Nifty Intraday Pivot Points

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yes sir i remember very well no hedging. jst thought of playing intraday and it is my biggest mistake didnt follow the stop loss in hope that market will tank it hppnd other way round.

I need a big lesson on discipline.


Hi Pooja,

If I Am Not Mistaken, I Had Mentioned No Hedging & If Required Will Let You Know.

Now, That You Are Seeing Dow 90+, You Are In Quandary....

Anyways, Let Me See What Can Be Done...

Mr.E..... Any Ideas

Happy & Safer Trading

yes sir.i very well remember no hedging. i tried to play intraday no hedging motive. my biggest mistake didnt follow the stop loss in the hope that market will tank again. it hppnd other way round.

I need a big lesson discipline.


Hi Pooja,

If I Am Not Mistaken, I Had Mentioned No Hedging & If Required Will Let You Know.

Now, That You Are Seeing Dow 90+, You Are In Quandary....

Anyways, Let Me See What Can Be Done...

Mr.E..... Any Ideas

Happy & Safer Trading



Well-Known Member
Hi Pooja,

Ok...Let's See What Best Can Be Done.

There Are Good Suggestions By Enygma....& I Would Keep 1,3 & 4 Infront Of Me Incase Any Of These Played Out

Considering You Bought It @ 94 & It Has Closed Closed @ 60.... I Would Take 60 Bucks Anytime & Run If I Was Wrong Footed...But Considering It May Open Perhaps 40 Or Even Lower.....It Does Not Make Sense To Collect 2000 Bucks.....Or Less...So Young Lady HOLD It....Maybe It Can Give Us More Later In The Series.....

What Do You Think Mr.E...Of The Above...

Happy & Safer Trading


yes sir i remember very well no hedging. jst thought of playing intraday and it is my biggest mistake didnt follow the stop loss in hope that market will tank it hppnd other way round.

I need a big lesson on discipline.



Well-Known Member
Hi All,
Please let me know what to understand from the following data (data from
1. 4700CE - Change in OI is -32.81% (OI - 3340650)
2. 4800CE - Change in OI is -01.07% (OI - 3619600)
3. 4900CE - Change in OI is -12.92% (OI - 3116500)

4. 4500PE - Change in OI is +10.29% (OI - 4441100)
5. 4600PE - Change in OI is +10.02% (OI - 4593250)
6. 4700PE - Change in OI is +58.33% (OI - 2916300)

As per my understanding, there is strong resistance at 4800 (highest OI in call options) and strong support at 4700 (highest OI in put options).
But what should I understand from +58.33% change in OI in 4700PE. Does it mean that sentiments are getting bullish and 4700 may act as strong support level??
Also, as I can see that there was negative change in OI in all option call. What does it indicate?:confused::confused::confused:



Well-Known Member
Hi Prabhan,

You Are Right About 4700 Being The Support....Decrease In CE Probably Means Smart Money Has Written A Lot 4700 PE....Where They Will Earn More Money On The Upside....It Is Just 1-2 Day Trade For Smart Money...Then With Upside...& Resistances Being Taken....You Will See Similar Phenomenon With Higher PE Strikes...

Happy & Safer Trading


Hi All,
Please let me know what to understand from the following data (data from
1. 4700CE - Change in OI is -32.81% (OI - 3340650)
2. 4800CE - Change in OI is -01.07% (OI - 3619600)
3. 4900CE - Change in OI is -12.92% (OI - 3116500)

4. 4500PE - Change in OI is +10.29% (OI - 4441100)
5. 4600PE - Change in OI is +10.02% (OI - 4593250)
6. 4700PE - Change in OI is +58.33% (OI - 2916300)

As per my understanding, there is strong resistance at 4800 (highest OI in call options) and strong support at 4700 (highest OI in put options).
But what should I understand from +58.33% change in OI in 4700PE. Does it mean that sentiments are getting bullish and 4700 may act as strong support level??
Also, as I can see that there was negative change in OI in all option call. What does it indicate?:confused::confused::confused:

Let me try. This is a tough one :)
There are a few scenarios that are possible on Monday.

- We gap up and consolidate in the range of 4705-4750. In this case, you might not get a good chance to sell the put. You might want to hold onto it for Tuesday.
- We gap up, take out 4750 in the next hour and consolidate above 4750. It is better to sell the put at whatever rate you get, especially since it is a 4500PE.
- We gap up, hit 4730-4750 and tumble down to 4650, consolidate there and come back up to close above 4700. In such a scenario, you would get a much better price to sell the put.
- We hit 4700 right at start and tumble down to 4630 and then consolidate. This is the best possible scenario for you to square off the put.

