My System - My trades.


Well-Known Member
Xray ji you can take the 1st cue from daily and micro manage your trade by atleast a 15min. or a 30min. chart using the ribbon system. Start with an OTM call or put and then getting fresh signals from 15min.charts bring down your srike price till the buy signal is maintained in daily. (That is till you are making higher lows in subsequent red ribbon period in daily)
Dear Varunji,
my bad I not getting this mean enter with OTM ce/pe and same OTMce/pe take adds using 15/30 tf chart?


Well-Known Member
Hi Xrayji,

I was asking about MA on OBV.

Are you not using any MA on OBV at all?

Not using EMA's on OBV


In persuit of financial independence.
could we have entered short at breakout failure in BNf @ 20757?


Listen and act, don't ask it, it doesn't oblige
The words of the Gambler by Kenny Rogers "You don't count your money, when you are sitting at the table, there will be time enough to count it, when the game is done."....
One of my all time favourite songs, was listening to it while driving to office :)

- Off the trade comment.

Agree to you Bro. Riding the trend is the key for a trend player.
Just saw the thread today. Another trick to trade using OBV that i had shared earlier, and probably most forgot was to look up the previous days OBV action in comparison. If you look up today's Bank Nifty charts you would find that the OBV never breached yesterday's closing levels throughout the day, indicating that money if any would be best made by going long only whenever the system threw up a long trade. There might have been oportunities on the short side too but the market makers were not in the mood to bring down the markets by much. I hope some of you had observed this and traded accordingly. Remember OBV is a leading indicator.
Infact the support for BN came up inthe first min. of trade only when it made the day's low in price. It went up by 210 points from this low. so even a 50% of this move would have given more than 100 points.

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