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Well-Known Member
AMITBE said:
And when would an opportunity be deemed as seductive enough?
Obviously the formation of an important bottom would be it.
2745 was mentioned as one such level.
But yesterday it was repeatedly under threat and the close at 2749 sits precariously close to it. However it did seem resilient enough to at least once sharply push the Nifty back towards 2764, and for the rest braved the savaging all day.
So I am still eyeing 2745 as being it.
The only other level in the 2700s that could do the job is 2721.

The levels:
2764 has to be taken and held without dithering for a return to higher levels.
2721 may form a base.
To the up are 2752-2754-2756-2758-2764.
If 2764 is taken and held, 2775 becomes the immediate target with 2769 and 2772 in the way.

Pushing this through now and will edit to post down levels very soon.

The down levels are 2742-2739-2737-2735-2731-2729-2727-2725-2723-2721.
If more are needed will post later
Thanks Kool...

So far so good.
2745 was strong enough to pull the Nifty back from the early slide at 2725, a tad above 2721 which was mentioned to be another likely base.
Close enough.
We may not have seen the end of the drop to test lower levels yet, as the shorters are going to pounce on every high.
Now back above 2764 and fighting for 2775, if there is follow through buying here, we are likely to see some strong short coverings should the action move into the 2780s.
Above 2775, the immediate goal would be 2783 and then 2790 which is pushing it yet possible if we remain high.
Above 2775, the important conflict levels would be 2777-2779-2781.
Above 2783 are 2785-2787 to 2790.
As long as 2764 remains strong in either direction, the shorts would keep caution, so that's an important level to watch.


Well-Known Member
AMITBE said:
Now back above 2764 and fighting for 2775, if there is follow through buying here, we are likely to see some strong short coverings should the action move into the 2780s.
Above 2775, the immediate goal would be 2783 and then 2790 which is pushing it yet possible if we remain high.
Above 2775, the important conflict levels would be 2777-2779-2781.
Above 2783 are 2785-2787 to 2790.
As long as 2764 remains strong in either direction, the shorts would keep caution, so that's an important level to watch.
Yes there is follow through buying and yes there is short covering into the 2780s. Notice the quick climb past 2780.
Taking 2790 now.
Take a guess where things are likely to be heading:
The levels to there are 2792-2795-2797.
When we get there and time permiting, 2804 is where the journey had halted on Monday.


Well-Known Member
AMITBE said:
Yes there is follow through buying and yes there is short covering into the 2780s. Notice the quick climb past 2780.
Taking 2790 now.
Take a guess where things are likely to be heading:
The levels to there are 2792-2795-2797.
When we get there and time permiting, 2804 is where the journey had halted on Monday.
There is time yet, and with 2804 taken, 2806-2808 are likely.
Members may remember 2810.
A finish around there would be magical.


Well-Known Member
Thanks NK.
Yes, the smart money just multiplied itself in either direction didn't it.
Shorting heavily yesterday and buying in strong today.
This is nothing but couched manipulation.
This was my response to you in the closing post yesterday:
AMITBE said:
Hi NK, not too sure of that yet and this is not on technicals.
The lack of followup buying witnessed last week was due partially on account of the FIIs taking time off for vacation.
I believe more importantly, the smart money did a smart thing in not coming forward for two interconnected reasons:
The confusion over the record date for the demerger of Reliance and it's pack in relation to its valuations and its F&O expiry of the January contracts is the main reason.
The connected issue is that this confusion would whip-up a negative sentiment which would build furious shorts on Reliance, dragging it down.
We know only too well that the market treats any threat to Reliance as a trigger to go into correction, and especially so at historical levels. We are witnessing that now. Else, all of last week till Friday, the underlying strength in the market was quite palpable.
Should there be a positive sounding announcement from Reliance or SEBI or the exchanges or all of the above in the coming days, there may will be a strong reversal in Reliance and short covering etc. This would obviously push up the market, triggering some bullish levels, triggering short coverings on the Nifty etc.
This kind of couched manipulation is quite common as we all know. It would be back to business as usual, but the smart money would have multiplied itself in both directions.
And to say nothing of the big boys being off on vacation.
What vacation when there's loot to be had?

The intraday chart is attached.



Well-Known Member
We have been seeing how the morning after pans out, after strong buying carries on right to the end the night before.
We are at another such morning today.
And this morning is more significant than on the last two occasions.
The reason is, this is going to be one amongst several outings where the Nifty is poised to scale higher levels.
Shift back to last week and we find buying support vanishing at higher levels.
The prime reason for the fall on Monday was not that there was selling pressure at higher levels last week, but that there was no follow through buying.
So, the acid test now.
Will they or will they not buy this time.

Logic suggests they will.
The new money come in yesterday is raw still. It needs to ripen further.
The shorters egged on by the experts on business channels, burnt more than their share of fingers yesterday and will be very cautious a day before the expiry of December contracts.
Why not just gang up with the bulls and make good the losses.

One niggling thought is the sharp move in either direction the last two sessions.
This underpins a lack of stability, and there’s no reason why this would not extend to another session.
The market has it’s own mind, or a lack of it.

Even so, a marked degree of volatility cannot be ruled out at higher levels.
With the memories of last week, follow through buying is likely to test the waters first and may even end the session at a flat even if volatile note.

The air is still not fully clear as of this morning as to the Reliance story.
This remains a cause for concern today and tomorrow.

