS patteren, then target is around 6750.

Lets see. But there are so many instances where HnS patteren has failed. So condition is spot Nifty should not come below 6130 - 6120 level. if at all it will come, then here will be another example of failure.

Market has its own mind, let him decide.


option fan

Well-Known Member
good morning !


SBI call bought @ 46 cmp 26 suzlon call bought at 1.45 cmp 1.05..

10% trade .. bought some 6200 CE @ 71 placed s/l order @ 64 and will sell anything above 78


Well-Known Member

I do not trade options much but here are my 2 trades for yesterday and today

Bought yesterday - NIFTY 25-NOV-10 PE 6200 @39
Sold today - NIFTY 25-NOV-10 PE 6200 @71

Bought today - NIFTY 25-NOV-10 CE 6200 @75.25
Have to sell - Current - 93.10 (Trail SL - 89)

Only Trend play



Well-Known Member
Hi option fan,

Which broker is good for options trading.I am with Sharekhan but charges are heavy so usually avoid options.But at times when kindofsure call I trade.

U have any suggesstion for broker for options.I have acct with RK.But have stopped trading using the acct.Am gonna open acct with Zerodha.
