My System - My trades.


Well-Known Member
JI, even though im following your posts more than 1 year, i know your ability cant be told in words, when i began to compile this thread and i am planning to upload first part when this thread touches 1000 th page.why sudden moodout? we all here request reconsider your decision and request you to post as usual here in THIS thread only. waiting for you sir....
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Well-Known Member
Hi I would not be coming online from now on. No more charts. No more analysis. Just want to sound my friends. Do not short Nifty/Bank Nifty. They are not weak. Crude buy the dips for the next 200+ points. Good bye.
Varun ji !!! There are many followers for your method !!! still many are in learning phase !!! Don't leave
JI, even though im following your posts more than 1 year, i know your ability cant be told in words when i began to compile this thread and i am planning to upload first part when this thread touches 1000 th page.why sudden moodout? we all here request reconsider your decision and request you to post as usual here in THIS thread only. waiting for you sir....
Hopefully you are progressing with the compilation of the education in this thread. We all waiting for your results.


Well-Known Member
x=Param("Min of CR:",30,0,375,1);
nd=Day() != Ref(Day(), -1);

crbh = ValueWhen(nd,Ref(HHV(OBV(),x),-1));
crbl = ValueWhen(nd,Ref(LLV(OBV(),x),-1));

Plot(crbh,"\nCRB H",colorBlack);
Plot(crbL,"\nCRB L",colorBlack);

if( ParamToggle("CRB cloud", "No|Yes", 1))
PlotOHLC(crbl,crbh,crbl,crbl,"",ParamColor("R col",colordarkgrey),stylenoreScale|styleNoLabel|styleCloud,0,0,0,-7);


this is crb obv can we please have change in code for showing next days crb lines drawn with the click of a button ??


Well-Known Member
Hi I would not be coming online from now on. No more charts. No more analysis. Just want to sound my friends. Do not short Nifty/Bank Nifty. They are not weak. Crude buy the dips for the next 200+ points. Good bye.
VK ji .............always good wishes for you

my humble request please consider coming back reason is ..............we humans have a tendency to take everything what we can , but deep down inside that only taking and not giving hurts us too much , because as a social beings we get satisfaction when we give something back to fellow humans , the reason you started this thread was to give community something because it gave you satisfaction , just like you go to mandir and do community service ...............or o charity work ,and you expect nothing in return maybe few good wishes and maybe blessings thats all

you may think not many people are interested in this thread but there are many silent followers also who are not only watching but having benefits , and you must be getting their silent best wishes also i have no doubt in mind about that

“No one has ever become poor by giving.”
Anne Frank, diary of Anne Frank: the play

“You have not lived today until you have done something for someone who can never repay you.”
John Bunyan

i hope you come back because i know you have a beautiful giving heart who just cant live without doing good and by doing that you silently and visibly get good wishes from many many a followers



Well-Known Member
Todays crude oil trades including the emotion behind them. Using this diligently i have caught my target 20 points per day almost 90% of the trading days. A lot of crude points until now missing a few days. Today traded after a gap. Just posting the chart to illustrate how clear and easy these trades are to take. Cant be thankful enough to Varunji for the method and Mbji for the afl.


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