Dear Members,
Few of you have problems with system errors. Let me list out the errors and give you the solutions for the same.
ChartsData has reference to below listed DLL and OCX files and if any of these files were corrupted or not registered or un registered then below errors seems to occur frequently. Follow below steps and make sure that all DLL's and OCX files are correctly registered.
You can register files manually using the regsvr32.exe tool from windows. Go to Start -> Run -> type cmd and hit enter. A command prompt window will be opened. Then type
regsvr32.exe "(dll/oxc path and filename)"
eg. regsvr32.exe "D:\ChartsData\CData.dll"
and press enter to receive the following message stating that the file was successfully registered. Follow the same procedure to register above listed DLL and OCX files.
1. Run time error (429). ActiveX component can't create object.
2. Runtime error R6025. -pure virtual function call.
3. System Error &H8007007E (-2147024770) The specified module could not be found
All these errors are due to corrupt or incorrect registration of above listed DLL/OCX files. Find a file named Click2Reg.bat located at ChartsData installation directory. Go to the installation path (say, C:\Program Files\ChartsData) and double click the file Click2Reg.bat to re-register necessary dll and ocx files automatically.
Do this twice or thrice if first attempt doesn't work out, then reboot your system and start ChartsData.
This is to re-register all the dll and ocx files that the application requires.
4. If your profile under YAH00 option was not loaded after starting ChartsData, follow below steps and check it again.
a. Start -> Settings -> Control Panel -> Regional and Language settings
b. select "English (United States)" under Regional Options tab
c. select "English (United States)" under Advanced tab
d. Click Ok to save the settings and start ChartsData to see your profile loaded with data's.
Let me know if you face any other issues.