My System - My trades.

Muthu sir , but in my chart both price and OBV is below EMA 200 I double checked on kite as well..!
okay...if you are double checked in kite, make sure u r not selecting intra, instead select for 60D, so as to give better results.. ( i remember Varun ji, using continuous contract)

after your msg, i checked in KITE, if u select 5D data, then its sell, if u select 60D its buy..

anyway i am not trading this method so get opinions from other fellow traders who trade crude oil
Yes Vsaran ji they are both different methods. The 200 EMA method was giving delayed signals that is why we all devised the ribbon system remember. I think with all the new ideas/inputs i am providing is complicating the simple idea. So from now on no more fresh ideas which would only add to this confusion. Mum is the word.


In persuit of financial independence.
Vivek ji just could not get what you want. If all my posts are adding to the confusion then probably i should stop sharing my experience. If you could go through the whole thread and pick out the method and make a spreadsheet then i personally would be obliged. This whole thread started with just a simple concept of being long above 200 EMA in price and OBV and short below it. We have moved on in our quest to make a robust indicator free, unbiased simple system.
I always wrote summaries of the systems I traded, IDF/ITF, 9/21EMA in Subhadeep's thread, DeMark's sequential and Combo in my own thread. Only the person who trades a system well can summarize, I haven't traded your system, any attempt at summarizing it won't do justice to the concept.


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