I think some of today's US market action is already factored in today's Nifty's action. I might be wrong but I think we would see a bit of drop to around 4650 - if not to scare the longs a bit and also to give enough chance for 4700 call writers to square off their positions.

I would wait for Asian markets to open and also our opening and next one hour before squaring off. Again, it is too early in the series - so some patience might give you a better sell rate for the PE.

I deliberately avoided giving any further hedging strategy since it is not possible for you to track the markets throughout the day. Just like the day when US markets fell 2% and we did not fall, I will not just believe that we are running away on Monday - although I would love to proven wrong on this one.

Mr S.,

Over to you ..

Hi Enygma,

Excellent analysis.

I too have 4700 CE @ 88.00 (bought on 03.09.09) and yesterday while the market is closing bought 4700 PE @ 133 just to hedge. This I took decision on my own as in the past I had bitter experiences carrying the naked calls or puts. What will be the best strategy for me in the scenario explained by you? Should I sell my PE within 10-15 minutes of market opening time? Or should I wait for the market to come down, if at all? How much chance that the market will just runaway?

Even though I have profit of 39 Rs in 4700 CE at present, my worry is that PE may reduce at a faster rate than the CE increase. Does this happen?

Anyway as Savant advised to Pooja, I will also take a print of the possibilities you have mentioned and keep in front on Monday for trading.



Well-Known Member
Morning Enygma,

A basic Q... remember my 4500PE writing ? now on a profit of about 35% .can i buy back an square off the position ?

2.. If yes should i hold on till it rallies up to about the levels you mentioned 4730-50?..

3... if yes , any way to calculate the approx value of the put at those levels ?.. or should i just use the calculator given by the broker using volatility , div yield etc and put a buy order at a couple of points more than that?



Hope you are still waiting for R6 to happen on Monday ...

Vertical climb in US - Lets see how they close.



Well-Known Member
Hi Amit,

Dont Be In A Hurry To Square Off Your Written PUT....Definitely Not On Monday...

Will Try & Post The Figures & Charts For Various Greeks....Today Or Tomorrow, It Will Give You An Idea Of The Pricing At Various NF Points.

Mr. E ...... What Is Your Informed Opinion

Happy & Safer Trading


Morning Enygma,

A basic Q... remember my 4500PE writing ? now on a profit of about 35% .can i buy back an square off the position ?

2.. If yes should i hold on till it rallies up to about the levels you mentioned 4730-50?..

3... if yes , any way to calculate the approx value of the put at those levels ?.. or should i just use the calculator given by the broker using volatility , div yield etc and put a buy order at a couple of points more than that?




Well-Known Member
Re: BankNifty Intraday Pivot Points for 7th September 2009


BankNifty Intraday Pivot Points for 7th Sep 2009

[SIZE="3"][B]BNF CLOSE	7476.80

PIVOT		7400.00

R1	7422.00	S1	7350.00
R2	7444.00	S2	0000.00
R3	7494.00	S3	0000.00
R4	7543.00	S4	0000.00
R5	7565.00	S5	0000.00
R6	7588.00	S6	0000.00[/B][/SIZE]


