Hi Raju, I opened account with RKSV and today installed NOW on my Windows 7 64-bit laptop with Excel 2010 32-bit.
I followed your step by step instruction as mentioned in your Post#1 & 2 but I am not getting data in Excel File, instead I am getting cell value/result as "#N/A" which has this formula "=RTD("now.scriprtd",,"MktWatch","nse_fo|NIFTY12MAR5400CE","Symbol")".
Please note that:
[a] I have admin right on laptop but I am not able to create excel file on "C:/" since permission is denied and when i tried to give "full control" from security, it failed, so I created Excel file on "E:/".
If RKSV has to do anything in my account then please tell me that exactly what they have to do because they are new to use NOW and once i asked them at that time they said that they don't know about getting data from NOW to Excel!