My System - My trades.


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Why this thread gone totally silent? :(


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We got a buy signal in BankNifty (1min.charts) at 18960 on tue. when both price and OBV went above 200EMA. It did not touch 200EMA in price and OBV since then. Since i told you to base your SL's on the underlying (Bank Nifty future in this case) why depend on 200EMA in option charts as a SL. You should only be adding to your positions in case of touches to these levels in option charts till there is a sell signal in the underlying. Keeping SL based on our concept in option charts may lead to many whips. Any ways if you exit based on 200EMA in options, do remember to buy them again when it goes above it till we have a buy in the underlying. I do not base my SL on option price that is why i have adopted this new method i have discussed. I take regular profits by my advocated method to bring down my cost of acquisition but SL only based on BANKNIFTY.
This way my trades are executed in automode (both buys and sells) and i donot have to spend time on individual option charts and become confused.

This is a chart of spread between 19100CE and 19100PE. The white line is the spreadline. The red horizontal line is the zero line. I have also plotted 36EMA (Pink) and 200EMA (blue) on this line. Remember i use EMA's as trendline. The green vertical line is where the spreadline went above the previous high (marked by a white horizontal line). At this point the spread line was well and truly above both 36EMA and 200 EMA. This was around 1:54 on tuesday. The price was at Rs.19.80. It went on to make a high of Rs.368.2 the next day. It opened above red line yesterday. The 1st 1min. bar's low was Rs.40 and the bar closed at 68. So in this case waiting for the red line would have resulted in a delayed signal (And the SL would also have been bigger). In this chart also the spread line did not come back to 200EMA line though you had 5 or 6 touches to the 36EMA where one could have added to his positions or trailed SL's.
So how to get rich beyond your wildest imaginations. Just plot a spreadline of the option which is cheap (You can use Rs.20 or Rs30 as threshold levels as per your risk appetite) Just start accumulating it when it gives a breakout and endeavour to make it free and then just sit on it and ride the trend. Your SL's would be very small just a few odd rupees. (It was less than Rs.5 (Rs 200 per lot in this example). Simple na without option geeks. Try it. Rs 100/200.. with a risk of 5-10 rupees, i will take it everytime.
Since the initial acquisition is about Rs20 you can add say at a difference of 3 or 4 rupees and start selling just before your 6th acquisition. (Example buy at 20/23/26/29/32/35...) and start selling at 34(just before the 6th acquisition) do this enough to make 1 or 2 options free and realise the magic of this simple technique.
Coming back to the issue of getting rich, well if your SL hits in an option position (say a loss of Rs.5) then switch to the lower strike price and look for buy signal again. Keep on doing this till there is a buying signal in the underlying (Bank Nifty in this case) Chances are you might get a lower strike price at a difference of Rs.10-Rs.15 where your profits go up more by Rs.100 till expiry because of switching to lower strike price. This way you are always in best control of your trades. So to sum it all. Start small with an option priced at Rs.20-25 on gettin the signal and then come down on strike prices(if they become cheap because of premium decay throughout the expiry) till the time buy signal is maintained in the underlying.
Dear Varunji,
I go through your some options post some doubts came.Please give some light on it.
1.we enter options when our buy signal comes in are said option premium of arround it must be OTM option ..
2.if we look underlaying chart for signal is there any signifiance of looking spread chart?please explain some more about it
3.for strike price we look premium of arround 20 only? said SL of 5 points we not look here underlaying for SL?
If possible please make one post for option trading your those posts not in one place...
Hi guys. Most of you have not understood the relevance of OBV. Let me tell you what it is and what it is expected to achieve. In plain and simple terms OBV can be construed as the market bias indicator. My understanding is there cannot be a real increase in price in absence of volumes. This is the basis of my studies. To understand volume action better and in a more tangible way we can mark 3 points (in any time frame that you trade). These are the 1st line to be drawn as reference point in OBV charts is the end of the 1st bar on opening in whichever time frame you trade. (meaning 9:16 in 1min. bar, 9:18 in 3 min. bar and 9:20 in 5 min bars). The second horizontal line at 11:00 and the 3rd at 1:00 PM. These lines may be treated as zero lines. i.e to take long only signals when OBV values are above these reference lines and short only signals below it (with proper sl's). You may mark another line at 2:30 to achieve the same objective. Now these 3 lines would become your supports and resistance lines of OBV for the day. Pull up any chart and backtest and you would see amazing results. Price movement without volume support would only fall like a house of cards sooner rather than later. In fact such a scenario gives rise to divergence trade which has an excellent win/loss ratio and RR.

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