04-SEP-2009	7476.80	[COLOR="Green"]B.HOLD[/COLOR]	7980.00*
03-SEP-2009	7358.10	[COLOR="Green"]B.HOLD[/COLOR]	7980.00*
02-SEP-2009	7359.95	[COLOR="Green"]B.HOLD[/COLOR]	7980.00*
01-SEP-2009	7378.20	[COLOR="Green"]B.HOLD[/COLOR]	7980.00*
31-AUG-2009	7452.30	[COLOR="Green"]B.HOLD[/COLOR]	7980.00*
28-AUG-2009	7506.05	[COLOR="Green"]B.HOLD[/COLOR]	7980.00*
27-AUG-2009	7400.20	[COLOR="Green"]B.HOLD[/COLOR]	7980.00*
26-AUG-2009	7430.95	[COLOR="Green"]B.HOLD[/COLOR]	7980.00*
25-AUG-2009	7436.40	[COLOR="Green"]B.HOLD[/COLOR]	7980.00*
24-AUG-2009	7522.95	[COLOR="Green"]B.HOLD[/COLOR]	7980.00*
21-AUG-2009	7396.55	[COLOR="Green"]B.HOLD[/COLOR]	7980.00*
20-AUG-2009	7256.45	[COLOR="Green"]B.HOLD[/COLOR]	7980.00*
19-AUG-2009	7099.20	[COLOR="Green"]B.HOLD[/COLOR]	7980.00*
18-AUG-2009	7217.95	[COLOR="Green"]B.HOLD[/COLOR]	7980.00*
17-AUG-2009	7086.45	[COLOR="Green"]B.HOLD[/COLOR]	7980.00*
14-AUG-2009	7414.60	[COLOR="Green"]B.HOLD[/COLOR]	7980.00*
13-AUG-2009	7491.05	[COLOR="Green"]B.HOLD[/COLOR]	7980.00*
12-AUG-2009	7177.25	[COLOR="Green"]B.HOLD[/COLOR]	7980.00*
11-AUG-2009	7217.85	[COLOR="Green"]B.HOLD[/COLOR]	7980.00*
10-AUG-2009	7159.35	[COLOR="Green"]B.HOLD[/COLOR]	7980.00*
07-AUG-2009	7250.15	[COLOR="Green"]B.HOLD[/COLOR]	7980.00*
06-AUG-2009	7466.70	[COLOR="Green"]B.HOLD[/COLOR]	7980.00*
05-AUG-2009	7626.70	[COLOR="Green"]B.HOLD[/COLOR]	7980.00*
04-AUG-2009	7618.50	[COLOR="Green"]B.HOLD[/COLOR]	7980.00*
03-AUG-2009	7668.45	[COLOR="Green"]B.HOLD[/COLOR]	7980.00*
31-JUL-2009	7554.60	[COLOR="Green"]B.HOLD[/COLOR]	7980.00*
30-JUL-2009	7393.05	[COLOR="Green"]B.HOLD[/COLOR]	7980.00*
29-JUL-2009	7236.25	[COLOR="Green"]B.HOLD[/COLOR]	7980.00*
28-JUL-2009	7323.25	[COLOR="Green"]B.HOLD[/COLOR]	7980.00*
27-JUL-2009	7412.30	[COLOR="Green"]B.HOLD[/COLOR]	7980.00*
24-JUL-2009	7408.35	[COLOR="Green"]B.HOLD[/COLOR]	7980.00*
24-JUN-2009	7129.10	[COLOR="Green"]B.HOLD[/COLOR]	7980.00*
23-JUN-2009	7087.15	[COLOR="Green"]B.HOLD[/COLOR]	7980.00*
22-JUN-2009	7212.40	[COLOR="Green"]B.HOLD[/COLOR]	7980.00*
19-JUN-2009	7219.45	[COLOR="Green"]B.HOLD[/COLOR]	7980.00*
18-JUN-2009	7075.00	[COLOR="Green"]B.HOLD[/COLOR]	7980.00*
17-JUN-2009	7040.35	[COLOR="Green"]B.HOLD[/COLOR]	7980.00*
16-JUN-2009	7279.90	[COLOR="Green"]B.HOLD[/COLOR]	7980.00*
15-JUN-2009	7063.30	[COLOR="Green"]B.HOLD[/COLOR]	7980.00*
12-JUN-2009	7060.95	[COLOR="Green"]B.HOLD[/COLOR]	7980.00*
11-JUN-2009	7223.40	[COLOR="Green"]B.HOLD[/COLOR]	7980.00*
10-JUN-2009	7301.95	[COLOR="Green"]B.HOLD[/COLOR]	7980.00*
09-JUN-2009	7111.65	[COLOR="Green"]B.HOLD[/COLOR]	7980.00*
08-JUN-2009	6906.30	[COLOR="Green"]B.HOLD[/COLOR]	7980.00*
05-JUN-2009	7279.20	[COLOR="Green"]B.HOLD[/COLOR]	7980.00*
04-JUN-2009	7292.60	[COLOR="Green"]B.HOLD[/COLOR]	7980.00*
03-JUN-2009	7177.85	[COLOR="Green"]B.HOLD[/COLOR]	7980.00*
02-JUN-2009	7288.35	[COLOR="Green"]B.HOLD[/COLOR]	7980.00*
01-JUN-2009	7303.55	[COLOR="Green"]B.HOLD[/COLOR]	7980.00*
29-MAY-2009	7358.30	[COLOR="Green"]B.HOLD[/COLOR]	7980.00*
28-MAY-2009	7264.05	[COLOR="Green"]B.HOLD[/COLOR]	7980.00*