From my study here, today had not figured as a consequential day.
It would be consequential enough if we hang on to the lead and consolidate it.

The levels: As we are back above 2799 yet again, the next levels of pull immediately above are 2810-2821-2832. With a closing like last night the Nifty may well move towards these in a leap and a bound at the opening itself, but will it sustain is the issue.
The levels of conflict are likely to be 2808-2810-2813-2816-2818-2821-2825. 2827 was suggested as the level that balances the Nifty from 2799 in one direction to 2853 in the other. We would be very well placed here. For now my numbers extend to 2832.

The down supports would be 2799-2797-2794-2790-2786-2783-2780.


Well-Known Member
2815 is the culprit at this point.
This has to be taken firmly for a move on to 2817-2820-2823-2826.
The proceedings have been flat but volatile, the positive being the Nifty has just about hung on to gains.


Well-Known Member
This volatility and even the lack of stablity was not entirely unexpected.
There's two hours to go and we are likely to see more of this in both directions.
If 2780 breaks, supports would be at 2778-2775-2772-2769-2767.
A climb back later looks like a fair possibility.


Well-Known Member
Its almost as if Monday and Tuesday never happened.

On Friday last, we closed shop at 2804.
Monday came and dramatically whacked the Nifty down to 2749.
Tuesday came and lustily hauled it back to about Friday close.

Then came yesterday, Wednesday, and with ironical absentmindedness denying the existence of the two historical interlaid sessions, seemingly picked up the action from Friday close with moves that truly appeared to have been cleverly choreographed in conformity to the troubled week gone by, level for level:
Started quiet at 2806, dipped sharp to 2793, darted up to test 2825, then with increasing volatility fell back to 2780, attempted a recovery, lost ground, gained some but lost again, and then ended flat at 2794.
But in reality it was your typically mundane and volatile day at the markets, a day ahead of the Thursday contracts expiry.

But dont we then need to account for Monday and Tuesday?
What was the point of all that drama?
No really, we cant just let that go without trying to making sense of it.
Why, it may even give us a lead to where things are heading in the near term as we go in on this contracts expiry day.

So there was obviously no buying support at higher levels most of last week.
The Nifty went as high as 2853-2857 and consistently tried to scale these levels.
Visibly there was no hard sell pressure either, as 2799 held out twice and for the rest the low stayed well above 2810.
Then Monday came, then Tuesday.
We now know there was strong broad based buying on Tuesday after the fall on Monday, and a fair deal on Monday itself too.
The market is a battleground between strong hands and weak hands.
The strong hands at no point last week had really abandoned the fight, they had merely stayed to the back and kept things from sliding hard, collecting at every low.
Then the Reliance thing happened, and the masses dont want to get in the way of that and ran, while the strong hands continued to buy into Reliance keeping it above bear triggers, and in the bargain bought a whole lot of others at decent levels too.
Then the exchanges issued clarifications and the analysts expressed bullish tendencies on Reliance.
In a breathtaking rally, the Nifty recovered more than it had lost.
The picture is clear. The strong hands won in both directions.
And going by yesterdays session, there are still around.
The smart move of 35 points from 2780 to about 2815 in one go is evidence enough of buying in hard at low levels.

To step back a little, it appears from last week that the climax is close at hand doesnt it.
If a final top is to come, will it come going forward without further ado?
Or will it come later at some point after drifting down again?
These are moot questions that time alone can answer with certainty.
One can but try.

In a remark made on Dec 19 here, today amongst others was suggested as a significant day, though now Monday and Tuesday have taken the honours.
Even so, that call still stands, but to interpret the direction is the difficult one.
The question raised in that post was if a reversal, meaning a fall, would be it.
I had recently gone contrary to another earlier call and was proven to be wrong.
Today again Id prefer to go contrary.
Im going with gains.
There just may be a bear-trap laying in wait.
The discussion above was meant to be pointing to this.
These are merely my loud thoughts, written without TA and charting, though there are enough negative divergences present in many indicators.
If we go wrong again, so be it.

At least the levels of conflict have been coming along rather well, and these for today are:
2813 is vital to cross and hold for progress to the up. 2796-2798-2800-2802-2804-2807-2810-2813. Past these 2816-2819-2822-2825-2828-2832.
Down below are 2792-2790-2787-2785-2782-2780-2778-2776-2773-2769-2766.

Just one more thing. I have been uploading the charts at close daily to set a clear view of how the action happens in relation to the levels put down here every morning. Im going to discontinue this as of today.
Clearly almost all the conflicts take place at precisely, or very close to, these levels. This is not a thread for making trading calls on the Nifty, but the members can certainly keep the numbers handy in case there are index traders Reading these.


Well-Known Member
AMITBE said:
At least the levels of conflict have been coming along rather well, and these for today are:
2813 is vital to cross and hold for progress to the up. 2796-2798-2800-2802-2804-2807-2810-2813. Past these 2816-2819-2822-2825-2828-2832.
Down below are 2792-2790-2787-2785-2782-2780-2778-2776-2773-2769-2766.
The strain of keeping above 2813 was quite clear earlier on to see.
When that didn't happen, we just witnessed some intense struggle a short while ago at lower levels.
Now back up again and if this is maintained, other important level is 2816.
This is a strong resistance in the path to 2825.
If and when 2816 is taken firmly, 2825 would be the next immediate target.
Beyond that the levels are given above.
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