Nifty : Real time discussions...!

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Well-Known Member
I would say that these are all make believe stories. The people who have the money to manipulate the markets surely have good systems. Then why try and put huge funds to manipulate? In any case, if you are manipulating, putting up several hundred crores, and some fii decides to sell, you either need a few hundred crores more to prop up the mkt, or you buckle and let it fold.

All make believe stories, in my opinion. In todays electronic markets, no one entity can control the market, at least not most of the time.

These stories are cooked up at the end of the day to justify a loosing day or a loosing trade by people whose psychology is not strong enough to take the blame on themselves or their systems.

The markets were manipulated today. Dow futures fell while I was long. The market makers just picked my stop before the markets took off in my direction. All such reasons are excuses for not wanting to go deeper into your own self.

Just my 2 trillion cents :)
Its a market where big players want to push very big volume without others suspecting anything...! Its natural for every market to be subjected to such manipulations. Trick is to acknowledge and find out ways of knowing when a move is false.

COC was as high as march'2011 yesterday. It was possible if there is delivery based selling...! sometimes, the build up on options gives us clues...! stock moving up with very low delivery volume...! These are all clues on the health of the market sentiments...!

all said...! it doesnt affect my trading at all. As I am a mechanical system trader. System says me to jump in the well, i'll jump...! will analyze the rationale only after market...!
My friend, How do you know what what works or what doesn't.
A bit of history about you would be helpful.
I dont know what works or what doent. Just know that blaming market manipulators for movements is being untrue to your self thats all. If I knew what worked, and what did not, I would be having lunch with the EU heads, regarding wether to bail out Greece or not :) And my biggest tension would be to decide, what colour seats would go well with the overall ambience of my Lear jet :)


Well-Known Member
Nobody says, "I made good profits today because the mkt is completely manipulated"
Long at 5138... exit at 5168...! (LOD above trend decider)

first trade clicked because market is manipulated...!

Everyone expected weakness and weak shorts were forced to exit creating the bullish flow of orders...!

second trade failed, a bit disappointed as i was caught in that manupulation...!

3rd trade was clean re-entry...! as i was right the previous time.. market took out my sl... i re-entered...!
My friend, How do you know what what works or what doesn't.
A bit of history about you would be helpful.
It works in America. These days it's a big news there about insider trading on Capitol Hill.
Its a market where big players want to push very big volume without others suspecting anything...! Its natural for every market to be subjected to such manipulations. Trick is to acknowledge and find out ways of knowing when a move is false.

COC was as high as march'2011 yesterday. It was possible if there is delivery based selling...! sometimes, the build up on options gives us clues...! stock moving up with very low delivery volume...! These are all clues on the health of the market sentiments...!

all said...! it doesnt affect my trading at all. As I am a mechanical system trader. System says me to jump in the well, i'll jump...! will analyze the rationale only after market...!
Thats good to read. Though its an OCD with people to explain why it happened.


Well-Known Member
One cannot push high volumes without affecting price, and the skewness would show up in the price as well as volume, manipulation in a way of insider information is possible , but cornering as in old days are distant possibilty now a days even in stocks, well one may say that there are some stocks which are operator driven , but then index manipulation, its nearly impossible because there are so many forces playing there.One wouldn't sit idle if one manipulates, be it HFT or algo or otherwise.


Well-Known Member
first trade clicked because market is manipulated...!

Everyone expected weakness and weak shorts were forced to exit creating the bullish flow of orders...!

second trade failed, a bit disappointed as i was caught in that manupulation...!

3rd trade was clean re-entry...! as i was right the previous time.. market took out my sl... i re-entered...!
good retrospection:clapping:
first trade clicked because market is manipulated...!

Everyone expected weakness and weak shorts were forced to exit creating the bullish flow of orders...!

second trade failed, a bit disappointed as i was caught in that manupulation...!

3rd trade was clean re-entry...! as i was right the previous time.. market took out my sl... i re-entered...!
Come on Linkon, stop explaining why the trades did or didnt work. It should be .... system gave entry. Exit at profit. Or, system gave entry, stopped out. WHY insert english vocabulary into the sentences :)

Sorry, am pulling your leg, or rather, both of them, since I am free today, and the only sane person I know on the forum is active today, so pulling his legs :)


Well-Known Member
I dont know what works or what doent. Just know that blaming market manipulators for movements is being untrue to your self thats all. If I knew what worked, and what did not, I would be having lunch with the EU heads, regarding wether to bail out Greece or not :) And my biggest tension would be to decide, what colour seats would go well with the overall ambience of my Lear jet :)

We are not blaming market manipulators. We are just saying manipulation exists in markets. Dow theory says so.

Bro, Lol And my biggest tension would be to decide, what colour seats would go well with the overall ambience of my Lear jet :).. May be i too would be thinking the same then:D
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