My System - My trades.

As per my reading, Reliance is again ready to go up.(My reasoning is that there was a significant addition in OBV today and it closed much above PDC) This happened first time after making the recent high of 1320. SO now till we breach today's low on closing basis, it is a fit candidate for buying the dips.
Varun ji,

This is as per the 15 min charts or 1 min?


Well-Known Member

This is a chart of spread between 19100CE and 19100PE. The white line is the spreadline. The red horizontal line is the zero line. I have also plotted 36EMA (Pink) and 200EMA (blue) on this line. Remember i use EMA's as trendline. The green vertical line is where the spreadline went above the previous high (marked by a white horizontal line). At this point the spread line was well and truly above both 36EMA and 200 EMA. This was around 1:54 on tuesday. The price was at Rs.19.80. It went on to make a high of Rs.368.2 the next day. It opened above red line yesterday. The 1st 1min. bar's low was Rs.40 and the bar closed at 68. So in this case waiting for the red line would have resulted in a delayed signal (And the SL would also have been bigger). In this chart also the spread line did not come back to 200EMA line though you had 5 or 6 touches to the 36EMA where one could have added to his positions or trailed SL's.
Can anyone tell me how to create this spreadchart in amibroker?


Well-Known Member
Natjay ji, it happens all the times, that is why we have stop losses in place. Remember i had said yesterday that i donot mind my SL's to be hit and lose small when i am wrong, but i better make it count when i am right.
Where should we place SL and where should be our trailing SL?
Where should be the profit booking area?


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member

This is the same chart you have posted. The green vertical line is the point we initiate a trade and the red vertical line is where we exit. I have drawn a green horizontal line on the charts at the point of initiation of the short trade (the rates as seen on the right side of the chart is 3625. I have also marked some red horizontal dotted lines on the charts. These are corresponding to the highest pivot above 36 EMA. These effectively become your trailing stop loss. So the premise is that you get out of this short trade, once the last pivot high above 36EMA is taken out. So effectively the shorts at 3625 could very effectively managed by bringing SL down to 3613/3601/3595/3588 before finally exiting at 3557 when the trailing SL gets hit. Similarly the 36EMA line could also have been use for adds, by adding to ones position on break of the lowest pivot low below 36EMA before last crossover. Is all this understood then only i will go further to address SAI ji's querry. So basically what i have done in this example are 2 things. First i have not given away points by waiting for my SL to be hit above 200 EMA (at 3567 i.e 10 more points) because 36EMA line is very important for me ( I treat it as a dynamic trendline remember) a breach of the earlier pivot high above 36EMA signifies that maybe the trend has exhausted and we might be in for a reversal (at least a short term reversal) Is this clear ? and secondly by use of this trailing method i have been able to milk almost the whole move.

How does these pivot points are calculated here?
Does this spread chart help in choosing CE or PE for trade? if so please me understand how. I want to know if we have to be on CE side when spread line is above zero line or something like that. If not, what is the use of this spread chart. please help me understand
John, I am still occupied with learning OBV, have not tried options/spreads.
But Varunji has posted in details. Thread is big so it will take time to dig out.

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