My System - My trades.


Well-Known Member
Varun ji, as you discussed in one of the post, market is range bound for almost 70-80% of the days. On those days, I am plainly taking one sided trades. Based on PDC_OBV trend is very clear and then only in the direction on trend, I am taking these trades. Please comment on this.
What is so difficult to follow. BN bottomed out in the last swing on 23rd when it went to 20820 odd levels only to fill the gap it left after UP mandate. I had then also told that till the time we do not breach the low of that day (before the results) all dips need to be bought into and we are definitely going higher. The other day (last friday) i had also told that i had sold 21500 PE instead of buying future to go long as i saved 70 points as premium had i bought Futures. Now where do you see weakness in this chart. Why are people wanting to short on every 50/100 points.

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