Shares Accounting Software for Tax and Portfolio Management

dear rusk,
thanks for you immediate can I upload future & options trade details?in same way?
Yes, you would record the futures/options in the same way. To keep the transaction volumes sensible, I track them under separate broker code (e.g HDFC_FUTURE). This allows me to separate actual investments in shares v/v non fund backed trading. Just is just the way I like and does not mean you need to follow the same. The product will track PL for futures / options just as it does for any other script and can manage them within the same broker or seperate broker codes.

Hope that helps.



Well-Known Member
Yes, you would record the futures/options in the same way. To keep the transaction volumes sensible, I track them under separate broker code (e.g HDFC_FUTURE). This allows me to separate actual investments in shares v/v non fund backed trading. Just is just the way I like and does not mean you need to follow the same. The product will track PL for futures / options just as it does for any other script and can manage them within the same broker or seperate broker codes.

Hope that helps.

My uploader shows only sharekhan,icici & sharekhan the xl sample file supports to sharekhan futures also?
My uploader shows only sharekhan,icici & sharekhan the xl sample file supports to sharekhan futures also?
You can record your futures transactions in Sample data just as you do you trading transactions. The product provided a means of maintaining accounting for Stock trading and therefore, all the intelligence to distinguish futures with trading is already built in. The file upload process knows what to do with each transaction that you record in the file.

Therefore, if you want you could create a new broker code and use the same ICICI format to import your futures trading data.

Hope that helps
Hi Group,

I have posted an upgraded version of the product with a few new features and more importantly the file upload bug resolved.

The release notes and new application file can be downloaded from

Existing users need not loose their data. They can simply replace the application installation and get started on the new version with their existing database.

I look forward to hearing your opinion on the features that are currently available and if you would expect it to do something more than what is on my radar at the moment.

this google site opens but when click to it does not open.have try 100 times to download.
plz upload files somewhere else
I am sorry that you could not download the files.. If you can drop me an email at [email protected], then I don't mind emailing the new appl to you.

Alternatively, you may want to check if you browser is blocking pop ups, in which case, you press CTRL before clicking the download link.

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Dear Rusk,

After u have upgraded ur software still icici and sharekhan appears in the new version u have not added new brokers now wat to do also sir wat is this new error on ur software u in ur previous thread told ur givin free software and now ur sellin this product usin traderji its not fair.




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Dear rusk,

ur new version also has the same error while uploadin the file and today a new error just went to upload one file its says to contact u to buy the software how is that u told its free on traderji and now ur sellin ur product.

Rusk its not good ur cheating every member here and even the moderators

pls i would like traderji to ban rusk from displayin his email id's and products

pls look at the file attached and reply to my thread as soon as possible

Dear rusk,

ur new version also has the same error while uploadin the file and today a new error just went to upload one file its says to contact u to buy the software how is that u told its free on traderji and now ur sellin ur product.

Rusk its not good ur cheating every member here and even the moderators

pls i would like traderji to ban rusk from displayin his email id's and products

pls look at the file attached and reply to my thread as soon as possible

It appears that there has been branching issues in the product, which have lead to this behaviour.

My intention to provide this product for FREE to Traderji community was and will remain intact. Certainly, there will be more advanced features that I will include at a later date, which will come at a price. Those features are not included in the release notes. Rest assured all of the features noted on the release notes will be offered for FREE.

As for your new error, if I may request you to kindly post a copy of the file you are trying to import then that will be great help for me to understand and resolve your error.

The sample data.xls file u have given or uploaded in ur file from where i have downloaded it and m just entering data in to it and uploadin it and nothin new i m doin that is creating such an error. Secondly when u said the software is free then wat branchin issues and y are u selling ur product be clear wat price for ur product when u have clearly told the product will be free for members Refer Your thread No. 11. Is that u who has typed or someone else on ur behalf has done it. pls be frank have u uploaded the file for ur testing once done u will go sellin ur product to members here at traderji ur gettin a free platform it does not mean u should cheat on tellin free free then ask for money as u programe did today n u say branchin issues how is that possible

i would ask moderators to pls look into this matter and stop this person from misusing Traderji website

hope to hear soon regards

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