{My Trading diary}

Dear VaibhavPro,

Just my view.

Today is a day of consolidation for the first half and breakout in the second half.

Today market was in sideways in the 5M tf most of the time and hence ELH5 failed today.

This could happen on any trading days it has nothing to do with expiry or pre expiry.There are several expiry dates when markets moved one side.

More over i think it is stock specific also everyday some stocks sure come right and some fail on this method but it happens with all the system so all depends upon in which method we are comfortable.

ELH5 i am still checking this system and seeing how it works so can't comment on this now.

VaibhavPRO can you pls post your chart for todays trading based on ELH5.



Well-Known Member
More over i think it is stock specific also everyday some stocks sure come right and some fail on this method but it happens with all the system so all depends upon in which method we are comfortable.

ELH5 i am still checking this system and seeing how it works so can't comment on this now.

VaibhavPRO can you pls post your chart for todays trading based on ELH5.


Today i didnt trade coz of expiry fear... But regretting it as today was a trending day... strike rate would have been good today... Will post charts of all the trades from tom...



Well-Known Member
Over traded a lot today.. Today entries were inspired by ELH5(except ABG) but didnt follow the exits... Was sensing volatile moves and many times booked early due to fear ... Mind-boggling moves today by the market.. Was lucky to end up in green today :)

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Todays profit after brokerage = Rs. 581




Well-Known Member
Today was a frustrating day...wanted to go long in NF so many times during the day,I knew no correction was coming today.. But still i sticked to ELH5 trading small quantities in TM,IDFC and SAIL( 3 right 1 wrong)... SBI and ABG were hunch trades.. Entering using ELH5 and then exiting thru ELH5 + Price action has been working lately for me, so decided against any NF trade(wanna kick myself for that).

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People today would have made a killing and i ended up with around 600 gain... Its very frustrating to follow ur own rules on these kind of days.. Should learn to live with small gains on such days and its consistency that i should aim for...


My day too went bad.I trade in equities with a cap of 1 lakh.Initially,got 3000 tday but one bad move n lost 2000..then after al te brokerage n stuff ended makin a profit of 600rs oly..
But we can be happy tat al least we din loss nythin tday.There is always a better tmrw.

Happy Trading.


Well-Known Member
Gonna start trading nifty using Ichimoku in soon.. I think w8ing for 2-3 days will be a good idea... Will let this budget + crude oil hype die down...



Well-Known Member

My day too went bad.I trade in equities with a cap of 1 lakh.Initially,got 3000 tday but one bad move n lost 2000..then after al te brokerage n stuff ended makin a profit of 600rs oly..
But we can be happy tat al least we din loss nythin tday.There is always a better tmrw.

Happy Trading.

Yes today it was tricky trading after 2 pm.. Market was already 3% up so it was difficult to go long at that time even when ur system may be SHOUTING to go long.. I think yesterday fall was the culprit... Thank God i decided not to trade yesterday :)... U are right bro we should celebrate that atleast we dint loose today :D..




Well-Known Member
Bad day today.. ELH5 failed completely , so did my patience.. Market never took a decisive trend.. There were Fast whipsaws in both direction.. I also took many stupid trades in between without any system...
Loss today = Rs.962
TOTAL CAPITAL = 1,01,227