Nifty Intraday Pivot Points

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Since the market was trading negatively in the first half session, like a fool i bought 4500 PE @ 94 to earn few bucks. Then the market closed positively and 4500 PE @60.

Should i square this off on Monday.



Well-Known Member
Hi Pooja,

If I Am Not Mistaken, I Had Mentioned No Hedging & If Required Will Let You Know.

Now, That You Are Seeing Dow 90+, You Are In Quandary....

Anyways, Let Me See What Can Be Done...

Mr.E..... Any Ideas

Happy & Safer Trading



Since the market was trading negatively in the first half session, like a fool i bought 4500 PE @ 94 to earn few bucks. Then the market closed positively and 4500 PE @60.

Should i square this off on Monday.



Well-Known Member
Let me try. This is a tough one :)
There are a few scenarios that are possible on Monday.

- We gap up and consolidate in the range of 4705-4750. In this case, you might not get a good chance to sell the put. You might want to hold onto it for Tuesday.
- We gap up, take out 4750 in the next hour and consolidate above 4750. It is better to sell the put at whatever rate you get, especially since it is a 4500PE.
- We gap up, hit 4730-4750 and tumble down to 4650, consolidate there and come back up to close above 4700. In such a scenario, you would get a much better price to sell the put.
- We hit 4700 right at start and tumble down to 4630 and then consolidate. This is the best possible scenario for you to square off the put.

I think some of today's US market action is already factored in today's Nifty's action. I might be wrong but I think we would see a bit of drop to around 4650 - if not to scare the longs a bit and also to give enough chance for 4700 call writers to square off their positions.

I would wait for Asian markets to open and also our opening and next one hour before squaring off. Again, it is too early in the series - so some patience might give you a better sell rate for the PE.

I deliberately avoided giving any further hedging strategy since it is not possible for you to track the markets throughout the day. Just like the day when US markets fell 2% and we did not fall, I will not just believe that we are running away on Monday - although I would love to proven wrong on this one.

Mr S.,

Over to you ..


Hi Pooja,

If I Am Not Mistaken, I Had Mentioned No Hedging & If Required Will Let You Know.

Now, That You Are Seeing Dow 90+, You Are In Quandary....

Anyways, Let Me See What Can Be Done...

Mr.E..... Any Ideas

Happy & Safer Trading

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