{My Trading diary}


Well-Known Member
I have used many systems. i have learned a lot from this great forum. I have realized that no system is perfect and one has to have good understanding of market together with a system to trade well. This understanding comes with experience and hard work.

I have recently developed interest in Ichimoku Cloud indicator and will be trading with it as the base. My trading style is not always fixed and i like to try different things as per the market scenario.

Anybody interested in Ichimoku cloud indicator may go thru this wonderful thread by lincon http://www.traderji.com/futures/30600-ichimoku-kinko-hyo-trading-system.html
Dear Vaibhav,

Good luck and Thanks :).

1.Does Ichi acts as a leading indicator ?
2.Does it give probable targets and SL ?

Please do write about your experiences with Ichi as you proceed.



Well-Known Member
S/L hit in NF SPOT @ 5518 exited MiniNF at 5526

Loss in MINIFTY = 1646 (after brokerage)

Did trades in TM and IDFC today using SH's ELH5

Profit = 395




Special thanks to SwingKing for making me realize that with these kind of trades and such huge S/L, trading NF would have been disastrous. Minifty is manageable.



Well-Known Member
The strike rate of ELH5 in TM(with 8Rs target and s/l ) has been very high in last 2 months.. Maybe due to trending market.. Will test for last 8-10 months and then will start trading with confidence using bigger quantities.


Well-Known Member

Thanks for ur wishes. I m very new to this system and i have been doing trades using larger TF at the moment. For targets and stop i m mainly using Kijun line or senkou cloud breach. Will be learning as i go along and will be more than happy to share my exp :)



Well-Known Member
Stayed away from NF trades as this is expiry weak and also budget coming. Will stay away for a while.. Also ELH5 showing gr8 strike rates in this market so have no regrets :D


Well-Known Member
Bad day... ELH5 failed today completely... Got whipsawed by the market..

Loss today after brokerage = Rs. 704

Total Capital Now = 1,01,012

New rule for me: Will never day trade on expiry and a day before it. All system fails near it. So tom will be off for me.


P.S : May be i will consider going long in last 30 mins tom.


Well-Known Member
Bad day... ELH5 failed today completely... Got whipsawed by the market..

Loss today after brokerage = Rs. 704

Total Capital Now = 1,01,012

New rule for me: Will never day trade on expiry and a day before it. All system fails near it. So tom will be off for me.


P.S : May be i will consider going long in last 30 mins tom.
Dear VaibhavPro,

Just my view.

Today is a day of consolidation for the first half and breakout in the second half.

Today market was in sideways in the 5M tf most of the time and hence ELH5 failed today.

This could happen on any trading days it has nothing to do with expiry or pre expiry.There are several expiry dates when markets moved one side.