R K Global Issues!

I have a few questions regarding brokerage and margin money at RKG.
Brokerage per side is a flat Rs. 9 per lot. So a single Nifty Options lot would cost 9+9+(0.0927*2(Service Tax))+Transaction tax... so effectively, one Nifty option lot trade cycle(buy+sell) should not cost more than 22-25 rupees. Am I right?
Now, as far as margin goes, lets say, I transfer Rs. 10,000 to my RKG account from my bank account. How much would I be able to trade for on the given day?
Say, if I initially buy for 5,000 and sell the same in one hour. Would I be able to trade for 10,000 provided I haven't suffered a loss in the previous trade, or would my margin reduce by 5,000. Am a newbie so please excuse my rather amateurish questions which may obviously make the veterans laugh out loud...
Thanks in advance.
for a 100 rs premium nifty option 1 lot costs around rs 30 in RKG...you can use the money which is free that is not invested...if you bought and sold then 10000 is free now as in your case....
Any users from bangalore who know which files to download? This is worse than cracking the enigma code :(

I am on Windows XP SP2.

Downloaded the zip file which says XP Only but looks like it was a VC++ redistributable package for Windows XP.

What next? :(
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Please follow the given steps:
>turn off the firewalls.
>Goto www.rkglobal.net
> In the 'Products and Services' option select 'Downloads'.
>From the 'Trading softwares' option download the software from http://rkglobal.net/downloads/Mumbai Diet 9x.zip
>On the downloads page in the 'Others' option download "for xp only" , "diet" , DNS REGISTRY FILE 19-08-2010 and odin scrip master file and 'PATH FILE FOR ODIN DIET'.
>run "for xp only
>Next run "diet" followed by the "dll and pdb setup" given in the "patches" folder
>Run the other files and follow the further unzip commands.
>extract odin scrip master file in C:// -> ODIN -> DIET -> masters
Can anyone tell me how to place market order in Odin? I left the price blank but my order got rejected due to surveillance or something.

I presume Market order gets executed at the price quoted for the underlying script at the designated time. Your order probably got rejected because you had mentioned a price which probably makes it a "Limit" order. Most softwares make the Price column uneditable if you select order type as "Market".
Another reason could be insufficient funds. Surveillance normally states the exact reason for rejection.
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