Nifty Intraday Pivot Points

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There Was This Guy Who Puts Up 1000 Bucks Reward For Not Being Able To Name The Correct Profession Of Anybody Just By Listening To The Sound Of The Person Piddling.....

1st Challenger Goes To Perform & Our Man With 1000 Bucks To Give Away Puts His Side Of Head To The Door.................................................
After 1st Challenger Emerges...Our Man Correctly Says He Is A Plumber

2nd Challenger....................................Guess What he Is Again Correct By Saying He Is Writer...

3rd Challenger Goes & Does His Bit.........Our Man With 1000 Is Perplexed...& Queries The Challenger If He Really Piddled...& Challenger Replied back he Did & he wants His 1000 Bucks Reward...

Our Man Is So, So Perplexed...While Handing Over The 1000 Bucks Reward.... Mentions He Will Add Another 500 Bucks If The Winner Could Again Go & Piddle...

Challenger Now The Winner....Agrees But Says He Needs To Wait A While....

Anyways, Awhile Later....Winner Goes In For His Second...Thingy...Our Man Calls For Pin Drop Silence In The Room....& Goes Through His Normal Routine Of Listening From Outside...With The Side Of His Head Stuck To The Door In Rapt Concentration....

Door Opens...& Winner Is Out & Our Man Resigns.... To Ask The Winner His Profession..

Winner: I Am A Psychiatrist My 'P' Is Silent...:D


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I am too much angry on myself today....2nd time in last two days..i missed good oppurtunity to gain profits in going long/short positions alternatively..I was having the belief like...4970-80 will be good support and whenever MNF will touch will bounce did today and on friday also....
Again was thinking that 5050-60 will be good resistance (reading Pranay's thread)...will be good point for shorting...missed again today and on friday...

Why I missed...thinking that I dont know when MNF will bounce could have had happened on friday/today also...So thought anyways I am having MNF long at 4980 and other at better to wait and book profits later on....I dont know..whether i did right or wrong...but for sure I missed the oppurtunity of earning fairly good points on MNF...

One more thing really I am worrying..whether I will be in profit in these trades or not....Only belief I am having now is YOU....
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Hi Keerthi, KalyaniSalem, Pooja, Amit, Padhugvn, Manjeet, Talisman, Chait, Murtaza, Aqua, SM & Those Interested In Options,

5400 CE NOV. Buy Between Rs.8-12

And Or

5300 CE NOV. Buy Between Rs.15-20

Happy & Safer Trading


Is there any reason as to Why you suggested to Buy the Higher Calls of 5300 CE and 5400 CE when we can go for 5100CE or even 5000 CE?.....

Just wanted to know the reasons .... Purely for the learning perspective...:


Well-Known Member
Hi Prabhan,

You Have Every Reason To Be Angry With Yourself, Many A Times Difference Between Profit & Loss....Is Missing Such Opportunites

Happy & Safer Trading


I am too much angry on myself today....2nd time in last two days..i missed good oppurtunity to gain profits in going long/short positions alternatively..I was having the belief like...4970-80 will be good support and whenever MNF will touch will bounce did today and on friday also....
Again was thinking that 5050-60 will be good resistance (reading Pranay's thread)...will be good point for shorting...missed again today and on friday...

Why I missed...thinking that I dont know when MNF will bounce could have had happened on friday/today also...So thought anyways I am having MNF long at 4980 and other at better to wait and book profits later on....I dont know..whether i did right or wrong...but for sure I missed the oppurtunity of earning fairly good points on MNF...

One more thing really I am worrying..whether I will be in profit in these trades or not....Only belief I am having now is YOU....


Well-Known Member
Hi Prabhan,

You Have Every Reason To Be Angry With Yourself, Many A Times Difference Between Profit & Loss....Is Missing Such Opportunites

Happy & Safer Trading

Yes Sirjee..
Sirjee, Now I am having 2 lots MNF at 5006. Considering tomorrow market probabilities (Dow down 100 points aprx) may result in negative asian markets which may impact gap down openining of Indian Market.

Assumption: Nifty will move up sharply and can go till 5200 in coming days and wont test levels below 4900
Let Say Nifty Open tomorrow at 20-30 points Gap down i.e. 4950. Now at this point I dont have any option to do any trade..(except buying Nov 5400/5300 CE)
Movement of Nifty may be:
Option 1: Up till 5020-40, then down till 4950 and remain there.
Option 2: Go down till 4900-4020, then move up till 4980-90, then down till 4920-50 and again move up till 5000+
Option 3: Up till 5020 - 40, then down till 4950 and again move up till 5020-40 and close
Option 4: Up till 5020 - 40, then down till 4950 and again move up till 5115 and above

There might be more probabilites, but above are the 4s which I can think of which are having more chances. Out of these 4 options...1, 2 and 3 are having better chances.

Now, my doubts are..
1. if nifty opens gap down and move till 5020-40 levels...can I book profits in my long and then short 1 lot MNF and wait for lower levels (less than 4980) to cover during the day and again to go long in Nov future??
2. just wait till decent profits are achieved??

Risk in 1st option is "Nifty on reaching 5020-40 may not go down" and as a result I will book only small profits....

Suggest me sirjee what to do....or am I thinking too much??


Well-Known Member
Hi Prabhan,

You Have Missed RBI Policy Announcement Around Noon

Happy & Safer Trading


Yes Sirjee..
Sirjee, Now I am having 2 lots MNF at 5006. Considering tomorrow market probabilities (Dow down 100 points aprx) may result in negative asian markets which may impact gap down openining of Indian Market.

Assumption: Nifty will move up sharply and can go till 5200 in coming days and wont test levels below 4900
Let Say Nifty Open tomorrow at 20-30 points Gap down i.e. 4950. Now at this point I dont have any option to do any trade..(except buying Nov 5400/5300 CE)
Movement of Nifty may be:
Option 1: Up till 5020-40, then down till 4950 and remain there.
Option 2: Go down till 4900-4020, then move up till 4980-90, then down till 4920-50 and again move up till 5000+
Option 3: Up till 5020 - 40, then down till 4950 and again move up till 5020-40 and close
Option 4: Up till 5020 - 40, then down till 4950 and again move up till 5115 and above

There might be more probabilites, but above are the 4s which I can think of which are having more chances. Out of these 4 options...1, 2 and 3 are having better chances.

Now, my doubts are..
1. if nifty opens gap down and move till 5020-40 levels...can I book profits in my long and then short 1 lot MNF and wait for lower levels (less than 4980) to cover during the day and again to go long in Nov future??
2. just wait till decent profits are achieved??

Risk in 1st option is "Nifty on reaching 5020-40 may not go down" and as a result I will book only small profits....

Suggest me sirjee what to do....or am I thinking too much??


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