27-MAY-2009	7230.60	[COLOR="Green"]B.HOLD[/COLOR]	7980.00*
26-MAY-2009	6859.45	[COLOR="Green"]B.HOLD[/COLOR]	7980.00*
25-MAY-2009	7062.30	[COLOR="Green"]B.HOLD[/COLOR]	7980.00*
22-MAY-2009	7058.35	[COLOR="Green"]B.HOLD[/COLOR]	7980.00*
21-MAY-2009	6943.70	[COLOR="Green"]B.HOLD[/COLOR]	7980.00*
20-MAY-2009	7172.30	[COLOR="Green"]B.HOLD[/COLOR]	6402.00
19-MAY-2009	7289.90	[COLOR="Green"]B.HOLD[/COLOR]	6380.00
18-MAY-2009	6812.15	[COLOR="Green"]B.HOLD[/COLOR]	5830.00
15-MAY-2009	5705.20	[COLOR="Green"]B.HOLD[/COLOR]	5710.00
14-MAY-2009	5498.90	[COLOR="Green"]B.HOLD[/COLOR]	5685.00
13-MAY-2009	5514.45	[COLOR="Green"]B.HOLD[/COLOR]	5672.00
12-MAY-2009	5581.30	[COLOR="Green"]B.HOLD[/COLOR]	5672.00
11-MAY-2009	5320.55	[COLOR="Green"]B.HOLD[/COLOR]	5610.00
08-MAY-2009	5397.50	[COLOR="Green"]B.HOLD[/COLOR]	5610.00
07-MAY-2009	5446.00	[COLOR="Green"]B.HOLD[/COLOR]	5603.00
06-MAY-2009	5446.00	[COLOR="Green"]B.HOLD[/COLOR]	5505.00
05-MAY-2009	5575.80	[COLOR="Green"]B.HOLD[/COLOR]	5348.00
04-MAY-2009	5490.00	[COLOR="Green"]B.HOLD[/COLOR]	5254.00
29-APR-2009	5115.65	[COLOR="Green"]B.HOLD[/COLOR]	5222.00
28-APR-2009	4921.10	[COLOR="Green"]B.HOLD[/COLOR]	5183.00
27-APR-2009	5174.05	[COLOR="Green"]B.HOLD[/COLOR]	5087.00
24-APR-2009	5127.50	[COLOR="Green"]B.HOLD[/COLOR]	4997.00
23-APR-2009	4975.00	[COLOR="Green"]B.HOLD[/COLOR]	5003.00
22-APR-2009	4808.55	[COLOR="Green"]B.HOLD[/COLOR]	5081.00
21-APR-2009	4848.90	[COLOR="Green"]B.HOLD[/COLOR]	5156.00
20-APR-2009	4992.85	[COLOR="Green"]B.HOLD[/COLOR]	5166.00
17-APR-2009	5058.35	[COLOR="Green"]B.HOLD[/COLOR]	5110.00
16-APR-2009	4906.65	[COLOR="Green"]B.HOLD[/COLOR]	4992.00
15-APR-2009	5052.60	[COLOR="Green"]B.HOLD[/COLOR]	4815.00
13-APR-2009	4821.95	[COLOR="Green"]B.HOLD[/COLOR]	4655.00
09-APR-2009	4590.60	[COLOR="Green"]B.HOLD[/COLOR]	4564.00
08-APR-2009	4489.35	[COLOR="Green"]B.HOLD[/COLOR]	4487.00
06-APR-2009	4489.25	[COLOR="Green"]B.HOLD[/COLOR]	4186.00
02-APR-2009	4423.85	[COLOR="Green"]B.HOLD[/COLOR]	4269.00
02-APR-2009	4423.85	[COLOR="Green"]B.HOLD[/COLOR]	0000.00*
01-APR-2009	4185.75	[COLOR="Green"]B.HOLD[/COLOR]	4280.00
31-MAR-2009	4093.20	[COLOR="Green"]B.HOLD[/COLOR]	4324.00
30-MAR-2009	4340.00	[COLOR="Green"]B.HOLD[/COLOR]	0000.00
30-MAR-2009	4250.00	[COLOR="Green"]B.HOLD[/COLOR]	0000.00*
27-MAR-2009	4402.70	[COLOR="Green"]B.HOLD[/COLOR]	4250.00
26-MAR-2009	4277.95	[COLOR="Green"]B.HOLD[/COLOR]	4152.00
26-MAR-2009	4200.00	[COLOR="Green"]B.HOLD[/COLOR]	0000.00*
25-MAR-2009	4123.60	[COLOR="Green"]B.HOLD[/COLOR]	4028.00
24-MAR-2009	4002.60	[COLOR="Green"]B.HOLD[/COLOR]	3899.00
23-MAR-2009	3940.05	[COLOR="Green"]BUY[/COLOR]	3806.00
20-MAR-2009	3688.40	[COLOR="Red"]SELL[/COLOR]	3780.00
19-MAR-2009	3758.65	[COLOR="Green"]B.HOLD[/COLOR]	3538.00
18-MAR-2009	3721.45	[COLOR="Green"]B.HOLD[/COLOR]	3508.00
17-MAR-2009	3640.10	[COLOR="Green"]B.HOLD[/COLOR]	3452.00
16-MAR-2009	3738.50	[COLOR="Green"]B.HOLD[/COLOR]	3408.00
13-MAR-2009	3636.05	[COLOR="Green"]B.HOLD[/COLOR]	3362.00
12-MAR-2009	3424.50	[COLOR="Green"]BUY[/COLOR]	3318.00


