Nifty : Real time discussions...!

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Well-Known Member
What is your data source?:p
I use swiftEOD now...!

its tick data with futures+nifty options + mcx @ 995 Rs per month...!

used to use global data feed before... which is in a class of its own...! but these guys are new and SW is developed by purushottam...!
hi ST ...ATP is right now 5035...future is at 5068... do we expect a short squeeze towards the end ... am i correct ?
Something wrong with your data....after 2:30 today ...the difference never touched this set up was not there today as in my earlier posts mentioned clearly that you need to see this difference near day end ie after 2:45 ....there is no rule that markets should not reverse after 2:45. and this is not posted as a trading system....but it has high probability of trend accelerating at the end of the day if the difference stays above 35 and keeps increasing....

Nothing in the world of trading works 100 % time....we go with probabilities...

I use swiftEOD now...!

its tick data with futures+nifty options + mcx @ 995 Rs per month...!

used to use global data feed before... which is in a class of its own...! but these guys are new and SW is developed by purushottam...!
Purshottam is a nice guy. A class apart. He has supported me even at 1 am in the night. That man is a rare gem.

So, is enterprise giving proper signals with swifteod? because enterprise guys have specified only global data feed as acceptable.


Well-Known Member
Need to clarify a couple of things. Pls bear with me since this concept is new to me.

1. ATP/VWAP after 1445 to be checked for diff of 30-35 points?
2. If price above ATP/VWAP at 1445 or thereafter expect short squeeze and vice versa?
3. About markets reversing. Can one expect price to come back to ATP/VWAP during the day at all times like a magnetic centre?
4. at LOD today just after 1500hrs , ATP was 5033 and nifty future was below that and even went down to 4997. So how does that interpret this data? Shouldnt the opposite of a short squueze have happned?

Sorry abt all these queries.
Something wrong with your data....after 2:30 today ...the difference never touched this set up was not there today as in my earlier posts mentioned clearly that you need to see this difference near day end ie after 2:45 ....there is no rule that markets should not reverse after 2:45. and this is not posted as a trading system....but it has high probability of trend accelerating at the end of the day if the difference stays above 35 and keeps increasing....

Nothing in the world of trading works 100 % time....we go with probabilities...

A V-shaped move:

This is one of my favourite Trade Setups with an absolutely fantastic RR Ratio..... But because of its counter-trend nature.... I always fear to trade this setup.... Have just traded this once with awesome result :).....

My problem is not with getting out early.... But with the entry..... Even today, I had put a Limit Order and then cancelled in a few seconds..... Although I had the conviction and confidence about the move....

Seniors..... Any suggestions.....

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