Price action with Candlestick Analysis(No indicators)

So finally, After 6 long hours , I have created a folder for "foundation of price action" , with entries and exits and few examples . However make a note that, You will only be able to view the folder(if you are granted access by me or any other editors --Poor trader/gurmy/cell clinic) and not be able to edit it for the obvious reasons. Not all the charts are present in that folder, but it is enough for new people to get started . Since its hectic to Post all charts from 40++ pages in to that folder, i have kept it simple. As time passes by i will refine that folder and give you updates here , whenever it is updated.
The details and knowledge in that folder is only theoritical , as more and more charts you discuss with other traders, you will gain the knowledge of how to refine your entries and pick the very best trades.
Coming to the real issue , I have created a traderji group folder,
With three separate folders. You can view this folder without any granted access just by link.
(1.)Member discussion.
(2.)Old discussions (before 14-2-2013).
(3.)Upcoming trades.
In first folder, the Q/A of discussions which occur here will be updated from tomorrow
In second folder , Old discussions will be updated , but it will take sometime since dividing data from 40+ pages and arranging is very painfull work for a single person. I will give rights to any other person to edit the Traderji group folder.
In third folder after discussions in this thread, every weekend upcoming trades will be updated by myself.

Regarding the course anyone with Granted access can view it, I or any of the above mentioned editors will add your email to the access list. I will post the link in the below post

For access ,

For viewing the Discussions and replies,

The on going discussions in traderji will be updates in the document for every 2 days.
The old disccusions will be updated as owner/other editors find time to edit.
Dear Hik,
I have requested for access and i think i have been granted access as per the reply in my mail box. However I am unable to see any content of the folders mentioned by you. Kindly guide me how to see the contents of the folder.


Well-Known Member
Hello Dear ...

you was requesting with yahoo id which i was not informed to activate or not & now your gmail id is activated ...

here you can access ...

Dear Hik,
I have requested for access and i think i have been granted access as per the reply in my mail box. However I am unable to see any content of the folders mentioned by you. Kindly guide me how to see the contents of the folder.
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Welcome back Hik... how are things?
I saw the LT trade but thought that resistance at 1478 levels would be an issue. Did not want to take the trade with doubt in the mind. Please let me know ... i will try to post the chart soon.

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