04-SEP-2009	7476.80	[COLOR="Green"]B.HOLD[/COLOR]	7467.00
03-SEP-2009	7358.10	[COLOR="Green"]B.HOLD[/COLOR]	7488.00
02-SEP-2009	7359.95	[COLOR="Green"]BUY[/COLOR]	7198.00
01-SEP-2009	7378.20	[COLOR="Red"]SELL[/COLOR]	7517.00
31-AUG-2009	7452.30	[COLOR="Green"]B.HOLD[/COLOR]	7492.00
28-AUG-2009	7506.05	[COLOR="Green"]B.HOLD[/COLOR]	7370.00
27-AUG-2009	7400.20	[COLOR="Green"]B.HOLD[/COLOR]	7493.00
26-AUG-2009	7430.95	[COLOR="Green"]B.HOLD[/COLOR]	7500.00
25-AUG-2009	7436.40	[COLOR="Green"]B.HOLD[/COLOR]	7332.00
24-AUG-2009	7522.95	[COLOR="Green"]B.HOLD[/COLOR]	7325.00
21-AUG-2009	7396.55	[COLOR="Green"]B.HOLD[/COLOR]	7117.00
20-AUG-2009	7256.45	[COLOR="Green"]B.HOLD[/COLOR]	7065.00
19-AUG-2009	7099.20	[COLOR="Green"]B.HOLD[/COLOR]	6972.00
18-AUG-2009	7217.95	[COLOR="Green"]B.HOLD[/COLOR]	6954.00
17-AUG-2009	7086.45	[COLOR="Green"]B.HOLD[/COLOR]	6934.00
14-AUG-2009	7414.60	[COLOR="Green"]B.HOLD[/COLOR]	7335.00
13-AUG-2009	7491.05	[COLOR="Green"]BUY[/COLOR]	7324.00*
12-AUG-2009	7177.25	[COLOR="Red"]S.HOLD[/COLOR]	7348.00*
11-AUG-2009	7217.85	[COLOR="Red"]S.HOLD[/COLOR]	7456.00
10-AUG-2009	7159.35	[COLOR="Red"]SELL[/COLOR]	7565.00
07-AUG-2009	7250.15	[COLOR="Green"]B.HOLD[/COLOR]	7228.00
06-AUG-2009	7466.70	[COLOR="Green"]B.HOLD[/COLOR]	7696.00
05-AUG-2009	7626.70	[COLOR="Green"]B.HOLD[/COLOR]	7693.00
04-AUG-2009	7618.50	[COLOR="Green"]B.HOLD[/COLOR]	7632.00
03-AUG-2009	7668.45	[COLOR="Green"]B.HOLD[/COLOR]	7508.00
31-JUL-2009	7554.60	[COLOR="Green"]B.HOLD[/COLOR]	7408.00
30-JUL-2009	7393.05	[COLOR="Green"]BUY[/COLOR]	7398.00
29-JUL-2009	7236.25	[COLOR="Red"]S.HOLD[/COLOR]	7452.00
28-JUL-2009	7323.25	[COLOR="Red"]S.HOLD[/COLOR]	7506.00
27-JUL-2009	7412.30	[COLOR="Red"]SELL[/COLOR]	7508.00
24-JUL-2009	7408.35	[COLOR="Green"]B.HOLD[/COLOR]	7563.00
23-JUL-2009	7483.85	[COLOR="Green"]B.HOLD[/COLOR]	7570.00
22-JUL-2009	7338.15	[COLOR="Green"]B.HOLD[/COLOR]	7514.00
21-JUL-2009	7439.05	[COLOR="Green"]B.HOLD[/COLOR]	7379.00
20-JUL-2009	7544.90	[COLOR="Green"]B.HOLD[/COLOR]	7207.00
17-JUL-2009	7233.80	[COLOR="Green"]BUY[/COLOR]	7029.00
(*) 7980.00 Is The Next Target, While BNF Traders May Take Their Profits At Any Stage.
Exit Of 7980 Only Gets Triggered When BNF Exceeds 70 Points, Means When BNF Reaches 8060.00 That Is When A Trader Would Keep S/L Of 7980.00

Happy & Safe Trading

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