Restoring Traders/Investors Faith into Investing


Well-Known Member
I have been talking about this from a year, When the housing market corrects, USA won't be able to survive the depression. 1929 world wide is inevitable.


Well-Known Member
Is it a good time to invest in Bata for long term, say > 5 years !??
I am planning to exit partially from Cera bought at ~470, the CMP is ~1700 ! Any options where I can deploy the funds for long term.


Well-Known Member
I am neutral on Bata from past 6-8 months. but Cera was in my buy list as you can check my previous post, its a wonderful businesses to own. I was attending a conference on value investing and a fund manager said something. he said his clients were calling him and saying that I have booked X% profit in AAA company, and holding BBB rating company.

He said smiling and I agree with him. cutting your winner and holding mediocore business is not a good idea. so keep invested in cera, if possible buy more, for 5+ time period.